Will the world end in 2012?

Me I dont think it will I think something will happen.But I dont think it will be so horrible. But I wont to know what you think

But if we keep going the way we are the world will end from US

Answer #1

When the Sun goes KABOOM!!! in about 10 million or billon years, thats when I think it will end.

Answer #2

Lot of interesting answers here:


Things happening in the world today are no worse than they were in other times in history. The world is not going to end in 2012, that’s a false prophecy based on more fear mongering.

Answer #3

In response to your statement

-no everyone thought the world would end in 2000 and unless my timing is way off, its 2008 and were still living…but then again you never know… -In actuality, Everyone did not think that the world would end in the year 2000, they thought that computers were going to crash. That was the Y2K craze. In response to your statement. -Well I think 2012 is alittle to soon maybe in 2050 we will be in trouble because of glaicers melting causing places like the medlives and Bangledash to be under water and our growing population which will reach 9 billion in the next 5 years who knows where it will be by 2050 probably moree. but I don’t think the world will end in 2012

  • The world population will not reach 9 billion in 5 years. Currently the World Population is 6.6 billion and is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. IN response to your statement -When the Sun goes KABOOM!!! in about 10 million or billon years, thats when I think it will end. -Our Sun is too small to go through Supernova so, it will not explode, it will become a White Dwarf instead. This will not happen in either 10 million or 10 billion years. The Sun will become a Red Giant in 5 billion years and become a White Dwarf in about 6 billion years.
Answer #4

Al Gore exaggerated the rate and impact of rising sea levels for his documentary to scare people

Don’t be so sure - when I was at High School I was involved with some projects involving NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research, NZ) which was doing studies in partnership with a similar US institute. Part of our involvement was that we had to help process and map data on the Ozone Layer and Sea Levels, and what I saw in the Al Gore documentary was in line with the raw & process data I saw firsthand being a part of that.

Being a Pacific country nearer to the Antarctic (New Zealand), we are affected most by the thinning Ozone layer, and nearby Island nations are beginning to feel effects of rising sea levels - in fact many of these Islands are buying up land for their people in NZ because it seems likely that if things continue as they are, their Islands will be completely submerged and they will otherwise be homeless. Even if it is “exaggerated”, it is still real and a scary prospect nonetheless.

Having said that, I don’t believe the world will end in 2012 - there will me celestial events at this time, but it seems extremely unlikely they will affect us. But, if we do continue as we are, the world as we know it will ‘end’ and the future will not be a rosy place.

Answer #5

I’m not really sure. I’m leaning more towards ‘no’, because they said things would happen 2000, and here we are, 2008, still the same. So, ever since then I find accusations like that hard to believe. BUT… at the same time, the earth right now is in such danger. Its getting worse and worse, and its going to keep heading down that path. I don’t really think it will happen, but at the same time, if it did I wouldn’t be surprised.

Answer #6

“glaicers melting causing places like the medlives and Bangledash to be under water”

I don’t know where you got this information, but Bangladesh and the Maldives will not be under water because of glacial melting, at least not for a much longer time. Al Gore exaggerated the rate and impact of rising sea levels for his documentary to scare people.

The truth is, most scientists, even climatologists, who do agree that global warming is happening do not expect such a rapid rise in sea level. The biggest threat to coastal areas from global warming is in the form of rising levels of salt water at the expense of fresh water, which is in turn caused by lack of rain. This is already happening along the US Gulf Coast and in Australia, and it’s affecting sea life in those areas.

Most climatologists agree the most immediate threat from global warming is rapidly changing weather patterns and changes in the ocean’s circulation.

Answer #7

Uh, no. Ok, the Mayans got lazy and decided 2012 wouldn’t come for a long time, so what? But yes, the world WILL end one day. Everything on this planet will die off. Why? Because the Sun will explode, and we won’t have any source of heat. But that won’t happen for a few billion or trillion years…

Answer #8

If we use up all our gasoline then get in world wars just for gas without trying for alternative energy sources.

Answer #9

same with blackinese, I’ve also heared from a bunch of friends that the world is gunna end in 2012… it was like a full hardcore topic that students and teacers were talking about for like 2 days… then it sorta died off =P but wutever the scientist may say, I agree with colesweetie77, that the world is in God’s hands, he made it… so he’ll take care of it… so only he knows!!

Answer #10

Nobody knows when the world will end. Well, it probably will when something extremely lethal comes our way and some how engulfs our planet (other planets may be engulfed by the freak incident too) and proceeds to destroy it.

I made a bet with my friend, and I can’t believe that he believes that the world’s going to end by 2012. I believe that most of the world’s countries would be underwater in the next few decades, but whatever. Thing is, greedy selfish people are on a hunt for money. And money is made from paper, which comes from trees, which also proceeds to waste our energy sources.

Answer #11

Maybe. Maybe it will never end, maybe it will end in 100 years, or, it will end tomorrow. We will never know.

