Is fighting over religion just like...

Fighting Over Religion Is Just Like Fighting Over Who Has The Best Imaginary Friend Yes?

Answer #1

its a woodey allen quote twisted up a bit… people should learn to calm down a bit.

Answer #2

you guys aren’t even answering alexislikesex’s question and mealw I do have a religion, I’m catholic, the thing is that I understand that the argument of religion leads to know where, because everyone has different views,

Answer #3

no one has the perfect religion, to everyone else their religion is superior somehow then others, thats why they follow it, it’s like trying to find the best band, when everyone else has different views on it

Answer #4

Christians don’t fight over religion? You don’t have to have lived long to know better than that. Christians have been killing Jews, Muslims, and other Christians for centuries now. And Christians in America aren’t being “censored.” They simply aren’t getting the unconstitutional privileges they used to because “We the People” are growing up.

To answer the question at hand, I’d have to say yes and no.

Yes, fighting over religion in general is like that. It’s silly because it’s all something that people made up.

But if we were to argue about issues between specific religions (I.e. this religion is more violent than that religion), it’s not so silly because we could provide evidence for our position and possibly learn something about our world.

Answer #5

Christians don’t “fight” over religion. They are under obligation, to share what they have found to be true.

If you found a cure for cancer, Would you want to share it with someone?

Christians are the same, they want to share what they have learned and experienced with others.

In America, our forefathers, fought and died, for our freedom, to express ourselves, especially where religion is concerned.

However, it is turned on us, we are now censored… in the very country that paid the price that we could speak freely.

It is quiet allright for a Christian to be mocked and made fun of… without anyone saying a word against it, but, if a Christian dares to stand up for what they believe… they are censored…

However, the early church was fed to the lions.. for sport.. so, our civilation has come a long way. At least, so far, in this country, we are not killed for our beliefs… Yet…

I love the words of Patrick Henry…

Give me liberty, or give me death…

Answer #6

Ah, so you mean that you have faith in good faith… how very redundant…

Most Christians tend to have faith in God, NOT the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices.

Answer #7

There is a HUUUGE difference between spirituality and religion and I think a lot of you are confusing the two together.

Yes religion is like fighting over an imaginary friend. It’s like saying “My club is better than your club cause we made up all these rules that makes us better than you.”


xox Sika

Answer #8

To hear someone say no religion is Perfect reflects a person with little or no religion, to hears anyone say a religion is perfect shows a person with strong faith in what they believe. . . . I find My Religion Perfect. . . and see no Imaginary friend. . .could say I’m with boredgirl123 on this one.

Answer #9

The English word “religion” is derived from the Middle English “religioun” which came from the Old French “religion.” It may have been originally derived from the Latin word “religo” which means “good faith,” You mean their is a differance?

Answer #10

horrormusic , Your word. . . . . “no one has the perfect religion”. . . Sounds like you have little faith in your religion. . I have total and complete faith in mine and I find it Perfect. Silverwings, Christians don’t ‘fight’ over religion. . . . . . Have you ever studied History. . . . The Crusades, The Salem Witch hunt and How about the War in Ireland between the protestants and the Catholics? Yes they all Qualify as Killing Over religion and they all involve Christians doing the Killing. . . .

Answer #11

I love this question because it is so true. How can you fight over something that you can’t see? I recommend you don’t fight… discuss, talk, share, learn, grow but don’t bother fighting because there isn’t one definitive answer to any question on religion or theology. If you want to learn about religion and discuss it with others I recommend visiting One:The Digital Dialogue at They have a new forum for discussion threads like this.

Answer #12

Sounds like you have little faith in your religion. .

Religion is NOT what Christians are supposed to have ‘faith’ in…

Answer #13

I have the perfect religion horrormusic, its called christianity

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