How do you get a girl to like you?

ok this girl I know she realy realy likes the boy he gooes along with it ok andhe says she is ugly and stuff I realy like her but she will talk to me but her frindes does not like me and she will not date me what shood I do help me out people

Answer #1

You could try impressing her by doing something special for her (make sure it’s not a creepy special thing lol) but If she doesn’t feel the same way.. try move on. Like they say “theres plenty more fish in the sea” lol im sure you’ll be fine hun!

My advice could be a little confusing so do what you think is right!

Hayley =)

Answer #2

Maybe, this girl is not meant for you.. try out something. maybe try to impress her but don’t do anything bad. be yourself with a little zestt. lol just have fun and if it dosn’t work out there’s probably someone else out there for you…

                                                            Best of luck 
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