What is the best advice your mother or father has ever given to you?

My father told me “Dont ever let anyone make you feel bad for being who you are and being happy”

Answer #1

my dad told me when he gave me the ‘talk’ is “GUYS ARE PIGS ALL THEY WANT TO DO IS GET IN YOUR PANTS!” (sorry if its inappropriate but i love that advise)

Answer #2

my father always advice me to help people in need and he does it too.

Answer #3

When I was having trouble at school my mom told me this it’s a little harsh but I found it was true “I know being cool is a big deal for u now, but if u slip up every once in a while so what? U will probably NEVER see these ppl again when u graduate! Relationships will come and go but ur family will always be there.

Answer #4

Mum: “Dont move in with your boyfriend when you’re older because when you two break up you’ll be f*cked” And Dad: “If you pop a blister and pus comes out you should get it looked at before you have to get your leg amputated or some nasty sh!t like that”

Answer #5

That’s not true, not all guys are like that.

Answer #6

ik my dad said that to me when i was getting tha talk when i was younger

Answer #7

My father always told me to not judge people by there past but to see them for who they are in the present. He always told me never to sacrafice my happiness and that Knowledge is one of the only thing that can’t be taken from us. My list can go on, my father taught me so many things that will stick with me forever.

Answer #8

haha i love the dad one

Answer #9

my momma taught me “The less you talk, the more you’re listened to” :]

Answer #10

Mother: “You have to be more positive. Negativity will get you no where!” (If only she practiced what she preached!) Father: “Trust no one, except the other hand in your other pocket!”

Answer #11

Mum: “F*ck them” Not as in sex.

Answer #12

my mom always told me do the right thing, and be a good person & my dad always told me to not take advantag of my life there are unfortunate people out there that would die for a house, food, & a family…

Answer #13

My parents always told me that friends were temporary and I’d be lucky if I kept even 1 of them for the rest of my life… They were sooo right!

Answer #14

I agree with Angel…not all guys are like that…i just havnt met a guy yet who isnt…or doesnt…have yet to find one someday!

Answer #15


Answer #16

The advice my mom always gives me is, “Stop being so pessimistic, you need to be more positive.” If only her advice worked

Answer #17

I really don’t think my mom has told me anything to help me get though issuses with my friends or life. But my Dad gives the BEST advice. He has said- “Don’t trust anyone,especially not church people” “Don’t lean money to Famliy,To them it’s not “Leanding” “Don’t grow up to be one of those wives that wine to get everthing they want,if you want something just take it(not from a store u have to pay 4 that 1st) “Some Black people are just Ingorant as hell” My Dad is Awsome! >:D

Answer #18

My Dad: “the world is dangerous and full of idiots, so be careful, and watch your back :)” My Mom: “don’t rush yourself in relationships, if you rush them, they wont be speacial and you wont feel as full of love as you should.” My dad is kinda goofy though, so i guess thats why im hardly serious XD

Answer #19

“Fu*k them, they dont know sh!t”

Answer #20

Dad: try to not doing anything stupid today Mom: you don’t ever have to take anything from anyone Dad: stop wandering off and walking into the middle of the street Mom:’stop not doing ur homework and study for once ( actually helped) Dad: don’t burn the house down Dad: when the reffs not looking, pop em one

Answer #21

My dad has always been there for me so i have to when he says if aa guyy makes you cry or makes you feel like your the problem hes not worth your love you find someone better than kick him where it hurts lol Ilove my dad for that

Answer #22

my mom told me to treat people how they treat me dont let anyone walk over me and stand up for what i believe in.

Answer #23

I always got told ‘don’t’. But I did anyway. Turns out I shouldn’t have.

Answer #24

The best advice my dad gave me is not to give up and to try my hardest in school. It has taken me a ling way. :)

Answer #25

Dad: You are the best you, you can be. Honestly this was the only thing I ever held in the back of my head growing up and was the best peice of advice I ever had said to me by anyone.

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