How did we get here?

how, in your opinion, do you think humans got here, did we evolve from apes or organisms or is the whole adam and eve story true, what do you think?

Answer #1

I believe the Bible from ‘cover to cover’ - got here ?…God’s creation…Take care !!

Answer #2

I strongly believe that both happened.adam and eve themeselves evolved from apes.I know that we are creations of god but it has to happen in some logical way.but I dont really like tp psh my oppinion.

Answer #3

genesis 1;26 then GOD said ‘let us make human beings in his image.IN the image of God he created them.he created them male and female

Answer #4

I think evolution is the most logical form of existance. Then again, I’m not religious, so It could just be my never getting proper knowledge of the other side of the arguement.

Answer #5

Dear beans, I totally believe the theory of evolution. We have 3 parts to our brain one part is the reptilian brain, the oldest of the three, controls the body’s vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance. Our reptilian brain includes the main structures found in a reptile’s brain: the brainstem and the cerebellum. Sue…good luck

Answer #6

well I am religious and I tottaly belive in god. so im going for the adam and eve thing. I pray that someday you will know that w/out anyone elses opinoin mattering

Answer #7

ummm adom && eve but that just my opinian

Answer #8

I guess I have trouble believing a book that to me sounds like it was a bad first editorial that never got published… To Me…

Answer #9

I agree w/ kimhart!!! even though im not a christian I do believe that god made us

Answer #10

I personally believe God created us and put us here, but everyone has different opinions. :)

Answer #11

hmm… possibly a higher power… possibly evolution. but then, who created the higher power? :O gasp!

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