Who wants to share their story of finding Christ?

I want to share my story for anyone that might be helped from it. I met Christ for the first time at 7 years old. I was in a foster home and had been passed around quite a bit. I was by this time quite mixed up and confused. Knowing Jesus meant a lot to me. It gave me something to hold onto for many years. I ended up, eventually, back in my Dad’s custody. That was horrible because he was not a Christian and I ended away from God and with a lot of false beliefs. My dad was abusive and I was beat for many years. I left home at seventeen and ended up homeless and afraid. Street life became easier as I went along. I ended up spending, probably, more than half my adult life homeless. I went in and out of churches and back and forth from being a Christian to not. After a horrible 5 year marriage and a prison sentence and more time on the streets I made a decision to follow and serve Christ no matter what. I had nothing, no home, no job, no family, nothing except the promise of Christ’s love. I started hitchhiking like I had many times before. This guy picked me up and I witnessed to him and when I got out of his car it hit me. That’s what I could do for God. Hitchhike across the highways of America and spread the love of Jesus Christ. God was in this and somewhere along the way Jesus changed me completely. He has now brought me to a new home and made me a big part of a new ministry. Jesus has blessedme beyond belief. I truly am a new creation in Christ. Please feel free to share your story or ask questions about mine.

Answer #1

Well, to start out by commenting on your story, that had to be a tough life and very dangerous to live out on the streets right? it breaks my heart to hear these kind of stories and, I just want to let you know that this story really touched my heart. As, for me, growing up Lutheran, I knew that Christ lives but, it was real hard for me to see that in my mind since my parents never went to church. I was able to attend church every now and then and since I was searching for truth I didn’t quite understand any of these churches I attended. Being, hungry for scripture, I decided to check out some of these churches I attended such as a Cathlic church, a Baptist church, and I don’t remember the last church I attended before I found the truth. But, I can tell you, my parents never taught me what was truly out there as far as believing god or his Son Jesus Christ. My mother always said “God is going to punnish you” and as a child, I took that as being afraid of him and thinking that he’s going to punnish. (Everytime I did anything wrong my mother always quoted to me that I’m going to be punnished). I know that now its not true that god loves us all and we’re his children and he lives. How I found Christ, well, when I moved out in 2005 on my own, a neighbor who is like a grandma to me come to find out that she joins this church called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. When I heard that I was like, I’ll try and attend this church so, I went with my neighbor a few times and wasn’t sure then I had the missionaries over and they taught me the true gospel and, that’s when I started feeling the spirit. Up until 2006 I was pretty much investigating the church and, in 2006 I converted and ever since, I’ve been attending church. As a convert, I have a stronger testamony and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and, everyone in my branch is wonderful and very supportive. I’ve met the sweetest man which happens to be my Branch President of the church and he’s been there for me whenever I have problems or issues. His wife is sure lucky to have a man like him since its hard to find a man like that these days. So, by finding Christ, I found him in the LDS church. I just want to testify, I know that the Book of Mormon is true along with the Bible, and Joseph Smith restored the gospel, our heavenly father lives, and I want to say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen. Hope this story sounds interesting to you.

Answer #2

when I was 12 I was approached by a group of “born-again” christians, what I refer to as “holy rollers”. does anyone remember the tracts they would hand out? horrible, cartoon booklets about people living bad, evil lives, punished for not being christian. anyway… I was leaving a movie theater with some friends when we were approached. the christians were older than us, maybe in their 20s. we were polite and listened to what they had to say, then we told them no thanks. they proceeded to explain why we would burn in hell, etc. we told them we were jewish and that just seemed to get them going even more. they wouldn’t let us leave. they surrounded us, trying to force us to accept Christ. I was crying and so was my best friend. they took that to mean we wanted Christ. they told us what to say and prayed with us. they gave me a bible and told me to attend their church, southern baptist, on sunday. my mom came to pick me up and I cried all the way home. I was so upset that she took me to my rabbi’s house that night. he spoke to me and tried to help me understand what had happened. that I had been witnessed to and that some christians felt they must witness to everyone. since then, anytime anyone opens a conversation with “I’m a christian” I excuse myself and walk away. every time someone says that they don’t cheat, lie, steal, hate, etc because they are christian, I know they are saying that everyone but christians lie, cheat, steal, etc. just remember, when you witness, it might offend others. that your behavior and attitude can have long lasting effects on others. and that yours is not the only religion in the world, so don’t act that way. if you live a “christian” life and try to emulate Jesus, you are a far greater witness. I now consider myself to be a jewish believer.

