How can my friend convince her mom she's not anorexic?

My friend’s mom thinks she anorexic because she has lost weight even though she is already really skinny. Sometimes she doesn’t feel like eating because she feels full but she DOES eat.

Answer #1

She should sit down and have a serious discusiion with her mom, letting her know that she wells understands her fears and that she understands how dangerous anorexia is and that she is eating and not suffering from it.

Answer #2

Invite her over your house for dinner and let your parents watch her wolf down a feast right in front of them.

Answer #3

You did say that she skip meals and is super skinny…while she may not be fully anorexic, its still possible that she could be in thee begining stages of an eating disorder and her mother has every right to be concerned if her child i underweight. I would suggest for your friend to make a doctor appointment to find out if she has malnurtition and talk to her doctor about healthy weight gain and eating choices.

Answer #4

It is very unhealthy to not eat and all that. Have you sat, down with your friend and,really sat down and talk to her about this? Your friend is showing sighns I having an eating disorder. I dont blame the mom for bein worried she wants the best for her daughter and she is seeing bad things. Try meaby really talking to your friend and seeing if she traying to loose weight.

Answer #5

And her mother somehow knows less about the daughter she raised than you? Do you think anorexics dont eat? People who dont eat at all would die in a couple of weeks. Obviously anorexics eat. If her mother is worried, perhaps it is best to get a checkup at the doctors.

Answer #6

Tell her to eat a big mac infront of her.

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