Is evolution real?

Hit me with your best shot darwinists. No bibble refrences, just science.

Answer #1

“They took a rock and guessed it’s age and now they base all other rock ages on the initial rock”

I don’t mind a good debate on creation vs evolution. I do mind when people just flagrantly start making up science. It’s lazy and irresponsible.

This is not even close to how geologists date rocks. They date them based on the level of radioactive decay. Please, please check out these websites for the sake of your own education.

“Many scientists put so much opinion and bias into their experiments that it’s so hard to tell what is REALLY true”

Considering your answer is loaded with opinion and bias, why should anyone believe a single thing you say?

“what makes spontaneous combustion so scientific? There is no proved reason for it!”

Unreal…before you debate science without actually having gone through a science class, do some research.

The rest of your post demonstrates a very poor understanding of the Big Bang theory. It can’t be explained in a single post. I suggest you read Simon Singh’s book on the subject, called “Big Bang: The most important scientific discovery of all time and why you need to know about it”

Answer #2

You might look into your reliance on arguments of mathematical impossibility. The calculations assume that for life to begin (or evolve), exact arrangements of specific proteins must have occurred. In other words, they calculate the probability of a specific occurrence. The flaw therein is that there are many possible physical arrangements that can give the same functional result. And that applies to proteins. In other words, odds are much higher than the creationist/Intelligent Design proponents who did those calculations believe. Biologists and other scientists are not mathematically stupid. If the odds against evolution were really that high, believe me, they’d make a big fuss about it.

Yes, some scientists have doubts, but that does not invalidate evolution or validate Intelligent Design(which has zero credibility). When their doubts are observable or otherwise being able to be shown scientifically the theory will be slightly altered. Much like what Einstein did to some of Newtons work under specific circumstances. It doesn’t invalidate anything newton did, it just expands knowledge.

So you don’t necessarily disprove God(Intelligent Design) OR prove Intelligent Design exists when and if we ever debunk OR validate evolution.

xox Sika

Answer #3

Then that common ancestor would had to have evolved into all the different species that we see today for what you are saying to be true. The arguement is just about humans, but all creatures in general.

Evolution is mathmatically impossiple and this is why. Evolutionists say life starting evolving 3 billion years ago. I’ll give them 30 billion. The simpiliest protein in the human body has 400 linked amino acids in a distinct order. I’m going to simpifly to a 100 amino acid protein with a distinct order. to figure out all the options available you would have to use a factorial, which is multiplying 100 by 99 by 98 and so on so forth until you reach one. What you arrive at is 10 to the 158th power. That’s a one with 158 zeros behind it. 30 billion years only has 10 to the 18th power seconds in it. If you divide 10 to the 158th power with 10 to the 18th power you end up with 10 to the 140th power. That means every second on the second you would have to go through 10 to the 140th power combinations for 30 billion years before the laws of propability say you would come up with the correct sequence for the protein. This after I gave them 30 billions years when they only had 3 and made the simpiliest protein simpilier by 300 amino acids. Imangine the math for all those proteins and how many combinations it would have to go through every second in 3 billion years. That is why evolution is mathmatically impossible.

Answer #4

“God” created the universe. Okayy.. which God? your god in your religion? there’s different Gods to explain these things that were uncomprehendable.. God is imaginary and fictional..

Science is logical

And yes evolution is real, makes a lot of sense.

Answer #5

Has there always been thinsulate? God has given us science to develop new things. Down hasn’t evolved into thinsulate or hollowfill.

Answer #6

Things: bugs, organisms, papaya paper to pressed wood pulp, man’s clothing for winter, (endless list here) changes throughout time by the way God wants them to change/adapt! He is Sovereign over all! The End.

Answer #7

haileybre, if you exhibit an emotional outburst rather than a rational response, it’s the same as admitting you don’t know why you hold the position you hold.

Answer #8

Eleni and zmarsh, you’re making me think here. Are you Christian (as we’ve been assuming, zmarsh) or are you Muslim?