Answer #3

“yes ok ‘kingofflop’HA,we are talking about todays society not hundreds of years ago!!!ok who started the war in iraq then big man??”

Well the UK is our primary ally in the war in Iraq. In fact, in 2003, your own tabloids boasted that UK soldiers were the first ones to set foot in that country. Or does your memory go that far back?

As for the rest, yeah we’re talking about hundreds of years ago…so we can just follow the BBC’s lead and blame America for all of the world’s current ills, completely glossing over the centuries-long UK imperialism and the problems it caused…keep in mind your country was a global superpower far longer than mine was, and therefore, has left a bigger footprint in many of today’s global conflicts (Israel-Palestine, India-Pakistan, Iraq-Kuwait, Anglo-Egypt Sudan, the list goes on).

Answer #4

flossheal… I loved the way you described a Christian… You Rock !!!

We follow the spirit of Christ… not the letter of the law…


The bible say that : The letter killeth…

but, the Spirit give life…

This opens the door to much criticism of persons professing to be Christians…

however, it is also why God told us to not judge others…

We cannot see the spark of faith… that he sees…

and that faith…

is what saves us to begin with…

not what we do…

which is good…

but, its the same as Cains sacrifice…

it stinks in Gods nostrils…


his way of salvation is his lovely… and wonderful Son…

Jesus Christ…

So, how dare we…

think that we could ever…get good enough…

to be accepted …

on our own…

we come as we are…

and accept his gift …

of eternal life…

and we pronounce ourselves…saved…

because of what he has done for us…

as we go along…

we gradually shed things that are unpleasing to him…

as he gives us the strength…

we learn to overcome…

we are not perfect…

there is only one that was…

his name is Jesus…

and he is our savior…

for the ones of us that believe the Holy bible…

Jesus said, smoking flax… he would not quench…

and a broken reed…he would not break…

meaning that he accepts us as we are…

where we are…

how we are…

and he and only he…

has the right to judge our hearts…

we do not have the right to say… he or she is not a Christian…

this belongs to Jesus …alone…

So…walk in love…and forgiveness…and mercy…and grace…

and give all the glory to God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Ghost…

for what they do in around and thru us…

Many Blessings…

Answer #5

I think that being Jesus’ ‘disciple’ means following Him as our Friend, Lord and Saviour, rather than ‘to the letter’. By that I don’t mean that words and the Bible are unimportant, but just that we follow Him because we know Him and He’s great so we trust Him. We’re not trying to follow books of rules, but a really great bloke who died for us. That great bloke talked a lot about how to live, so we follow that too, but only because we trust Him.

Your specifics, kimpippin (BTW I love your name):

I’ve been a Christian for just under 20 years and have mixed with Christians from the ages of 3-100, from all the continents. can say for myself that, if the relationship with Jesus comes first, then the ‘rules’ you’re talking about aren’t impossible to keep. We do fail at times but that’s not the point - Jesus died to forgive us and He gives us strength to try again.

Not swearing - some Christians don’t seem to swear at all, I don’t do it as much as my non-Christian friends. You think differently about words and how they affect other people when you’re looking at people through Jesus’ eyes.

Not drinking - Jesus drank. His first miracle was to turn water into wine at a wedding party. So many Christians enjoy a drink in moderation. Some don’t drink at all, and that can be helpful for recovering alcoholics etc, a good number of whom become Christians and don’t want to be tempted again. Drinking in excess isn’t Christian, you’re right. I’ve seen plenty of Christians at lively parties, but they aren’t usually the ones who are throwing up or have forgotten who they went home with by the following day.

Which leads us to…

Sex before marriage - I think this one is particularly hard in the 21st century, where people are getting married later and ideals have changed. But on the other hand, teenagers have always fancied each other before they were old enough to marry. Yes, most Christians I know, young and old, stick to the fact that God designed sex for marriage. Some have found that hard to apply in their own lives but I can tell you that God forgives and also that sex after marriage is better anyway!

