Just wondering if anyone believed in reincarnation?

Just wondering if anyone believed in reincarnation? I watched a documentry the other day where this 6 year old boy knew things,names,places dates of the past that he couldunt of possibly of known,what do you think??

Answer #1

it doesn’t take any great stretches of the imagination to come up with some things that might still be sticking with us from a past life. I like sheng10s answer about energy, it fits well with what I believe. there is a lot of deja vu that happens to us sometimes. I have personally been somewhere and known the layout , knowing full well I have never been in that place before. when we become more sensitive to ourselves we sometimes find things which are out of place. explanation- a past life? who knows for sure, but like you said you are drawn to victorian objects so me personally- I wouldn’t disregard the possibilities. there is a thriving antiques industry in the world, and a lot of people obviously drawn to certain objects for varying reasons, it is a cool thought that maybe you want something because you had that object in a past life. the possibilities are endless. it could go a long way towards explaining a lot of the mental disorders we encounter as well. if you were a part of a battle, and were killed, it is possible for that feeling of terror to cross over with you. you would have no clue as to why you were afraid of guns- horses- military objects, and you might even have to undergo psychiatric observation because of something mysterious that you can’t explain.

really something interesting to think about.

Answer #2

Reincarnation was an accepted belief in Jesus time. An example is when the disciples asked Jesus “Master, who did sin, this man or his parents that he should be born blind?” The only way the man could have sinned to be born blind was if he had sinned in a previous incarnation!     God and Reincarnation

I believe that God is a Creative Entity, Energy or Force that is found in a state of awareness outside of the universe and time.

I believe that God chose to morph part of Itself into minute particles of Itself described as entities or spirits and gave them the purpose to go forth and experience, gain knowledge and eventually return into the Oneness of God.

I believe that those collective entities created the universe and, utilizing evolution as a tool, created that that is life so that they could inhabit various bodies in order to gain experience and knowledge.

Prior to incarnating into a physical body the entity chooses what it wants to accomplish and what the probable circumstances involving that body and its environment will be. When the situation is right the entity then begins to dwell within the physical body, probably around the time of its birth.

When the body dies the entity dwells in a state of awareness where it can see whether it met its goals and what gains and losses it may have attached to its being. It then, again, decides what future goals it wants to achieve and reincarnates when the conditions are appropriate.

Ultimately, after incarnating as many times as necessary to attain its goals, the entity gravitates back into the Oneness of God adding to the fulfillment thereof.

I choose

I chose to be born, to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.

I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.

I chose this life with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.

And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.

The above is my opinion which is expounded upon in my treatise A Search For Truth:


(If it’s not an active link then simply copy and paste it into your browser’s Address box.)


From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

Answer #3

I am personally of the wiccan/ pagan beliefs, I believe that our life energy (soul) is recycled into a new life and most times some aspects of our past lives can remain incorporated in that energy. case in point - your example. child prodegies, mozart - etc. sometimes this energy ends up in other animals - dogs that can surf, dogs that can skateboard, horses that can count, etc. etc. so yes I do believe that reincarnation is fact- we only have to look around at the world around us and pay close attention. I believe that we surround ourselves with objects we are comfortable with, even if we most times don’t think about it or even know why. so here is to you, look around at the objects you are drawn to and think of who you might have been in a former life. can be kind of fun sometimes.

Answer #4

No offense, but I think the whole concept of reincarnation is ridiculous. Maybe you’re just drawn to victorian houses because you think they look nice. Mental disorders are usually caused by something that someone experiences. If it isn’t that then it’s a biological reason.

Answer #5

piker187: Sure, that’s the simplest explanation. Occam’s razor, right? And why a thousand years?

In case it wasn’t obvious, no, I obviously don’t believe in reincarnation. There’s absolutely no reason to believe it exists.

Answer #6

Its funny badwinwolf of what you say as im always drawn to anything old like victorian times,when I see old houses I feel kinda weird and have butterflies so maybe I was around then but I dont surpose I was the lady of the manor but more of the servant girl,lol

Answer #7

I do, I get these powerful feelings about war that are not normal. I have it pegged that I must have been a great general a thousand years ago. I can just feel it, like I belong back then and not now. I am obsolite in today’s world

Answer #8

Im not sure whether reincarnation exists or not. But I do believe that some facts prove the experiences of past life. are they just coincident? Perhaps it really exists. we are just blinded by veins.

I have a question for you: if I don’t believe in science, I don’t think 1+1=2 on mathematics, then what the hell is this world from? science is just a practical theory, it is useful for us world, but it can’t explain everything. How can we deal with that parts of questions Science can not explain?

Answer #9

Not trying to be unkind, just giving the answer that I believe in. I am a Christian, and nowhere in the bible does it speak of reincarnation. It says that once we die, then we face the judgement. It does however, speak of disembodied spirits, that now live on the earth, who once lived in heaven. In studying this over the years, I have found that these spirits possess knowledge that can be transmitted to humans, however, they do this in order to get the human hooked on following them, and not the creator, this is their job, and they do it quiet well. The bible says to have no contact with these spirits.


Answer #10

when I was a child I read this book about reincarnation, and it blew my mind.I saw these scary pictures of the life cycle. I really did believe it. but later, I realized there’s beyond reincarnation. hindus believe in reincarnation but I’m not a hindu, im a christian.

yesterday we have this philosophy class, we discussed about this conservation of mass and energy whereby the totality of energy in the world is constant. what happens is simply the energy goes from one form to another. which means that the atoms, the particles, the energy or watever in your body right now dates back thousand of years ago.

maybe a part of this explanation have something to do with reincarnation. I really dont know if its true…

Answer #11

Yes. I’m Krsna conscience and we talk about reincarnation a lot. It’s real.

Answer #12

only if you wernt good enough for heaven or bad enough for hell or died a very violent death and were a ghost, yes

Answer #13

Really I don’t believes in these things

Answer #14

the christian bible and other religious texts around the world DO MAKE REFERENCES to reincarnation, a few examples spring readily to mind. think about it.

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