Questions & Answers

  1. How many people have signed up for Adsense but have no website?
  2. How exactly does a router work?
  3. Double standard men multiple partners?
  4. Which game for xbox 360 do u think i should save up for?
  5. Can Graves disease kill you?
  6. what do u.v lights show up ????
  7. How is a guy suppose to dance?
  8. Does anyone know where i might find a manual for microsoft works 9?
  9. What would be a good group name?
  10. what would happen if funAdvice dissapeared?
  11. Does health insurance cover braces or how much do they really cost??
  12. How am i suppouse to react when my parents tell me that i might not be my dads child?
  13. is there a way to make it so that when i use the search bar to search for stuff i can see questions that are recent?
  14. How can you make donuts at home???
  15. what was your favourite childhood toy?
  16. why do i have such small hands compared to a lot of people i know?
  17. what do i do if my mom treats me like a maid and my older brother and younger sister special?
  18. Do you think Germany was to blame for the First World War?
  19. Does anybody know what phone the mercedes benz c220 uses for the built in telephone?
  20. what would happen if a 2 weeks old piercing stayed a day without a stud on, will it close?
  21. Is the Darkness in St. Louis, MO scary???
  22. what should i do tennis lessons or piano lessons?
  23. How does a good motorway system make it cheaper for a business to operate?
  24. What does "Recreation Reserve Committee" mean?
  25. Is it ok for 7-12 year old girls to skateboard?
  26. Why might a business WANT to set up in an area with many competitiors?
  27. Would Korean reunification be a good thing?
  28. are samsung tocco lites worth the money ?
  29. Can you block contracts on a blackberry so you cant go over and get charged?
  30. How were you personally able to pay for your college tuition?
  31. why do fish live underwater?
  32. Why so many ancient civilization built Pyramids on different continents?
  33. What is the best time of day to take birth control pills?
  34. what is pyromania?
  35. What is the funniest word and the funniest name you've ever heard?
  36. Where do all these frequent on and off headaches come from?
  37. Why don’t you ever see the headline Psychic Wins Lottery?
  38. How many items do you usually buy when going shopping for clothes?
  39. Does 5 hour energy work?
  40. Do you know who has the biggest hand & feet in the world though?
  41. Who knows if its true that drinking alcohol will help when you are having trouble with your kidneys?
  42. Do you and your significant other have a song?
  43. How long does a yellow light stay on when changing from green to red?
  44. How can I ignore this guy when I present this thing in class on Monday?
  45. How do you write critiques on poems for a literature anthology?
  46. What Can I Use As Shaving Cream For My Legs?
  47. Where could I find a good knee length skirt?
  48. Would it be bad to say your a pyro?
  49. Does anybody know a virtual game that you can play were you have a husband and raise kids LoL?
  50. why dose feng shui work?
  51. Who's the red head chick that plays in Iron Man 2?
  52. How can I go back to MSN Mesenger 9.0?
  53. What is the right kind of pretty?
  54. Why do you lie?
  55. How do I convince my parents to buy me a skateboard?
  56. What iPad app starts with the letter A and has a genie who asks you questions to figure out who you are thinking of?
  57. Is it possible that I have athsma?
  58. is there any tips to help ivf have a good secess rate?
  59. Who has heard of the Kadori flat iron??
  60. Why do i owe ebay £9.80 for nothing?
  61. What length size jeans can a 6foot7 tall guy wear?
  62. What is the best advice your mother or father has ever given to you?
  63. How to cure my fear of heights?
  64. What are some fancy qutoes about Rome ?
  65. would the phrase 'Evil smelling' be a similie, Symbolism, metaphor, or hyperbole?
  66. what is the story of "Heavy Rain" ?
  67. Can we post our own version of a howto if someone else has already posted it?
  68. What do you think of my poem on life? ( poem in comments below).
  69. Do you think sushi is good?
  70. Where can i buy rap t shirts in Sydney?
  71. whats your opinion on the execution?
  72. How should i make a neko tail?
  73. Which insect species would you get rid of?
  74. How hard is it to publish a trademark?
  75. Is the Group Styles Of Beyond Still Together?
  76. Do I have good reasons to move out of my mom's house?
  77. is octopus healthy to eat?
  78. How to get food color off skin?
  79. How should i make neko (cat) ears?
  80. How many bags of Candy Corn would it take to fill a 30 gallon fish tank?
  81. How much bigger would my boob's grow if I just took ONE Yasmin birth control pill?
  82. How much caffeine is in the "extra strength 5 hour energy shots"?
  83. What do you guys think about this "fake weed" which is called spice?
  84. who here has Avatar powers?
  85. why do I still get drug dreams?
  86. What can I do to feel better?
  87. what would happen if the earth flliped upside down?
  88. What if we're BOTH wrong?
  89. What is good to eat if you have epilepsy?
  90. How could I get internet, if I got a new lap top?
  91. Where did the peace sign come from?
  92. How do i get nail pen ink of a dresser without ruining the wood?
  93. What is a good deal for an acoustic guitar case?
  94. Does red bananas taste significantly different from the normal yellow ones?
  95. why are my hands cutting.
  96. Does anyone on here have the birth control implant IUD and what do you think of it?
  97. Why do people cover themselves in tattoos or dress differently and then complain when people look at them?
  98. Does the Toronto Maple Leafs Have good players??
  99. does getting punched in the boobs hurt girls as much as getting hit in the b*lls hurts guys ?
  100. Does your school use "Blackboard" or "Moodle"?