Questions & Answers

  1. BMX freewheels and drivers?
  2. About fishes black molly
  3. Do you know good hevay metal bands
  4. Make a bebo app?
  5. How to act when backstage?
  6. Jackie Chan movie
  7. Septum piercing pain
  8. Question about bras
  9. Promise ring
  10. Best place to have sex?
  11. Would you rather??
  12. my friends wont stop littering
  13. Honda civic or nissan 350 z what wins in a race?
  14. Is she playing me?
  15. I still love my ex boyfriend yet we broke up last year.
  16. Why am I scared and worried about everything?
  17. Issues with my Dad
  18. Kinda need someone to talk to?
  19. Harry Potter should I read the books
  20. I need extra money, how do I make more?
  21. What career do you think would suit me?
  22. Another riddle, black when you buy it, red when...?
  23. Has anyone ever felt like this?
  24. Riddle, can you figure it out?
  25. Does this work?
  26. Does anyone play texas hold em poker?
  27. Tragic violin/piano song?
  28. Riddle, what goes up and never goes down?
  29. Hard riddle How quickly can you find out what is unusual about this
  30. What do you think?
  31. Extremely Irregular Period.
  32. Will I be banned by Blizzard ?
  33. How do you gain weight?
  34. Riddle There's a body lying dead on a bed, and
  35. I Think I've Gone Crazy
  36. How can I fix this?
  37. Does anyone listen to PennyWise?
  38. Does smoking really cause lung cancer?
  39. Biteing finger nail too short
  40. What's your addiction??
  41. I think my boyfriends an Alcoholic...
  42. Can bicycling tone calves down?
  43. Dream date
  44. Music downloading software , other than . Limewire and bearshare ?
  45. How do you know that you have anorexia?
  46. Whats your school name
  47. Favorite Sports Player?
  48. Favorite Rapper?
  49. Will Michael Phelps give me Jonas Brothers meet and greet passes...
  50. Is it a good idea to go see my cousin?
  51. Who is sick of the Jonas Haters?
  52. Why am I finding hair here?
  53. parents are always stopping me from having and doing things?
  54. How do I add people on youtube?
  55. E-MAXX probs blew with lots of smoke, is that normal?
  56. Free Music Downloading
  57. Question about a cat.
  58. Gossip co stars
  59. Continue or Quit?
  60. Every Day I Download About 50 Songs, do I have a problem?
  61. Can I make a free anime webstie?
  62. Working out.
  63. What is the simple course of College
  64. I need help with my boyfriend
  65. Pointfest!
  66. Why do Men 21 or older Date girls whos age 15?
  67. Do you believe that michael phelps eats 12,000 calories per day?
  68. How do I meet the Jonas Brothers
  69. What happens for the winners of the Jonas Brothers poster contest
  70. Where to sit at lunch
  71. Confused About Love?
  72. Are my friends really my friends I cant tell.?
  73. Choose Your Headline.
  74. Am I asking this too soon or whatever?
  75. Do tattoos hurt really bad?
  76. Piercing pain?
  77. My boobs hurt could this be a sign I'm pregnant?
  78. Can you ride your bike with no handlebars?
  79. Scared he won't call, in tears I need advice what should I do?
  80. How many hours would it take for me to straighten my hair
  81. Wait for school to start or ask her out now?
  82. Does the bench press make your boobs bigger?
  83. Flashpoint
  84. Creating links on youtube?
  85. I need help finding...
  86. Olympic Swimming
  87. How can you lose like ten lbs in a week
  88. How to remove dark circles?
  89. Friends or not?
  90. Is it possible to make someone's nose smaller without any surgery
  91. I want my ex back
  92. Getting slim
  93. How can I make my girlfriend "want" me?
  94. Clothes for school
  95. Can anyone tell me how to do donald duck's voice?
  96. What website to make your own nike shox?
  97. How could you cool a whole home in a hot rural area?
  98. What are some heavy metal bands?
  99. Heard from the man I'm involved with.
  100. What to do when you head tells you one thing and emotions another.