Is it possible for a guy to never grow full facial hair?

My boyfriend is 20, and he doesn’t have much facial hair at all. He only has side burns, and a little under his chin. Is this normal?

Answer #1

Not uncommon. My facial hair was very spotty at 20 and I have met lots of people who couldn’t grow a full beard. I didn’t have enough facial hair to even grow a goatee until I was 40.

Answer #2

Absolutely. Everyone is different . Thats what makes us all special. My husband who is in his 50s, shave once a week (Must be nice! I have to shave my legs daily! LOL). Some fellas have to shave twice a day as there facial hair grows so quickly, while others barely ever.

Answer #3

At that age very common… I can grow a full beard but can’t grow sideburns and im in my thirties… not sure how that works really..

Answer #4

and i only have to shave twice a week..

Answer #5

Very possible. If fact I have a cousin who does not have a hair at all, just because his dad’s family is like that, it’s all in the guys genes.

Answer #6

My grandpa can’t grow a beard to save his life - and never has had much body or facial hair. Once he had surgery in his mouth, so he wasn’t allowed to save for a month. Barely had a scraggly peach fuzz beard.

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