ALWAYS putting others first - I think that’s the best rule you’ve mentioned. The others are all so negative. This one explains WHY we have some negative rules as well as the positive ones. But do we do it? Not all the time, because we’re human. Also, some non-Christians are really kind and self-sacrificing, so I can’t claim that it’s just Christians who do this. But I will say that in my 20 years of having Christian friends and a ‘church family’, they have been uncommonly generous and selfless in the things they’ve done for me.

I also found myself, as a leader of a Christian youth group, going round to a teenager’s home at 2pm in the morning because he’d phoned us in a panic when his mum was ill. In the same group we had a lonely, school-phobic kid who used to come and visit at weekends and we’d help him with things like reading and basic maths. I don’t even think I’d have had the chance to put these kids and their families before myself if I hadn’t been following Jesus.

So, being Jesus’ ‘disciple’ isn’t about rules, but because we love Jesus we do have a way of looking at things which should match His way of looking at them. That’s what I’ve seen from Christians, young and old - loving Him, failing Him sometimes, being forgiven, and loving each other and the rest of the world a bit more openly than we would have managed without Him.

Answer #6

Fires a few Pink Fluffy Bunnies at morbid Remember tolerance. You may not agree, but society is made up of all sorts of different people. We all fit, in some way or another

Fires a few more Pink Fluffy Bunnies at boredgirl123 Name calling isn’t cool- attack the argument, not the person.

Well, here’s my story:

I was brought up in a loving family home with my Mother and Father, and my older sister. My Mother was brought up in the Catholic faith- her mother was devout, and made sure my Mother was in Catholic school, where the nuns almost made her fear straying from Catholicism. Meanwhile, my Father was brought up with his adoptive family, who were Anglican. He would go to church on the odd Sunday, but he was comfortable enough that he never needed to define his faith.

When My sister and I were young, we heard our parents talking about ‘God’, and had a lot of questions about who ‘God’ was. Our parents sat us down, and explained things the best they could with what they knew. But they always let us know that the faith they had was theirs, and theirs alone. We were never told “You need to believe this, because this is the right and only religion.” As we grew up, our parents wanted us to find our own faith, not just copy what others believed, or what we were told to believe. My sister and I were encouraged to think critically, and search for information from as many different sources as possible. I’m truly grateful to them for encouraging me to for opinions and beliefs based on what I find out. As it is now, I have heard arguments for and against the existence of ‘God’ or a higher force. Because of this, I can’t say without a doubt that I do or don’t believe in ‘God’. What I do know is that I try to live my life the best way I know how- showing love and compassion for others, not being afraid to express my opinion, and dealing with whatever life throws at me with the tools that I have, to the best of my ability. And That, I believe, is a good enough life for me.

Answer #7

I told Jesus to stop but he kept sticking it in harder and harder. I felt so dirty! I tried to wash myself off, but they don’t make water Hot ENOUGH!!! I cried so long. Jesus is a pervert!!!

Answer #8

He made me open my mouth and he stuck it in there. This is rape!!! This is why I am not a Christian any more!

Answer #9

I met Jesus Christ and he sexually abused me. Ever since than I stopped beleiving in Jesus because he was only after one thing.

Answer #10

So Christ told you to spread the word on FunAdvice of all places? Not to be rude or anything, but you really do sound like a cultist. Maybe you should see a psychiatrist who can help you with your family issues, and then maybe one day you can fit into society. :)

Answer #11

In a church, sorry I had to say that, but I havn’t really thought about the true reasons for god, jesus, life since 6th grade, so I will get back to you on that one

Answer #12




Answer #13

I’m very sorry for the terrible things you had to go through and I’m also very glad that you found a way out. I hope that you will remember that not all non-Christians are like your dad. Most of us care a lot about our fellow man. Thanks for sharing what’s on your mind.

Answer #14

Well sorry if I’ve not much knowledge about all this stuff but by being His disciple does that mean that you all follow god/jesus to the letter?thus I mean by not swearing,drinking,sex before marraige,ALWAYS putting others first???some how I cant see it

Answer #15

yes ok ‘kingofflop’HA,we are talking about todays society not hundreds of years ago!!!ok who started the war in iraq then big man??

