Questions & Answers

  1. What is the difference between active and passive cell transport?
  2. What would happen if my butter corn snake constricted around my neck?
  3. How to get rid of small pimples fast?
  4. How do i decide whether or not to keep my baby?
  5. What does the painting "Guernica" by Picasso represent?
  6. What's the difference between Charles Manson and Charles Bronson?
  7. When a store sends you a bill can you pay with cash?
  8. Does smoking cause premature ejaculation?
  9. What are some jobs a 14 year old can find in Bethlehem or Allentown, PA?
  10. How does being on your period effect your weight?
  11. Has anyone here ever visited Africa?
  12. Where can I find a computer/laptop wholesaler in Miami Florida?
  13. How do I say goodbye to him, without causing too much pain?
  14. What happens if the mail carrier leaves your shipped item outside or in your mail box and someone steals it?
  15. How do I stop being too obsessive with my girlfriend?
  16. Do you think a half dollar coin could be worth anything?
  17. What do they mean when they say "Get me sum rubba"?
  18. Why do I lose so much hair in just one day?
  19. What are some websites to make good YouTube backgrounds?
  20. How to gain weight healthily?
  21. How can someone remove audio from their videos?
  22. Is it normal that I feel like life is nothing but a never-ending dream, and question why and how human life was made?
  23. Do you think it's bad to eat pancake mix?
  24. What general type of crime can get you a year+ in prison?
  25. Do I have to have parental permission to get emancipated from my family when I'm 17?
  26. How to divide the concept of crime?
  27. What is a good surname for a girl in my story?
  28. What's a better pet - a snake or a hedgehog?
  29. What could this burning feeling behind my knee be?
  30. What is an example of a privacy statement?
  31. What do I do if I messed up cutting my bangs (read more)?
  32. What does it mean if I don't get my period during a month every few months?
  33. How can I make my face and skin lighter or pale looking?
  34. What are some of your favorite Sushi rolls?
  35. Can someone tell me most of the properties of metals and non metals?
  36. Does it cost anything to get a driving permit, if so how much?
  37. How much would you pay for a wedding photographer?
  38. What are some good basses for cheap?
  39. What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising?
  40. What kind of addiction is the most harmful to your health?
  41. What can you do to stop the itching from a mosquito bite?
  42. What's the last name of this opera singer (read more)?
  43. What are the chances of Schizophrenia being passed on to the Schizophrenic's first child?
  44. Is it bad that I don't generally feel 'love' towards any people besides my boyfriend?
  45. Is it wrong that the mini fridge my parents got me bothered me?
  46. What causes a scar to be either thick or sunken in?
  47. Why are some people heavy sleepers while others are light sleepers?
  48. How can I get a thigh gap?
  49. What are some really good makeup artist schools in California?
  50. What's a really good recipe for a cake topping with whipped cream and strawberries?
  51. Do you think any of these sound like a form of OCD?
  52. What are some little subtle ways to see if a boy likes a girl?
  53. Do people still crimp their hair and does it look good?
  54. What makes people a 'redneck' or 'country' (read more)?
  55. How long do you wait after surgery to remove the clear film they put on the surgical incision?
  56. How does Dairy Queen cook their hotdogs and what kind of hotdog do they use?
  57. What's your favourite work-out song?
  58. Why is the inside of my vagina fat ?
  59. What hair dye can I use that won't come out?
  60. Do you wear shoes while kickboxing?
  61. What are your favorite poems (read more)?
  62. What kind of emotional things can I expect after a hysterectomy?
  63. Can face wash remove makeup?
  64. Would it be unfair to say to my boyfriend if I will not stay with u if u go overseas and what should I do ?
  65. What were the indirect reasons for the first war?
  66. What is the difference between colonialism and imperialism?
  67. Can you wear bronzer in the winter?
  68. Why won't Disney open their eyes and realize the trend with their stars and fix it?
  69. Do you know any book or website where I can find examples of business plans for different businesses?
  70. what are some reasons for waking up feeling like shite as if your ill but your not but then you feel like that constantly?
  71. Does anyone know what to put on pancakes besides syrup?
  72. Is it illegal for an employer to work an employee for 10 hours and only give them a 45 minute lunch and no breaks?
  73. Why is my ankle taking so long to heal?
  74. What happens when two people with different blood types have children?
  75. Does anyone else have specific sleeping habits that won't allow them to sleep through the night?
  76. Does waxing hurt?
  77. How well does Veet work?
  78. Is it true that when girls shave (legs, arm pits, arms) it makes the hair grow even more?
  79. What causes shaking at night and vomiting?
  80. What is a good way to get your bowels moving again after surgery?
  81. Can doctors see if you had cancer cells in your bloodstream even if they took the blood for a different cause?
  82. What are the best lip gloss colors and eye shadow colors for olive skin?
  83. What are the best smelling lotions and soaps?
  84. Where to find Henley shirts?
  85. What are some funny books?
  86. How to get rid of bad acne without cleanser, ointment, etc.?
  87. Should I demand my band teacher to let me play the instrument I want?
  88. Can I use the same makeup brush for my blush, bronzer, and foundation?
  89. Can girls still get their period if they're pregnant but it's really irregular?
  90. How do I move across the country with a newborn?
  91. Can you buy the white iPod cord separately anywhere?
  92. Can somebody give me a description of the economy and major businesses in the Columbia Plateau?
  93. What can prevent the spread of impetigo/school sores?
  94. How can you get candle wax out of carpet?
  95. How to improve my skin tone?
  96. Why is my girlfriend's nipple black?
  97. What are some good books that deal with life struggles through depression, self harm or some sort of mental disorder(bipolar, bulimia anorexia ect)?
  98. How long should I wait to go to a 00?
  99. Could a Savage 3030 take out a feral hog?
  100. Why do dogs kick their leg when you scratch their favorite spot?