Answer #9

Stupid people? Did you just classify christians as stupid people?

You really do need Jesus darling. Don’t bash people just because you have nothing to believe in… Don’t bash people just because you lost your purpose in life.

Think about what you just said… That makes you a COMPLETE idiot.

Answer #10

On Darwin’s death bed… He said Evolution was not real… and I believe him…

Takes a lot for someone to admit they were wrong about something… Dontcha think?

He must’ve known something we don’t…

And this really did happen!… My brother took “theory of evolution” in college.

Answer #11

It didn’t really happen… it was a convoluted story by Lady Hope that has no foundation what so ever.

The story of Darwin becoming a Christian on his death bed has been debated just about as much as evolution itself.

xox Sika

Answer #12

I have serious doubts that a person who consistently spells Bible as “bibble” would understand the scientific concepts involved. Not trying to be rude - just pointing out the unlevel playing field.

Answer #13

lol it makes me laugh that people actually ask if evolution is real. people actually believe we evolved from apes. its just so ridiculous its funny.

Answer #14

A good source to read is Stephen Jay Gould book “A Panda’s Thumb’ or ‘Ever Since Darwin’.

Gould also said that “science and religion occupy two separate realms of human experience. Demanding that they be combined detracts from the glory of each.” (He also included ART and BEAUTY as having their own realms.)

Answer #15

Perhaps I should clarify between microevolution and macroevolution. Micro is the tiny day day stuff that changes within a species. Macro is species eventually becoming other species. The debate on evolution is all about macro. So please, if your a darwinist try to prove that so I can offer a rebuttle.

Answer #16

oh God, how are squid eveolving!?!?!?! I already know theres damn flesh eating squid out there and giant squid. what now, heat seaking missle squid! ugh. also, theres was this one comodoe dragon that was self fertilized. males were not enough or nonexsistent, so in order to continue the species, she self fertilized! the evidence is out there!

Answer #17

evolution is very real, it’s a slow process but it’s happening right now, squid are evolving RIGHT NOWW!!(:<

Answer #18

Species don’t change into other species, they have a common ancestor and evolve from that.

Humans did not evolve from apes, they evolved from a common ancestor.

Answer #19

x) It’s hard to explain but “The Science Channel (if you get it)” or the Discovery Channel have good movies on evolution if you really want to know you can look at the schdual on the website. There is also fossil evidence. They also teach it in school’s now.

Answer #20

alright science evolotion well the scientist say that modern day birds of evolotion of some type of raptores ah I cant think right now a lot of animals evoled

Answer #21

First of all, the theory of evolution does not hold that humans evolved from the ape species, but that we shared a common ancestor. The newest genetic evidence suggests that we are almost identical to chimps and gorillas, as they have almost the same chromosome count, ABO blood type base, and brain structure.

Second, the “missing links” do not disprove evolution. Did you know that only two continents, Europe and North America, have been thoroughly excavated for fossil remains? Can you imagine how many more fossil records we’ll have when Asia and Africa, the two largest land masses, have been excavated?

Evolution is the only credible explanation for the origin of human species.

Answer #22

If you post false information, expect to be called on it. I’m not shoving anything down your throat, that’s why I said I suggest you read that book, to better inform yourself.

Scientists present their experiments in globally published journals and academic papers where they are reviewed intently by their peers. There have been volumes of studies done by microbiologists, geneticists, paleontologists, and others who have expounded greatly on evolution and presented evidence supporting it. But of course, they’re all just making stuff up and you’re right…


Answer #23

Ugghh… I don’t know if this helps, but the pope said himself that there is proof of evolution (; Mathmatically impossible? Maybe it is. I’m no mathamatition it just doesn’t sound right to me. But it still happened. Humans(HomoSpaien) evolved just as neanderthals, primates are the most intelligent species. Humans created tools, and agriculter, making work less time consuming and easier. Which gave them time to THINK. Becoming more civilized.