Answer #12

couldn’t imagine the whole planet being destroyed, maybe some developed countries being flooded, or heat from global warming causing some countries to become to hot, but I think nothing could stop the planet this soon, maybe a meteor? and to the guy who asked if the earth and the world are the same thing…yes…yes they are…

Answer #13

I don’t know people may end before 2012 due 2 the suns damaging rays and people spraying stuff, it causes the ozone layer 2 go away.

the earth is now foing under water you should reasearch it and umm I graduate in 2012 ,and im 13 hahahahaha

Answer #14

well in not sure , but when the mayans calender said 12/12/12 probably because either the people couldn’t finish it, there wasn’t enough room, or they weren’t sure

Answer #15

I’ve heard from a friend about that in the year 2012 we would all die. he said it comes from the chinese prophets and he believes it because the chinese had also predicted about both World wars and such. so its a scary thought. all we can do is hope it wont happen

Answer #16

Yes, the world as we know it will end in 2012. However, the world as we know it has been ending since the beginning of time and will continue to end to the end of time.

Answer #17

that theory was disaproved I believe it ends in 2027

Answer #18

I don’t really know what to think. I mean whats the explanation for all the hurricanes and tornadoes. Also the fire in cali. I live in El Paso, Texas and here we have been having cold weather and usually its really hot here.

Answer #19

1 sure thing. in 5 billion years the sun will become a red giant and engulf all planets up to mars including us. still we got 4 billion years to chill before we gotta worry

Answer #20

‘kamex’ I didn’t say anyone said the world was going to END in 2000. I said they said things would happen, and nothing did, things are the same today.

I’m not sure if you were referring to my answer or someone elses, just wanted to clear that up though incase it was mine you were talking about :) I don’t want to go read everyone elses answers to find out, lol.

Answer #21

Well, I never really put much thought into these predictions, as they are bassed on absolutly nothing. But while we are discussing all the predictions, I thought that that I mosas well remind people, that according to the turmanator movies, the turmanators invade in 2010, lol

Answer #22

I’m pretty sure the world is NOT going to end any time soon but I totally agree that if we keep it up the worlds end could be right around the corner. Maybe…

Answer #23

no everyone thought the world would end in 2000 and unless my timing is way off, its 2008 and were still living…but then again you never know…

Answer #24

I think that it won’t come so early , but the only guilties for it would be people themselves,as we destroy nearly everything around us.I mean wars ,terrorism and also when people are polluting air ,cutting trees and killing rare animals! It’s terrible.

Answer #25

as long as a astriod doesnt hit us and the world keeps spining or a supernova expoled were fine but these these could happen any day so just live your life god will know when the end id near and he will sweep us off this planet and into his world of heaven!!! <3

Answer #26




Science as theories that some day the sun will burn out and we will be in darkness Then the world will end



Answer #27

I dont know, where did you hear that from?

Answer #28

-Well I think 2012 is alittle to soon maybe in 2050 we will be in trouble because of glaicers melting causing places like the medlives and Bangledash to be under water and our growing population which will reach 9 billion in the next 5 years who knows where it will be by 2050 probably moree. but I don’t think the world will end in 2012-

The worlds population still isn’t even over 7 billion. It will be quite some time before we reach 9 billion. Have you ever heard of demographic transition? What it means is that eventually all industrialized countries birth and death rates eventually even out, so as countries like China become more industrialized we should see population growth slow down and even stop in the future.

Answer #29

Well I think 2012 is alittle to soon maybe in 2050 we will be in trouble because of glaicers melting causing places like the medlives and Bangledash to be under water and our growing population which will reach 9 billion in the next 5 years who knows where it will be by 2050 probably moree. but I don’t think the world will end in 2012

Answer #30

I think the world is going to end on Dec. 26,2012 because that is what the mayans said and so far they haven’t been wrong about anything they predicted so far as I know…and we use they time system they created…so yeah…that’s what I believe

Answer #31

The way the environment is acting and reacting, we will run out of resources first. As we continue to cut down the trees which are our filters and drain the seas for monetary gain, what will be left. Iran will get nuclear power before than, the melting iceburgs, the rising earthquakes, tornadoes, and weather conditions. will man continues to go after the next money maker or power struggle. while the homeless increases. and depravity abounds. What surprises me is people putting credence to a mayan culture that never lasted themselves. better for them to look at the gas prices and the food prices. some people might eventually pray for the end to come

Answer #32

The way the environment is acting and reacting, we will run out of resources first. As we continue to cut down the trees which are our filters and drain the seas for monetary gain, what will be left. Iran will get nuclear power before than, the melting iceburgs, the rising earthquakes, tornadoes, and weather conditions. will man continues to go after the next money maker or power struggle. while the homeless increases. and depravity abounds. What surprises me is people putting credence to a mayan culture that never lasted themselves. better for them to look at the gas prices and the food prices. some people might eventually pray for the end to come

Answer #33

no human or anything else knows when GOD will end the earth he could end it right now. When it does happen though its going 2 b @ the time you least expect…-ciara_

Answer #34

wow im thinking about it and my brain might just explode! all I can say for now is that I hope it doesnt happen because I graduate that year…

Answer #35

Dont Worry About It Grow Old And Have Fun… Anyone Still Alive Today Will Never Be Alive IF It Ever Really Dose End Which I Doubt Anyway.

Am I Right?

