Why do Christians follow the Bible?

I don’t understand why people study the Bible!?!? I mean why? What is so special about the Bible? How come you don’t read the Quran. How do you know that the Bible is not true? Does it have some kind of code? Does it have a sign or do you read it b/c you found your parents reading it? The quran has a mathematical code which could have only been created by God. If one letter is taken out, the code will not work. It all revolves around the number 19. Now does the Bible have this? If you don’t thing that only God could have created this, YOU try to make only one chapter like the Quran, or if you don’t think you can, ask some one REALLY, REALLY, REALLY smart to and not even them will not be able to! But I would like to hear what you guys think please talk!!!

Answer #1

I find it ironic how we all believe in God, Higher Intelligence etc. However, the bashing that goes on is incredible. I was brought up Christian but I honor all faiths. I believe in the golden rule. Treat others only the way you desire to be treated. Instead of everyone always saying I am right and you are wrong etc etc, all that does is creating more separation. Yes, there have been many things lost in translation in the bible. Sometimes people should study some history and find out why the library in Alexandria was destroyed by the Romans. You would be quite shocked from the outcome. All of these Christian faiths have stemmed from the Roman Catholic church. Then more divisions within the church formed all these different names of churches. This is whether you are Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Penticostal, JW, Mormons. If this is the same God why all these divisions.
I rather say that I live with Christ Consciousness. If Christians live with this attitude all of this judging would stop. Everyone is going up the same mountain. Why not embrace our differences instead of bashing faiths. Everyday I live by helping and serving others. I think it is a human trait. When you travel the world you learn to honor and respect others in a different way. Many Christians live in a box and some are just as bad as the violent people in the world who are causing the wars. People will say we are fighting for God. Well, someone mentioned that math was created by man. Killing for God is also man made. Live by the golden rule and you will surprised what you will find in common with others in this world. You will soon forget the labels that you give them.

Answer #2

OK - Here’s my question: Can anyone tell me why people get so pissed off about other people’s religion? Like, if you’re an atheist, why do you hate Christianity and get so inflammed about it? I’m a Christian, but no one else’s religion bothers me. No one’s. I don’t press my beliefs on anyone, because people that do that piss me off. Whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddist, Atheist or Agnostic I don’t want you to tell me how I should believe or why I’m stupid for believing what and how I do. 100% of you that do that are hypocrites. You get so pissed about people pushing their beliefs onto you then you turn around and start “yelling” at people for believing the way that they do. Remember: not all people that run their mouths are the poster child for a particular religion. Usually the poster children for a religion are ones you don’t even know about, because you refuse to see someone as a living example preaching through actions. You pay more attention to those that feel that running their mouths is the way to “preach”…which is exactly what you do.

Answer #3

b/c you are not a Christian SO you follow the Bible, You are a Christian BECAUSE you follow the Bible.

That still doesn’t even make sense, dude. Seriously. I think you need to just stop asking questions. I don’t understand why you can’t understand why Christians do not study an Islamic book. To the Christians, the Bible is the Word of Jehovah and the words of Jesus Christ. We are Christians not because we read the Bible (b/c I think that’s what you’re trying to say, but not saying it very well). We are Christians because we believe Christ is the Son of God and our Saviour. We read the Bible for the reasons I stated above. Instead of having faith in math and science, we Christians have faith in that which is unseen, but felt. A true Christian does not need math or science to provide us with faith in God. I don’t see why you should need to ask such a question, but when you do you need to learn how to ask a question and make it say what you want it to say. No offense, but I’m not sure that you’re very good at putting together a sentence. And if you don’t want me to call you a douche, stop coming back with lame rebuttals and prove absolutely nothing and make you sound like you asked a question only to criticize the answers.

Answer #4

we follow the Bible because it tells you everything you need to know about life. it tells you what has happened before we were born, how thing got created, how to live life the christian way, and other important facts that you need to know to go to heaven. in our faith, you need to believe, trust, and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. the Bible tells you all of this, plus stories of past events and it is crutical to our religion. if you were in my religion (protestant) you could not learn ANYTHING without reading it. so next time you think of posting a question that offends some people, you should second guess yourself. we can believe whatever we want, we can read whatever we want, and we can choose to either believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us from our sins, and when we die, we will go to heaven…or the other option is what you chose…to not read the Bible, to not accept Jesus Christ, and to not go to heaven, when you die, you get to go down with Satan and rot…have fun!

