Questions & Answers

  1. What if you dream you're being dumped?
  2. Is my song good?
  3. How to get signed by Hollywood Records?
  4. How many songs can a 4G Nano hold?
  5. Would you think that they like each other?
  6. What are cute styles for short hair?
  7. Do you ever feel bad when you think about your crush?
  8. How to ask my parents if I can move in with my boyfriend?
  9. I feel left out around my friends
  10. Why am I obsessed with cleaning with bleach?
  11. What makeup with brown hair and green eyes?
  12. Have you seen Requiem For A Dream?
  13. Is the Meet the Spartans song a real Britney song?
  14. Does anyone like these stores?
  15. Kid Nation- does anybody like Greg and Blaine?
  16. How long until results show from pilates?
  17. How to make my laptop go faster?
  18. What if you like your best friends bro, but your dating someone?
  19. How to get pictures from my cell to my computer?
  20. How to be great at oral sex?
  21. How to mermaids reproduce?
  22. Is she a true friend?
  23. How to get a dog to come over and never want to leave?
  24. How to lose some of my butt?
  25. What to tell friends who are stressing about sex?
  26. How to lose inches on my lower stomach?
  27. Where can I get cheap boardshorts?
  28. Gamestop credit and the value of my items?
  29. Are all Rottweilers violent?
  30. What to get him for Valentine's Day?
  31. How do I talk to my teacher about this?
  32. Should I have a baby?
  33. Are college classes hard?
  34. How to kiss passionately?
  35. How to get my kitten to keep his food down?
  36. "Virus Heat Anti Spywear"
  37. How to put songs on my Motorola Krzr k1?
  38. Do I need to take anger management?
  39. What is your favorite song right now?
  40. Do you believe in guardian angels?
  41. What is a Morman?
  42. What good softwares are good for remixing music?
  43. What fruits can a pregnant lady eat?
  44. What to get my girlfriend for Valentine's Day?
  45. Are you getting tired of US election news in your country?
  46. Want to lose weight?
  47. Should I go blonde or will it turn me orange?
  48. Is watching pornography a sin for Roman Catholics?
  49. Home remedies for a sore throat and cough?
  50. How do I make a Bebo skin on Photoshop?
  51. Are There Any Good Websites That Will Help Me Learn French ?
  52. What's the song called on the train advertisement?
  53. How to convince my Mom to keep me in my school?
  54. How to get waves if your hair is straight?
  55. How long should you let your nails get?
  56. Has anyone here had heart conditions at a young age?
  57. What's a healthy weight for me?
  58. How to not change my email for Live ID?
  59. Do prostitutes go to Hell?
  60. Are there any natural ways to regulate a period?
  61. What music do they play at Hollister?
  62. How to forget about food?
  63. Why does it take Sims 2 forever to load?
  64. Baha Men autograph worth?
  65. How to help a dog sick to its stomach?
  66. What if my boyfriend isn't social but I am?
  67. Is it right that my nose piercing bleeds when I move it?
  68. How to lose 20lbs in about 1 or 2 months?
  69. Anyone Else here play guitar?
  70. How to even out my eyebrows?
  71. How to get rid of my eye bags?
  72. would you attend a Jessica Simpson concert?
  73. What does "natural" really mean?
  74. How to upload comics on manga sites?
  75. What are some muscle building foods?
  76. What are some tips for making out?
  77. Parental Control: leading to mental abuse?
  78. What facewash will help acne?
  79. What are some good punk rock bands?
  80. What's a good program to exercise biceps?
  81. Why won't my canary incubate her eggs?
  82. Which time period would you want to visit?
  83. Do you put Murray's wax on daily for waves?
  84. What spa to send my parents to for their anniversary?
  85. What fruits and veggies to plant and when?
  86. Does Tetralysal 300 cause loss of appetite?
  87. What are some old school hip hop songs?
  88. How to cope with having a baby at 14?
  89. How many Molly Babies?
  90. How to naturally get rid of a headache?
  91. Who knows any good Chuck Norris jokes?
  92. How to get rid of fleas in a carpet?
  93. Can you see who rated your photos?
  94. Is texting ruining the minds of teens?
  95. What's the best food to use for mouse traps?
  96. Where can I find this Commercial?
  97. Should I stay with him or leave?
  98. Should women take charge?
  99. Does my cat look fat?
  100. Can a 14-year-old work in a clothing store?