Christians make me laugh. I enjoy stupid people.

Answer #24

Wow… The pot calling the kettle black it would seem.

While I do agree it was out of line for beautifulmasquerade to insult a religion (or theology if you will) …you just did the same thing.

beautifulmasquerade - mutating and evolving are two completely separate things. You have a basic concept of evolution and I encourage you to do more research on the topic.

it doesn’t matter how we got here - right now we can’t prove or disprove how we came into existence. So be happy to take your next breath and your next thought and live your life how you want - whether that be following a religion or not.

xox Sika

Answer #25

I wont think about what I said, guess that makes your rant irrelavant. ^ You need a reality Check. I don’t need God to have a purpose in life or something to believe in. If you have anything else to say to me, don’t waste internet space on this thread send me(another) funmail or comment. ahhahaha.(: Anyway. Species had mutations and evolved in order to better adapt and survive(or in changing climates, food supply, or enviorments.)

Answer #26

Here’s a different way of looking at it. See how you feel about this:

I’m an evangelical Christian. Jesus is my Lord and personal Saviour, and I believe that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that in it, God teaches us about His relationship with the world and with humanity. The same goes for my husband. We are active members of our local evangelical church.

My husband is a professional biological scientist. I was trained in archaeology before becoming a teacher for children with learning difficulties. We are European.

We both understand the early passages of Genesis to be allegorical accounts of what really matters in the universe - that God made it, that He sees it as Good, that humans are His beloved creation and that we chose to move away from Him.

We both understand the science that points to the Big Bang, evolution etc as tools that God used to make His creation.

A Website made by evangelicals like us can be found at ‘Answers in Creation’.

In response to what I’ve said you have several choices, I think:

a) You can say that we’re not really Christians, because real Christians wouldn’t believe that.

b) You can say that maybe we’re Christians, but obviously we haven’t really looked at the Biblical and scientific evidence on this, and if we did we’d change our minds.

c) You can say that we may be Christians, but obviously we’re disobedient and have chosen to put science above God.

d) You can say: ‘Well, that’s interesting, obviously the Kingdom of God is a little more varied than I thought. There are people in it who think differently to me’.

e) You can agree with everything I say and decide that evolution is one of God’s tools. LOL. I don’t think you’ll do that and I don’t think you have to. But I would like you to consider option d) as a possible explanation for our different interpretations. You and I have different Christian, cultural and professional backgrounds, and I think Jesus wants us to be united in Him, not divided by details.

God bless!

Answer #27

Organisms had to worry about others, or worry about predators? Why are there still the same fungi around, shouldn’t they be human by now? Gotta laugh at evolution, har, har, har.

A high sperm count along with a fertile female are the only viable needs for a pregnancy to begin.

Larger pns, har, har, har, again!

Answer #28

peacemakin… you make me sick… You need to learn that your not always going to be right.

Answer #29

Theory is theory is theory!

Answer #30

zmarsh, if you really wanted to know, you wouldn’t ask such a baited question to begin with.

Answer #31

Did you actually type any of that or was it all copy and pasted?

Answer #32

If god made Adam out of dirt, then how come there’s still dirt?

ergo, evolution is real.

Answer #33

Eleni and zmarsh, you’re making me think here. Are you Christian, or Muslim, zmarsh?

Answer #34

just saw something on jon stewart, guy wrote a book on how we evolved from fish… might want to read that…

Answer #35

that is interesting. very. fine then. mutations.

Answer #36

Evolution itself is very real. But whether or not humans evolved from apes is a different, and still unproven, matter.

Answer #37

lol it makes me laugh that people actually ask if evolution is real. people actually believe we evolved from apes. its just so ridiculous its funny.

No more ridiculous than a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat err I mean creationism.

You should do some research on evolution, the theory doesn’t conclude that we evolved from apes but a common ancestor.

xox Sika

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