Answer #5

ok so I wont be able to answer all your quetions because I am only 16 and definetly dont know all the answers (well, nobody does) but I will try. personally I read the bible because I beveive in God and Jesus Christ and that he died for us all. I know he is real because I have seen evidence of him in my life and in others lives. I talk with him and he talks to me, not really the way you would think. 99.99999% of the time its not verbal it is more of the way he works out things in my life its kind of hard to explain. I think that the bible doesnt have a secret code because God wants anyone, the genius or even the ordinary person to be able to understand it. I would encourage you to look into the facts about the bible; ie: how many prophecies were fulfilled. I dont know the numbers but its amazingly crazy. thats where you can get proof. I love and follow God because of who he is. For me I wouldnt call myself super religious or even super christian the bottom line is I have a relationship with the creator of this world and HE wants to know ME! (and you!) I really cant explain everything but my love for God reflects my love for the people of this world because I want everyone to experience the love of God! So thank you for reading this and I’m sorry I couldnt give you all the answers but I hope this helped!

Answer #6

The bible is special because god made it lol I DONT READ THE qURAN because ITS NOT CHRISTIAN I know the bible is true because if you believe in god you have a relationship with him and if you are able to know that god is real you know what he says in the bible is the only thing that matters. I read the bible because I want to no one makes me I never see mi parents pick up a bible. And actualli the bible does have secret codes in them so you should do a lil research. and you shouldnt make a statement like “only god could have made it”. because first off you dont know who made it do you know how the devil came to be? He was one of gods most prized angels very smart. Then one day the devil started to considered him self better then god and he had half the angels join him witch we call demons now and they spend there days getting people to deny god and confuse people so I ask you how do you know that the devil didnt have anything to do with it?

Answer #7

Well, Christians follow the Bible, because, well they’re Christians…obviously. If you’re asking “What rational basis is there for thinking the Bible is more than just a collection of ordinary books written 100% by humans with no help from any gods”, the answer is, none that’s credible.

Answer #8

Thank you all for answering, but I guess I asked my question wrong. It is rather why is the Bible even followed (and I really am not trying it sound offensive or anything!!) b/c you are not a Christian SO you follow the Bible, You are a Christian BECAUSE you follow the Bible.

Answer #9

Thank you for asking, fau, we follow the bible because we believe that it is Gods holy word, we find direction, peace, provision, enlightenment, deliverance and comfort in it. We do not need another. Many Blessings…

Answer #10

hey guy1919 really dont think you were trying to be offend christians with your question. I guess in our day and age religion can still be a very tetchy subject. well as a christian I can tell you I wasnt offened. I expect its the capital letters that do it though lol. what do YOU!!! think?

Answer #11

well the bible, the pslams.and torah have all been changed and the quraan is the only one that hasant. people have tried making a sentence like the quraan but have failed for the past decades.

hello people dosent this tell you something.

Answer #12

Scripture being mathematical and that being a reason to study something would be equating religion with mathematics, Smoothness. God didn’t invent math, douche. He doesn’t need math. He’s God.

Answer #13

When did I ever say that He invented math?? And I never said he needed math either, it is just a way for us to comprehend his greatness! And why do you have to go call me names… were not enemies or something…

Answer #14

Christians study the Bible, because the Bible is a Christian book. I think that about sums it up. Religion is not mathematical and if no one can crack this super-code, how do you know it is a code? Genuis…

Answer #15

obviously you r not a christian, so why do you care anyway? you have your own religion and we have ours. people could argue what’s so great about this “Quran” of which you speak. seriously dont go badmouthing other people’s religion and stuff. by the way dont say you weren’t because you sayin “what’s so special about the bible?” is kinda offensive.

the bible teaches you lessons, some people do it for peace. just thought that I’d answer u

Answer #16

sorry.. I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was “badmouthing” the Bible. djpod I never said that RELIGION is mathematical, I said that the scripture is… And also, you don’t need to “crack a code” to figure out that there is one!

laughymaffy I am a submitter, because I follow the religion of submission (the religion of Abraham). I just said what was so great about it. IT HAS A MATHEMATICAL CODE!!!

Answer #17

* “Like, if you’re an atheist, why do you hate Christianity and get so inflammed about it?”

heh, maybe because so many Christians overgeneralize and stereotype atheists?

With the obligatory irony out of the way, I put Christianity in the same category as astrology, numerology, other religions. Hate is a bit strong, but I certainly don’t have any respect for any of these things. Why should I?

Answer #18

What difference does it make whether or not the Qu’ran has changed?

“A Christmas Carol” hasn’t changed either.

Answer #19

Except if God created us and the earth and everything… then he DID create math… duh…

Answer #20

Hey peacemakin - I’d put my IQ up against yours any day. As well as my knowledge. At least I can spell.

Answer #21

Thanks you for proving my point… how do you know the devil did not interfere with the bible…?

Answer #22

The Bible is a summary of the historical events and people most significant to Christians. It includes the story of God’s covenant with the Jewish people and the details of their relationship. It also contains several prophecies, which Christians believe were fulfilled by the arrival of Jesus. The Gospels give a narrative of the significant doings of Jesus, his death and resurrection which is Christianity’s central theme, followed by numerous letters mostly written by Paul who did much of the legwork of establishing the first churches.

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