Questions & Answers

  1. Does the term "preponderance of the evidence" mean the same as "beyond a reasonable doubt" in court?
  2. How much does a regular washing machine weigh?
  3. Who were the Minoans?
  4. Why is my cat pulling hair out of her kittens?
  5. Does anyone have any interesting stories about how their parents chose their name?
  6. How can i shave after getting a tattoo withouy getting razorburn?
  7. Is it normal for 7 months puppie to have a big/long penis? He is a min dachshund/pincher mix.
  8. Are there any legit and safe websites where you can send in your jewelry, and receive cash for it?
  9. where can I find a Heath Ledger poster?
  10. Is it bad that I still don't drink or want to drink even though I am 21 years old now?
  11. What is an interegnum?
  12. How come i don't get excited or really happy easily?
  13. Who heard that only 2 of the First Ruldolf puppets survived?
  14. What determines the amount of time a lightbulb will last?
  15. Can somebody give me two examples of Newton's third law and one of his second?
  16. Which is better for you, beef or pork?
  17. Is "irregardless" a word?
  18. Would film fall under the fine arts or the preforming arts?
  19. How would you write a introduction about North Korea and South Korea argumentative essay?
  20. Why is it bad to stand in front of a microwave when you heating something?
  21. What episode is this from vampires diaries?
  22. What can help to you get rid of pain in your hands/fingers?
  23. Do men and women differ in the way they shower?
  24. Who here has had an abnormal pap smear?
  25. Is it true that if you drink milk with your medicine, the medicine will not work, if so...why?
  26. How do the year groups work at schools in America?
  27. Do they pay tuition fees in The Republic of Ireland?
  28. Should I use Diesel Models?
  29. How can I increase the chances of orgasming during sexual intercourse?
  30. Is there anyway to stop following a question(details will make more sense)?
  31. Which do you feel gets more answers:questions or status updates?
  32. Who thinks its a good idea to make your daughter grow her hair so she can donate it?
  33. Who thinks extensions are pretty& worth all the work of putting them in your hair everyday?
  34. how many days the air force have on leave?
  35. Where can i find recordings of Garfield and Pink Panther voices?
  36. What is the best way to tell your parents that you're moving out?
  37. What are the differences between Craigslist and Kijiji?
  38. Why is it fair for a princapel to search your locker?
  39. What are some foods that are high in iron?
  40. How do I download full MP3 videos to my computer and then to my cell phone ?
  41. Is Sound Proof Ceiling really effective?
  42. How can i get my cat to sleep on his new bed?
  43. How long is the air force soliders gone for at a time?
  44. Do you think bootcamp is good for out of control kids?
  45. How do you make a sock monkey?
  46. How can I get into the bookmaker business?
  47. How can i get a buy to mature a little bit? :/
  48. How does a Power Plate work?
  49. how do u send text messages with songs in message?
  50. Do power balance bands work?
  51. Do anybody know any asexual artist besides Emilie Autumn?
  52. What kind of disease has the symptoms coughing out blood and intense pain in your insides?
  53. How if possible, Can i use cupcake mix to make brownies or cookies?
  54. What is the hardest branch of the millitary to be in?
  55. What would you leave behind in 2010 and Why?
  56. Is it a form of offense or rudeness to call someone a "dude"?
  57. Who knows a lot about the economic and political situations in the country Luxembourg in Europe?
  58. Is there a solution for huge traffic problem in some cities?
  59. why does it say "permalink invalid" when i tried to comment on a photo?
  60. Why did the US government sponsor two Oregon state sentators to visiti Maldives?
  61. Why did they stop playing softball in the summer olympics?
  62. Do you rely on your friends or relatives when money problem comes?
  63. How high does the heart rate have to be to need to go to the hospital?
  64. What does Phone Console and Calculator Word Processing mean?
  65. What can it mean when someone has their stomach expanded?
  66. why is my mom incapable of being proud of me ?
  67. what is a bruno mars song that makes you cry?
  68. How do time zones work:?
  69. what are the names of songs that made you cry?
  70. Who like looking at nudity more women or men?
  71. What do you think of Obama going on MythBusters?
  72. Does anyone know the story behind Danny Worsnop's naked pic??
  73. what is a state certification?
  74. Why don't respective governments take action to recover all the black money to improve countries economy?
  75. What does Major mean on the Education part for a job application?
  76. What's a "five knuckle shuffle"?
  77. When they ask you Type of Business in a job application what does it mean?
  78. Is it a big, and bad change to go from being in a public school all your life to going to an online school?
  79. Is it ok to when u watch t.v. to always want to watch like forenics shows, like forensic files, law and order, csi, shows like that, or is it odd?
  80. Is yao ming hurt?
  81. Why Does It Seem So Right To Be Accepted If Your A Female Homosexual But So Wrong If Males Are Homosexual?
  82. Why am i occasionally leaking a clear, sticky fluid?
  83. Why would your spouse be upset if you get a promotion at work?
  84. Is there anyway to improve my communication skill?
  85. Is it true that drinking water helps your heart rate go down?
  86. is there a way to make a video on youtube popular?
  87. Does anyone know the full summary of "The Story of My Life by Helen Keller?"
  88. Why does my finger print log on to my computer no longer recognise my finger print?
  89. Can finger prints change when you get older?
  90. What are radio active areas like?
  91. whats the best way to get water stains off a white shirt?
  92. Which is better for you, orange juice or milk?
  93. What's your opinion on the cgi puppy now on the new Andrex advert?
  94. why does everyonr think that lewis caroll (author of alice in wonderland) was on lsd when he wrote the book?
  95. does anyone know if there is a body bleaching cream for a south indian?
  96. what are some ideas for door decorating ideas for christmas?
  97. how long is a frozen turkey good for?
  98. What is the Berlin Wall?
  99. Do you think that the goverment should make laws for our own personal safety?
  100. What are all the names of the people in the band Slipknot?