How do I get my kitten to leave my Pug alone?

(I have a 5 month old kitten and she is constantly harassing my pug. My pug is scared of her and keeps trying to avoid her, but she keeps following him everywhere. She has gotten so bad the pug has started snapping at her. Yet, she still won’t leave him alone. I’m worried he might eventually hurt the kitten if she continues. Everything would be fine if she would simply leave the poor pug alone.)

Answer #1

nah, he understands she’s just a “baby” anddoubt will do anything to drastic to hurt her he may slightly harm her enough to give her a shock like “oh, okay, he wnats to be left alone”, but if he’s just snapping & hasn’t gotten to that point yet, I doubt he will before she realizes. However, if you feel the need you can always fill up spray bottle with water and spray her when she wont leave the pug alone.

Answer #2

The kitten wants to play, the pug is the only playmate it has. With your supervision they will work it out. I have 5 cats from 3 separate litters of one mother (before we were able to catch and spay her. Riley, the dominant cat was a bully to all of the other cats and I would chase him up stairs every time I caught him bullying. He could come back down anytime he wanted. After I got that under control the three male cats, including Riley, would bully the smallest female (shadow). I showed them it wasnt acceptable to pick on her by chasing them upstairs. After a while they got it. Shadow was too scared to come down stairs and play because of the bullying. Now she is getting quite comfortable there. When the playing gets too rough she comes by me and the other cats back off.

Answer #3

Thank you! I appreciate your advice. Cats just don’t listen the way dogs do! We have two other dogs that love her, yet when she wants to lay down she goes straight for the pug everytime!

Answer #4

Thank you for the advice!

The kitten actually has two other dogs that adore her and an adult cat that likes her. For some reason I can’t understand she just LOVES the pug. The pug is very gentle and never snaps, but in the last week I’ve seen him snap at her at least ten times.I thought when it started that she’d get the hint, but she just doesn’t take him seriously. He been snapping more today, like he’s starting to lose his cool.

Answer #5

Pugs have such cute faces, Maybe your kitten likes the way he looks because he has such a cute scruchy face, and he is prob a really good cuddler, kittens are weird little things, she may grow out of it

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