Answer #16

Well we were at my house playing hide and go seek and it was my turn to be it, and I looked and looked for like 20 minutes, and just when I was about to yell olly olly oxen free I looked in the dryer and there he was.

Answer #17

umm no offence. great story and all but you don’t find christ, jesus finds u. he works the holy spirit in your heart. you have nothing to do with the descicion to believe, the only descision you can make is to reject God wich in this case you haven’t wich is good.

Answer #18

that was a really good story…thanx for sharing it…although I have never experianced quite so horrible things as abuse I have had some issues w/ family/trust so thanx! :) I am a baptist but pretty close to christian! thanx so much! it means so much to no someone else is willing to help others!!! im sure many otheres will be inspired by this!

Answer #19

I agree with morbid to a point,it does all seem a bit over the top,I must say a lot of people on here talk of god etc but in the uk nobody ever talks about religion,god,jesus and all that bs

Answer #20

Now that you’ve experienced decent living and realize it’s better than street life, you’d probably do fine without religion. Hitchiking to ‘witness’ sounds like a dangerous idea.

Answer #21

mella at the top of the screen it says “ask questions, give advice and make new friends” it doesnt say you have to ask a question. and she said you can ask her questions.

Answer #22

The top story was posted under Silverwings, but it’s actually mine. We share a computer so I’m not sure who posted it. Flossheal hats off girl!! I have read your stuff before and it is absolutely beautiful. God has definitely given you a gift for using words. Keep on going. God bless you and Jesus loves you. Kimpippin, if we call ourselves disciples of Jesus then we are required to spread His word. He said so and if we are not going to we might as well put our Bibles down and become atheists. Many people call it forcing and maybe some people push too hard, but for the most part we are just trying to “share His love because He told us to.

Answer #23

Hi flossheal,im glad you agree with me to an extent ,its just that I do find it strange that espically young people talk about god etc all the time and thats something like you said we are not used to,im not saying im not a believer and im not knocking those who do beleieve but why do they feel like they have to spread the love of god to others and put it on people?if thats their faith great but sometimes it would help if they kept it to themselves a little,do you get me?

Answer #24

hha ^^^ your answer cracks meup. I give you a air high five. :D

Answer #25

Brigotti: The question is for you personally, how did you come to know Christ? Thanks.

Answer #26

Mr. bbb: You have just triggered thousands of prayer warriors on your behalf!

Answer #27

Cheers :)

Answer #28

allah help you ,not jesus .


Answer #29

Hey kingofflop as much as I know you would love a huge debate with me over,war,religion,politics I just aint got the time soz mate,lol

Answer #30

Ok thanx for taking time out to explain

Answer #31

Kimpippin, I’m from the UK (even though I’m living in France at the moment) and I have to tell you that that’s where I became a Christian - God, Jesus and all that stuff. Like you, I find the American way of talking about faith a bit different, even a bit uncomfortable at times, but I know it’s worth listening to because I know the God they’re talking about. So what if different countries have different styles of talking about their faith? People who love Jesus are there in every country. (I think probably even in the most remote and hostile ones.) They have different ways of telling us about what they know - if you don’t feel comfortable with the American style, why not try to find a UK Christian who can talk in a way you relate to?

Answer #32

but in the uk nobody ever talks about religion,god,jesus and all that bs

True, but then again the US never had three religious civil wars in which people were whacking each other’s heads off.

Answer #33

that isn’t a question!

