Why do we need some foods more than others?

Like we need a lot of grain but not so much on meats and beans. Why is that? Sorry if this question has been asked before. Just wondering.

Answer #1

because we need the nutrition from some foods more than we do others. for example, we need more of the vitamins and minerals in veggies than the carbs in breads. the carbs in bread are still essential, just in smaller amounts.

Answer #2

Thanks! =) I’m liking your answer!

Answer #3

We need certain vitamins and nutrients to say healthy. Certain foods offer more stuff we need than others (And some don’t offer any). We also need more of certain vitamins and nutrients than others.Eating a blanaced diet is very important in maintaining good heallth.

Answer #4

usually when we want a certain food more than somethiong else it usually means our body is craving it. like if our body is craving potassium we eat a banana

Answer #5

Generally we ‘need’ more veggies and grains and fruits supplemented with protein sources, animal or vegetable. In order to get a balanced vitamin, mineral, carb, and protein amounts, we should eat a wide variety of foods. We don’t ‘need’ more foods more than others, we need the right amount of foods for our particular body. The more processed the food is ( not natural, made up of non-food stuff) the less nutritious it is) so if you eat too much ‘junk’ food, your body is missing vitamins and nutrients it needs. Just eat a wide variety of ‘natural’ foods. Pretend you’re a hunter/gatherer when you go to the grocery store. What would they pick up, something in a package? NOT! there are no packages in nature. Go natural as much as possible, (except for ice cream!) then anything is ok, imo.

Answer #6

Thanks you guys!

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