Questions & Answers

  1. Is there a limit to the World Of Warcraft's free trial?
  2. What can i do with wheat bread so that i dont waste it, when i cant stand the taste of it?
  3. What is the U.S. doing to Afghanistan?
  4. Can I play Vindictus in Malaysia?
  5. How can my friend convince her mom she's not anorexic?
  6. How do I bring up the topic with my parents that I think I'm depressed?
  7. How do you get the rings off glass top stove?
  8. What is the MLA format for citeing a book?
  9. How do I take a branch off of a rose bush and root it?
  10. what are some cute designs to draw on your fingernails with one of those nail art pens?
  11. How come people can go to war at 18, but cant drink until 21?
  12. can a person have herpes and have unprotected sex with a person for over a year and not give it to their partner?
  13. What is cheaper Trailers or apartments?
  14. How to stop my body from eating my fat that stored?
  15. What's the physical/mental difference between someone with autism and someone with down syndrome?
  16. what is your opinion on the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?
  17. how many of you have been depressed for more than two weeks?
  18. Why do we need some foods more than others?
  19. what does: ''tacho quede loco con la foto'' in english mean?
  20. When should invites to a New Years Eve party be sent out?
  21. How can I stop being cold all the time?
  22. What is the cause of autism?
  23. what exactly do they do when a girl gets a physical?
  24. What usually happens if the wisdom tooth is starting to come out?
  25. What does prime factorization mean?
  26. How are you supposed to take care of a hamster?
  27. Does anyone know what ' i romam ' means in Latin?
  28. What do you do while you are waiting in a doctors office?
  29. why aren't brazilians recognized as Americans ?
  30. Who has heard about Disney being an evil corporation?
  31. Does Justin Bieber really smoke pot??
  32. how are propaganda and bias different ?
  33. Why is Justin Beiber so famous?
  34. what is another name for transportation fee?
  35. how do they keep people out of the haunted house attractions after Halloween?
  36. is it just me or does anyone else find it strange and wierd that OLD men are commenting on YOUNG girls pics calling them sexy?
  37. How do I upload pictures to my computer?
  38. How do we insert an equation for a straight line graph in Excel 08 mac OSX?
  39. how ngr work in earthing system?
  40. Why do I have major breakage in my hair?
  41. How well do water bras work?
  42. Is it possible for a guy to never grow full facial hair?
  43. Does anyone have any tips for for quick and efficent packing?
  44. Why haven't I been eating or sleeping well???
  45. What are some pants that are warm but still looks good?
  46. How do I stop being so afraid of people?
  47. Can you purchase real HCG without a prescription?
  48. How do we keep our gmail or yahoo safe from hackers?
  49. Why am i getting muscle contractions ?
  50. who is the king of salsa?
  51. Can someone help me get over my fear of getting a physical?
  52. Is it true that drinking water helps relieve stress?
  53. what does smoosh/smush mean?
  54. What are the advantages and disadvantages of credit cards?
  55. What percentage do you have of getting pregnant while ovulating?
  56. why do i always think about this same person every night?
  57. does anyone else love eating with chopsticks?
  58. What is satay?
  59. What is the best, and safest way to clean dust off a laptop's keyboard?
  60. is it true that if you get a nose piercing you can breath through it(if your nose is plugged)?
  61. What type of materials are the replica LV handbags bags made of?
  62. Did anyone else notice that people dont give out candy like they used too?
  63. How do you deal with wanting to move high schools, but not being able to?
  64. Why does candy make you twitch?
  65. What does stoned and boned mean?
  66. Would it hurt if i put nail varnish on my hair to try and get hairspray out?
  67. How can I live with immigrant strict asian parents?
  68. Does anyone have any tips with offence in basketball?
  69. What is the best present you have ever recieved?
  70. What do i do with my old mp3?
  71. Could SCENTED antibacterial soap be why my tattoo is having trouble healing?
  72. What was your favorite Halloween story?
  73. what does 8o8 mean?
  74. Why isn't it telling me when i get points?
  75. Why does Edward Cullen sparkel?
  76. How can I uninstall from my browser?
  77. What are Maseratis?
  78. What are the affects of Ecstasy?
  79. how to fix stick out ears without surgery ?
  80. What does it mean when one side of your stomach twists and cramps up when you laugh?
  81. What would you prefer online school or just going to school?
  82. Is there anyway i can make my nose apear thinner and pointier/sharper?
  83. Are there any tips or tricks to make your lips appear smaller/thinner?
  84. How do you say 'everyday' in French?
  85. does anyone else hate it when someone replies a text message with " lol" or "k"?
  86. Who here actually finds the "jersy shore" look attractive?
  87. what is the difference between a regular essay and a research paper essay?
  88. Is there a difference between the wax strips you use for your legs and wax strips you use for your face?
  89. how can you get your matabalism up???
  90. How can i nicely call off plans with someone that i dont really like?
  91. whats wrong with my ipod the earphones wont work?
  92. How exactly does Maegan's law work?
  93. Can i get a restraining order at only 15, or is there a certain age i have to be to get one?
  94. does anyone else have their phone on silent no vibrate 24/7?
  95. Is there a software that can help me to track what my brother is doing with my laptop?
  96. What does energy security mean?
  97. Is it better to run in the morning, or the evening?
  98. How do you stop your nail-beds from splitting and the skin peeling (very painful!)?
  99. What was your favorite clothing item from the Summer just passed?
  100. how can i convince my boyfriend that my mum likes him and he is welcome at my house?