Working out.

Hey. does anyone know some simple ways to tone up the abs and arms? without weights?

Answer #1

EAT HEALTHY. don’t go anerexic or anything, but watch what you eat. for one day right down EVERYTHING you eat. be specific. how many pretzels did you grab out of the bag? how many fruit snacks were in that pouch? writing things down helps you realize that you are eating way more than necessary.

then the next day, carry your list around with you. maybe just stick it in your pocket as a little reminder. that way when you are searching the cabinets for a snack you’ll realize you aren’t really that hungry.

if you really want to get into write down where and why you are eating. is it true hunger or meer boredome or stress?? finding out where can help you avoid it. for example: do you always eat when watching tv? next time you sit down in front of the tube you’ll be a little wiser.

swimming burns LOADS of calories. :] remember how hungry you always are after swimming? yeah, that’s why.

HOPE THIS HELPS!! :] feel confident, okay babe?

Answer #2

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Check out this link for exercise information:

Answer #3

Yeah, have you ever heard of core rhythm? What it is is an exercise video. And instead of the regualar boring stuff, this makes you dance. So dance away if you like to, if not do it anyway. Sway your hips from side to side over and over with your arms in the arms and your on the tip of your toes or whatever. Just dance, but make sure you work your hips and a lot. You will work those abs believe me. If you don’t feel the burn then your not doing it right. If you have cable, they show it on tv all the time, or you can go to I woulda downloaded it, but nobody has it yet, so I have to buy it, lol. Good luck!

Answer #4

yes for your abs you need to do crunches and this might sound stupid but have lots of sex. for the arms you need light weight weights thats all

hope that helps:)

Answer #5

-Crunches -Sit ups -Cherry pickers=like going up in a sit up and stay there. put your hands to your waist and switch to your oppoiste part of your waist. Keep going. Plank-Like a sit but but the part of ut arm from your elbow to your fingers should be on a floor. push up with the rest of your body and your back should be like a plank.

Good luck!:)

Answer #6

swimming is brilliant, so is cycling, aerobics and pilates are known to tone the muscles as well.

Answer #7

Thanks again guys!! This is great. :)

Answer #8

wake up one hour earlier than you normally would and go for a run or walk then get home and have a shower and you will be feeling great. it might be a bit hard to get used too getting up so early in the morning tho but after you’ve done it for like a week or two you’ll feel awesome =]

xx Robbie

Answer #9

Thanks!! That helps a lot and Maddie, I’m a swimmer! Isn’t that funny? the reason why I want to get toned up again is to start the swim season of RIGHT. and thanks, this did help!

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