Questions & Answers

  1. What's a CAT scan?
  2. What is "congestion in the ear"?
  3. Is there a website where people can write down their feelings, like an online journal?
  4. Who can eat this much butter?
  5. Is it true that when your ear is ringing someone's talking about you?
  6. Why does it always feel like everything bad that could possibly happen, happens to me?
  7. What are favor boxes for a party?
  8. Do you think a girl is fake if she wears extensions (opinions)?
  9. How do you dress formally with scratches on your leg?
  10. How can I start a brief statement of why would I be an ideal candidate for a job application?
  11. Why is it so hard to obtain perfect pitch?
  12. Can you get skin surgery to remove freckles?
  13. What are some simple foods that can be made with cheese, like grilled cheese?
  14. Did anyone watch Glee yesterday (Wed, Nov. 9, 2011)?
  15. How can I do my hair like this photo?
  16. Why do people dislike Lady Gaga?
  17. What are some fun websites to go on other than Facebook and Myspace?
  18. What are those websites where you can see the sex offenders and such in your area (I need a URL?)
  19. What are some good ideas for an indoor full moon ritual?
  20. How much do cartilage piercings hurt?
  21. Are you a bad person if you feel relieved when a parent dies, because you didn't get along with them well?
  22. What are some Serbian and Croatian holidays?
  23. What percent of America has one or more pet dogs?
  24. Do the new curly looking light bulbs have mercury in them?
  25. FunAdvice Trivia: What were ladies asked not to wear at Prince Edward's UK wedding?
  26. Have you experienced any effects from the recent solar flare that is starting to face the earth?
  27. What do you think of the nation wide emergency test happening in the USA?
  28. What are your opinions on the Duggars expecting their 20th child?
  29. Whats the difference between CHI flat irons and a normal flat iron?
  30. Why do I have a white discharge on my underwear?
  31. How do you stop yourself from killing yourself?
  32. Who invented the radium clock?
  33. Do you think people wash/bathe too much?
  34. Do nose peircings hurt?
  35. Why do people keep "praising" Modern Warfare 3?
  36. Would this preschool lesson plan be considered Science or Language Arts?
  37. How do you rewrite 17% to show that it is rational?
  38. Why do pregnant women sleep a lot, or often feel tired?
  39. What does this East of Eden quote mean?
  40. Can birth control cause depression?
  41. Is it harmful to drink a gallon of water a day?
  42. How many glasses of aloe-vera juice should I drink a day?
  43. Where in Oklahoma City, OK do they hire felons?
  44. How much will a couple of horse novels and books be worth?
  45. Where can I watch The Walking Dead series 2 online?
  46. What should I do honestly? (no mean answers!)
  47. Who likes Justin Bieber's new song, "Mistletoe"?
  48. Should I watch Supernatural or Smallville?
  49. FunAdvice Trivia: Which book did Mark Chapman read while waiting to be arrested after the murder of John Lennon?
  50. Did you have any doubt that Dr. Conrad Murray would be found guilty for Michael Jackson's death?
  51. What type of hair cut should I get for my birthday?
  52. What are those toys called where you get a bottle attached to them and you feed it when ever it cries and the bear used to smell of fruit?
  53. Short story +updated+ *Horror/Gore/murder*
  54. Should I remove the hot pink colour from my hair or dye it all back to black again?
  55. What are some hairdo's for A-Line Bob haircut?
  56. Do I have to have a license to sell a dog for over $200?
  57. Should girls/women wear bras to sleep?
  58. What organic material are mirrors made of?
  59. What would be a good message to share as a pageant contestant, preferably directed towards teens?
  60. How can you tell if a Coach bag is real or fake if your not buying it from Macy's or the actual Coach store?
  61. do you think with what im doing ill get ungrounded soon?...
  62. What's the best method to clear a shower drain?
  63. Why do the palms of our hands and the bottom of our feet have different pigmentation than the rest of our body?
  64. Is Taiwan a part of China?
  65. FunAdvice Trivia: What star sign is shared by John Major and Sir David Frost?
  66. What is the difference between having the money in the bank or putting the money in a credit union?
  67. Is the vandalism of a Calgary war memorial a sign that Canadians are losing respect for fallen soldiers?
  68. How to properly edit a video using Roxio Creator?
  69. Can you delete questions off your profile?
  70. What does "hey shawty" mean?
  71. Does anyone know why my videos aren't uploading?
  72. Should girls wear boxers as shorts?
  73. How much is the iPhone 4S with an upgrade?
  74. Should I give this guy my friend's number?
  75. How can I make my hair appear less puffy when I straighten it?
  76. How can I stop peeling the skin under my fingers?
  77. What are some outfits/ types of clothing that look good on petite girls?
  78. Why does my computer keep writing in numbers?
  79. What is a good thing to Google that, if your boyfriend were to look at, it would make him wonder?
  80. Are these muscle spasms a type of seizure?
  81. What would be at the top of your bucket list?
  82. Why wont my iPod update to the new version?
  83. How to make straightened hair look less 'over processed'?
  84. Is there porn star playing cards like Pokemon just with porn stars on them?
  85. How come the Biathlon .22 rifles make almost no sound?
  86. Is it normal for my scalp to burn a little with hair dye, but it goes away?
  87. How do I stop my budgie from eating our wallpaper?
  88. Why is there no security for trains in London, Ontario?
  89. Can you still tie balloons with acrylic nails?
  90. What lay behind the horrors of the slave trade?
  91. How do you spell "Visen Vergun"?
  92. Who else is addicted to Tetris?
  93. How can I make my hair blonder/what's the best brand of blonde hair dye to use?
  94. Which sport is most exciting - Cricket or Football?
  95. Would you date someone in the air force if you knew them in person?
  96. What's that feeling called where you can sense someone's presence?
  97. Is $25 for three hours of babysitting three kids a fair price?
  98. What is your favorite music album?
  99. How can I fix this Flash problem since I upgraded to Firefox 7?
  100. How is hair supposed to feel with bleach in it?