Answer #36

ok , listen .

people said the end of the world was going to be july 6th , 2006 . and hey its july 2008 !

they only said that cause 666 is the mark of the beast .

the reason they are saying the world is going to end december 12th, 2012 is because . . . every hundred years there are 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5 ,6 ,7,8,9,10,11,and 12 and the end of the year . like now its 2008 , august 8th, 2008 .

get what im saying ?

its just another hundred years till those numbers again .

no one knows when the world is going to end . Only God , and it will come when you least expect it .

Heck , a hundred years ago they said the rapture was going to happen in 1900 , and hey we are here .

stop being a pest , and let God take care of it .

Answer #37

We may be nearing the end I don’t know. The extremely quick meltdown of glaciers and our weather change. I do know that the sun’s distance is supposed to be significantly closer by that year but not much else. I hope the Mayan calendar and the other prophecies are wrong. I want to live longer. If we don’t I guess we will find out. I know someone will come after me to say I’m wrong. Well I’m no prophet or psychic. Sylvia Browne says we have 94 years. Go figure.

Answer #38

Many people throughout the ages calling themselves “prophet” have predicted the end of the world. So far all have been wrong. In the 1970’s Clare prophet, the leader of the Church Universal and triumphant predicted the end of the wold as we know it and had her followers invest in land in Montana to escape the coming judgement. The Seventh Day Advents believed the earth would end in the late 1800’s as did the Jehovah Witnesses. Even Christ Jesus said he did not know when the end would come. I don’t think anyone can predict the end of the earth. Just live your life like everyday was YOUR last, and leave a good impression on those who love you.

Answer #39

no, maybe earth, but not the world. or are they the same thing, im only in year 9, im not that smart

Answer #40

that theory was disaproved I believe it ends in 2027

Answer #41

only GOD knows when the world will end it could b in 2012 but I dought it caus no1 knows for sure at all.

Answer #42

Good then live your life like it where will you be when it is done,

Answer #43

You better hope not then LOL

Answer #44

the year 2012

im am very unsure about paranormal and all that hoo ha… the world was predicted to end in 2012 by more that 1 person in history.. the aztec calendar ends on the year 2012 on december 23 I thinkk…

also it was presdicted by nostradamous to end in 2012

nostra. predicted many significant things in the history of the world.. a lot of people do not agree with his predictions but it is hard not to.. it is said by him that before the end of the world there will be 3 “anti crists” two he has predicted have revealled themselves. he predicted the holocost and said that hitlrer would be the 1st anit crist… the 2nd anti crist was sadam our good friends from the middle east..he has predicted a number of things such as the holocost 9-11 and other significant things in ourhistory…

but ill be sure to let you know if the world ends durring 2012


Answer #45

I don’t think the world’s going to end in 2012. It’s going to end tomorrow! maniacal laughter <3

Answer #46

Define “the world”. Humans may bring on their own extinction, but the planet will live on. The sun may engulf it’s 4 closest planets in 5 billion years but the universe will live on.

The Mayans likely had a reason to start their calendar somewhere. It was only a way to keep track of the natural cycles they noticed, starting with a 260-day cycle that just happens to be the length of woman’s pregnancy. They also noticed cycle’s of approximately 396 years where major things happen in the human paradigm. eg. DaVinci 400 years ago, Jesus 2000 years ago, the Dark Ages 1600-800 years ago, etc.

It is not the end coming, just the beginning of something new.

Answer #47

Whats a Bloody nutter?

Answer #48

thelawtman thats exactly what I mean. something will happen but not doomsday

Answer #49

I heard it was going to end in 2029…

Answer #50

I don’t think the world is ever really going to “end.”

Answer #51

Whoever Said That Is A Bloody Nutter

Answer #52

only god knows =)

Answer #53

the world is going to end in one of two ways:

  1. The big man upstairs is mad at us. I’ve noticed a lot of earthquackes, tsunamis, people dying. I havent seen a huge tornado or huge fire somewhere in a big city anywhere yet so when that happens…the end is near.
  2. In about a billion years, the sun will expand into a red giant and gulp up the first 3 or 4 planets (hint hint) and then turn into a white darf or something else (not a black hole, there is already one in our galaxy)

Yeah if people continue to mess up our planet with the enviornment and stuff, yeah it could end. As of 2012, I have to see it to believe it!

Answer #54

We will be entering a new era.

Answer #55

They’ve said countless times that the world woul end on a certain date. We’re still here, aren’t we?

Answer #56

ok what is it? this is going to prevent me from sleeping tonight!

Answer #57

naw… maybe like 2146… that seems like a good year to end the world eh?

Answer #58
  1. No one said the world was going to end in the year 2000, everyone just thought that after 1999 computers wouldn’t recognize the year 2000 and would instead go back to 0001, and you can imagine the countless technological SNAFUs that would result in such an occurrence.

  2. The date of December 12th, 2012 being doomsday is based on the Mayan calendar, but never did they actually predict or prophecize that 12/12/12 is the day the world will end, it’s just simply the last day on their calendar.

Answer #59

ohh please, everything thinks the world is gunu end all the time, its pathetic.

Answer #60

I very much doubt it…

Answer #61


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