Answer #34

My Transformation

A couple years ago, after our Consistory meeting, Pastor Garnett asked if I would give my testimony. “It is so simple, I replied, hadn’t really summarized it further than the threat of divorce, turn to Jesus!” But, oh, there is so much more, by His Grace. We serve an awesome God. Some of this short story brings no glory to our Lord, may the rest of my transformation bring glory to You, Lord. I was born into a believing home, God love my wonderful loving parents whose foundation is the Lord, brought me to Sunday school, church, confirmation, (ours was the first in this building, I can still recall the aroma of the new wood and freshly glued carpet) and Dad, who taught us to give Jesus thanks before eating. The mid teen years were trying for me and especially them. I had a drug problem, I was drug to Sunday school and drug to church. “Time to get ready for church,” Mom would call out. “Oh, here we go again,” I came back with…once. She came rushing up the stairs to spare the rod? Not quite, as I learned from the short lecture! Our senior class labeled ourselves as a bunch of non-conformists. There sure isn’t much here that is positive. I put everything before God and did I function OK? After a few years (five) of college and the party scene, I settled down back at the ranch, only to drive 60 miles to more weekend parties. And in ’83 and ’84 back to back New Year’s Caribbean cruises-enough alcohol already-it is an absolute abhorrent for me. None of it tastes any good, never really did. I was just told that I was behind and needed to catch up with the others. Peer pressure. Young ones, listen to your well grounded parents, elders, friends in Christ Jesus. Keep your standards as the Lord’s. Other things by which we hang our heads low, knowing I was lower than a snake in a rut… I stole things…gasoline (tempting again at these prices), 22 shells…which restitution times seven was laid on my heart to Melanie S. And from women…which I know I have been forgiven for the asking through Jesus, and repenting by turning away from all that junk, or mire, or dung heap, as the Bible uses for the things that don’t bring glory to God…and foul mouth, oh it was. You know how when a sneeze would come on, I just couldn’t wait to snort out horse…, now it’s “Yashewa…Saves!” Then there was the time when I was sent to a “healer” lady in Casper referenced by some ladies in Ten Sleep to find out what causes me to clear my throat so much and some back trouble. When I arrived, there in the drive was a bright red car and a bright red pickup. A big hesitation arose in me. Inside, both of the couples’ hair was jet black. Another red flag! Sitting there, a few questions were asked and with one in particular, I said “The Bible says,” and I was interrupted with, “Put away your belief in the Bible for now.” Right then, a funny feeling came over me, the hair on my neck bristled, and my conscience told me this isn’t passing the smell test,…leave. Now I know that it was really God saying, “RUN, run to Me!” Of course, I stayed and faked a self hypnosis session because I needed something right now. When I got out of that snake oil couple’s house, I didn’t look back, didn’t gain a thing. Told Pastor Bud about that experience…and his response was utter disgust, head shaking and all. It has already been described; “snake oil.” Now I pray for the Kantor family. There was a wedding in 1990. My former wife asked if we could go to church. We live 60 miles from town, and what, waste half a day? I jerked back with. Like I said, there was a wedding…and the ranch. All I could do was work, I thought if I could put in a day and a half, things would get done. Trouble is, no matter the hours, the pay is the same on the ranch. More hours-more money doesn’t quite work like that in our business. Through all that, two precious boys whom I love and am well pleased were conceived and born, Carl in ‘91 and Alec in ’94. My, are they growing by leaps and halves of beef. Early, family togetherness suffered. Spouse togetherness really suffered. Oh, there was some quality time when my boys would ride with me and fall asleep in the tractor as I did when riding with Bill Hef! Separately, we would read the “Bible for Toddlers” to our sons when they were tucked in at night, but not to or with each other. The spiritual milk at that time would really have fed us plenty, also! In 11 years of marriage, and a few proddings for more quality time, to no avail, I was left with…myself…my sons, and…oh there is time for God now, Hallelujah! When sorting through and dividing our stuff, Barbara said, “Here’s your Bible.” It was my confirmation Bible. In complete shame, literally blew the dust off, wiped more off, sat down, and when opened, it fell open. It had been used/loved! Then shoved aside for too many years. How the change from then to now? I knew this man who came to the ranch fishing a few times and that was about it. I saw him again when he prayed over me in the ER in ’99 when I thought something was up with my heart. But that was just bacterial ulcers…or was it? I look back in total amazement of how and who our LORD puts in our path. Before my divorce, I sought council with Pastor Bud. This was near the end of July of ’01. I had to turn to Him. Him with a capital H. God’s Holy Spirit is forever calling each one of us into a closer relationship with Himself, and I am forever thankful for those who were praying for me. Thank you LORD, Carl, Alec, Mom, Dad, pastor Bud, and all of you, I love you. Put everything before God and things will work out…for a while. Then you can lay everything before God and reap His benefits!

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