Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. What does Dogma mean?
  2. Does Lil Wayne worship the Devil?
  3. Run and not be weary?
  4. Should schools teach intelligent design and evolution?
  5. Seperation of church and state in the Constitution?
  6. Agree with this assessment ?
  7. How is music used in the Roman Catholic Church?
  8. Must you be saved to go to Heaven?
  9. What is the difference between Catholicism & Christianity?
  10. Is it ok to become agnostic?
  11. Just wondering if anyone believed in reincarnation?
  12. Do you have a problem with other religions?
  13. Is painting allowed in Islam?
  14. What is the name of the religion you spoke of?
  15. Science vs Religion: How is it even an issue?
  16. What did our Earth start with?
  17. Do you believe in Nostradamus's prophecies?
  18. What do you think about Jesus?
  19. Should Christians pay a tenth of everything?
  20. Is Scientology good or bad?
  21. Why do Christians follow the Bible?
  22. What is the best Christian theology school?
  23. Isn't using magic against God in the Christian religion?
  24. When is the world going to end?
  25. How do you know if a hex or curse has been put on you?
  26. What if I'm finding myself doubting God?
  27. Do you think ghosts are real?
  28. Do I have to be saved to be a Christian?
  29. Has fear of hell influenced your thinking?
  30. What is Karma?
  31. Who wants to share their story of finding Christ?
  32. What if talking to your children about God is not lies?
  33. Will the world end in 2012?
  34. What's the right day to go to Church?
  35. What is my religion called?
  36. Why do people try to convert others to their religion?
  37. How to help my Agnostic boyfriend become Christian?
  38. Why are Christians so into religion?
  39. What does it take to live your life under God?
  40. Where did the spirits go?
  41. 'God Moments' - ever had any?
  42. Why did God reject Cains sacrifice?
  43. Is evolution real?
  44. What did Jesus mean by this?
  45. Why do things push you away from God?
  46. What's the difference between faith and destiny?
  47. Who will be the first man to inheret the Kingdom of God?
  48. Is GOD real?
  49. A question for Christians
  50. How to find my religion?
  51. Explain briefly the beliefs of scientology?
  52. How to get my best friend to stop bugging me to follow her beliefs?
  53. Who believes in karma?
  54. What religion are you?
  55. What is God's name?
  56. Can you teach me witchcraft?
  57. Why are people so selfish?
  58. What is God's love like?
  59. Does God exist?
  60. Am I going to Hell for having a miscarriage?
  61. Were there religions 4,001,200 years ago?
  62. Something I've wondered about Athiests...
  63. What really matters?
  64. Is religion just a label?
  65. Why do some Atheists degrade people for believing?
  66. Is there an afterlife?
  67. Why do people think Jesus is going to resurrect again?
  68. Are you prepared for when Jesus comes?
  69. How can someone believe in Jesus?
  70. What is the "will of God"?
  71. Is fighting over religion just like...
  72. How to tell my Mom I want to convert to Islam?
  73. Does the Odyssey date back further than the Bible?
  74. Was the Mark of the Beast on his hand?
  75. Why do so many Christians suffer?
  76. Why is the world full of evil?
  77. What race is the Anti-Christ?
  78. How to rebuild my faith?
  79. Are Christians suppose to pray according to Canonical Hours?
  80. Is the world controlled by religion?
  81. Do you think "religion" inhibits us?
  82. Why so many poor in a world of riches?
  83. Does Christopher McCuin hear God?
  84. How old were Mary and Joseph when Jesus was born?
  85. How to personally experience God?
  86. Who is Joseph in the Bible?
  87. Is it okay to curse if I'm a Christian?
  88. How can you know that you are God's instrument?
  89. What wood was the cross of Jesus made from?
  90. Is it OK for a Christian to dance?
  91. Where do animals go when they die?
  92. Do women have to wear the hijab in Islam?
  93. Who answers the chat with God?
  94. Are you a Jehovah's witness?
  95. Anyone else have problems with Jehovah's Witnesses?
  96. What made you believe or disbelieve in ghosts?
  97. Does your zodiac sign suit your personality?
  98. Does anyone think they've seen a ghost?
  99. How did we get here?
  100. Should psychics be allowed to play the lottery?