Questions & Answers

  1. Is it going to be more than 60% online jobs from now on as we get to see more and more number of people only interested in online jobs?
  2. What good does sudoku do for you/brain?
  3. What is Tiber swimming team?
  4. When on your inactive pills when do YOU PERSONALLY start your period?
  5. Why is it that public schools require you to go a certain amount of days or you wont pass into the next grade?
  6. How would you feel if you were Neil Armstrong and had just taken the first step on the moon?
  7. How do you get rid of holes on your face from piercings?
  8. What will happen if I post something funny like a joke on this feed?
  9. When you pierce your tongue is it better to do it fast or to do it slow?
  10. How can you shrink shirts without putting them in the dryer?
  11. Do you believe in the quote-" Those who keep studying will remain young" ?
  12. how much indian blood do you need to go on a indian reservation?
  13. is there still a chance you can get pregent while yer boyfiend is smoking weed ?
  14. Does anybody know where I can find the song Never Heard Of It - She's over it?
  15. Why isn't South America called America?
  16. What is the probability of a girl who was molested as a child to grow up and b a pedofile herself?
  17. Is this enough to get my rapist in jail?
  18. why do they put teachers who can barely speak English to teach us the important things?
  19. is it right for a teacher to tell a student he feels sorry for the students mother for having the student?
  20. Where can I get a good in depth book on being a wiccan?
  21. How do I bring back my tab closing option?
  22. How do you pronounce James Iha's last name?
  23. What do you think about San Francisco banning toys in happy meals and other kids meals?
  24. How do I get my kitten to leave my Pug alone?
  25. who can explain this economics statement ASAP?
  26. Do you always study alone or like to have group discussion during exam time?
  27. what does MDN # mean on my mms message request?
  28. What's the average amount of time spent for sleeping?
  29. do fish have tongues?
  30. why do i feel sick after working out?
  31. What it be wrong if i bought a another dog for my parents for christmas , even though a month ago my other dog died?
  32. Is there a certain age to be able to buy an animal from the pet store?
  33. Whats a good meal plan if you have diabetes?
  34. What kinds of healthy dinners can i make for my dads high blood pressure and heart health?
  35. what does titanium mean?
  36. How do you descide on a good horoscope for a school newspaper?
  37. Is cum really good for you?
  38. What stores sells Jack Skelleton products?
  39. How do I know if I just had an anxiety atack?
  40. How much does the teacher matter when teaching a student?
  41. Whats the best diet you've been on or heard about?
  42. Does a mailman deliver his own mail?
  43. Do you think that education is too standardized?
  44. How can I get rid of this TERRIBLE boredom just after finishing exams?
  45. could someone list me some social and economic impacts with appropriate examples?
  46. What are some good indie bands to listen to that are like Florence and The Machine?
  47. Why does it hurts when i pee and causein bleeding?
  48. What is it about humans that let us move on?
  49. How do i cope with a death in the family? . . .
  50. How does the U.S. Marshal force differ from other authorities?
  51. If i say i sold my car for $200, how much would the taxes be when we go to the tax, title, and license place to switch the title?
  52. Whats the leading religion in the world?
  53. what web site can i get free music making software from and what type of shop can i buy some from?
  54. Do you go to the bank in order to open up a savings account or a checking account?
  55. Whats the difference between a muffler and exhaust in a car?
  56. How to get cat litttter stains out of a carpet?
  57. Does anyone know where I can get a cheap car for 300 in MN?
  58. Is the U.S. doing anything to help fight drug wars in Mexico?
  59. Why am I having hot flashes, when it's cold?
  60. What's the best way to get blood stains out after they've dried in?
  61. Which do you prefer, FPS or RPG games?
  62. How can we earn big in article writing sites?
  63. What do you think about my drawing I did using only Gimp?
  64. What do you have to do in order to become a real estate agent?
  65. why we need a lover in life?
  66. Can anybody give me a list of female victorian industrial bands?
  67. When do you hit l r in pokemon action replay to activate code, for pokemon platinum for ds?
  68. Is it necessary to eat 2 eggs daily for those who do heavy exercise?
  69. Do you think man is powerful than any other creature in the world?
  70. How to make your hair bumpy in shape?
  71. Why do uggs make your feel smell really bad when you take them off ?
  72. What is a good title for a story about going on a ride at the amusement park?
  73. Why do animals never have toothache as they never brush their teeth?
  74. How long do you think it will take the American dollar to regain its former strength ?
  75. Why do i like to stay home from school when i have my period ?
  76. When you were younger what fairy tale character did you want to be??
  77. how can you give a hint to someone without spoiling the suprise?
  78. Is it possible for a civil engineer applying job in Oil Company?
  79. What would you prefer: A world without technology or a world without colour?
  80. Are you ready to become a movie star if given an opportunity?
  81. how can i get my mum to stop smoking inside?
  82. how old do you have to be to have a baby and legally keep it in queensland?
  83. why does my baby brother keep crying is it the formula?
  84. how to prevent chaffing?
  85. What does superhuman mean?
  86. Why do earthquakes happen regularly now?
  87. Can birth control make ur boobs bigger without you getting fat?
  88. Do cows have to be pregnant to produce milk?
  89. What are your thoughts on the Australian film, The Dish?
  90. Do you believe in future computer with no hardware?
  91. How can I shut noisy students in class room without offending them?
  92. What do you all think about that new Michael Jackson song, do you think its him or not?
  93. What are some good questions to ask when looking for creativity in a person?
  94. who know if you get music from itunes you can transfer it to an mp3 like windows media player?
  95. How much does a white 32Gb iPhone 3GS cost?
  96. Can someone with vision in only one eye watch a 3D movie?
  97. Who has seen saw 3D and did you like it?
  98. Which one is better, Nook or Kindle?
  99. How should I deal with a flatmate who has no idea how to budget?
  100. what kinds of food is good for the eye?