Questions & Answers

  1. Where did the question go that I was supposed to answer?
  2. Will being stressed delay my period?
  3. How do iPod Nanos work?
  4. How can I get a job with a felony?
  5. What are catchy songs from Korean dramas?
  6. Are there any book clubs online that don't require a credit card?
  7. What's your favorite perfume?
  8. Is m*sturbation OK right after giving birth?
  9. How long is life after death?
  10. MP3 player question?
  11. What is the UK like?
  12. Is helping someone cheat the same as cheating?
  13. Do you think Bush is evil?
  14. Why don't you answer my question?
  15. Did he really love me?
  16. Do I have a depression problem?
  17. Where can I work in California?
  18. What was your bra size at 13?
  19. What are good places to go to unblock sites?
  20. Is it possible to lose about 60-70 lbs in 5 months?
  21. How to lose weight in 2 days?
  22. How do you insert a tampon?
  23. Why does he have difficulty staying erect during sex?
  24. How do you know when a bra fits?
  25. Where can I take a violin to be tuned in Sunnyvale, CA?
  26. How to get my thighs slim?
  27. Why do my breasts feel achy?
  28. Should I try to fix our relationship?
  29. Is it right for me to tell him how I feel?
  30. How to stop my dog's annoying habits?
  31. Have you heard Carrie Underwood's new CD?
  32. Is it possible to lose 3lbs in a week?
  33. Is suicide really worth it?
  34. Does cutting mean you're possessed?
  35. What's a good song to give to a crush?
  36. What if people think we're lesbians?
  37. What are good hotels in Sacramento?
  38. Does anyone know the answer to this riddle greater than god?
  39. Is my best friend abusing me?
  40. How do I stop my friend from cutting?
  41. What if we're in a weird triangle of crushes?
  42. What do guys like as presents?
  43. How do my legs look?
  44. What should we sell to raise money for a hotel?
  45. How to prove to my boyfriend that I didn't cheat?
  46. Can you buy supplements from GMC in Canada at 13 years old?
  47. Should I get a new blonde hairdo?
  48. How do you get a girl to like you?
  49. Should I dump my girlfriend if she can't pass science?
  50. He put his penis on the outside am i pregnant?
  51. How do I save a video from YouTube?
  52. Will people like me based on race or style?
  53. Is my camera broken?
  54. Will he like me if we are different races?
  55. Does going goth look right on people of all races?
  56. Who wants to know the truth about Judaism?
  57. How can I get over him or get his attention?
  58. Where is my period and how to lose belly fat?
  59. What do you think about the Family Guy episode?
  60. How can we have a baby?
  61. Can I play Sims 2 on Vista?
  62. Could I be bulimic?
  63. How do I get a girl to like me?
  64. Do I have body dysmorphic disorder?
  65. What should I get my boyfriend for Christmas?
  66. How do I get him to ask me out if his friend likes me?
  67. How to convince a girl that I want her?
  68. How can I safely lose weight?
  69. How can you meet The Jonas Brothers?
  70. How to get past Myspace filters?
  71. How can I throw up w/o sticking something down my throat?
  72. What's Zac's Efron's full name?
  73. Where can a felon work in Phoenix?
  74. How do I keep a long distance relationship hot?
  75. Does anyone work in an Estate Agency?
  76. How can I stop thinking about another man?
  77. How to read replies to questions?
  78. What if a boy asks me out but I'm not sure?
  79. Do you know anyone whose high school romance lasted?
  80. How do you not be so tired all the time?
  81. Is there a home remedy to delay my period?
  82. How to be a parent to six kids?
  83. Can your hymen grow back over time?
  84. What should she do?
  85. Why can't I copy and paste anything from here?
  86. How to backup files to reformat the harddrive?
  87. How can I get fast muscles?
  88. Where can I get music downloads for my friend's iPod?
  89. Does this make me a bad friend?
  90. Why haven't I had my period this month if I'm a virgin?
  91. What if drinking water makes me feel sick?
  92. How can I tell my Mum I want a proper bra?
  93. What can I get my friend for Christmas?
  94. Is there a chance of getting pregnant?
  95. How to tell my son his Daddy isn't his real father?
  96. Whose patronus is the Doe in Harry Potter?
  97. What to do if I love two amazing guys?
  98. How do I go about growing up and moving out?
  99. How to delete previous questions?
  100. How to prove that I didn't cheat just because I didn't bleed?