Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Should this lovestruck girl ask him if he likes her?
  2. What to do when two guys want me to fall for them?
  3. How to get my ex to admit he misses me?
  4. Why do people finger each other?
  5. How will my ex react to me dating his friend?
  6. What should I do about my life?
  7. How to turn a girl on?
  8. How to ask a girl out?
  9. Which guy should I date?
  10. Does he like me?
  11. Is he just being friendly?
  12. How do I get him to stop liking me?
  13. How do I move on from my last relationship?
  14. How to talk a girl into letting me touch her?
  15. How to prove my love to him?
  16. What's the best way to stop thinking about a guy?
  17. How to pash a girl to play truth or dare?
  18. What to do about my love with my girl?
  19. Is getting fingered weird if you're sitting down?
  20. Why does he shake?
  21. Should I ask this one guy out?
  22. How to put my husband's mind at ease?
  23. How do I find a girlfriend?
  24. Will I ever find a guy?
  25. Is my penis small for my age?
  26. Should I invite my friend?
  27. Is she jealous?
  28. Is it crazy that I'm going to Mexico with my boyfriend?
  29. How to get over a guy?
  30. What if I feel like there may be someone else out there?
  31. What should I make of this?
  32. How to find out if he likes me?
  33. Would you date me?
  34. How to get him to like me enough to ask me out?
  35. How do I know if he signed up for this?
  36. How do I love my Boyfriend when I like another guy?
  37. Is it really over?
  38. What to do with someone who is driving me nuts?
  39. How do I make him like me?
  40. How do I make my penis grow?
  41. Should I worry about their friendship?
  42. Is there such thing as love?
  43. Is it bad for your boyfriend/girlfriend to talk to their ex?
  44. Should I feel bad for not wanting to communicate with old friends?
  45. How to be friends with someone who doesn't speak English?
  46. How do I finger/pleasure a girl?
  47. Where should we go?
  48. How to get him to stop playing WoW?
  49. Do you think my boyfriend is being a jerk?
  50. How to stop crushing on guys w/ talent
  51. Which of these six guys should I pick?
  52. Does he like me as a friend or more?
  53. Should I go out with him?
  54. Should I have counseling following my friend's behavior?
  55. How do I know I'm in love?
  56. How do I know if he really loves me?
  57. Does anyone else want something this terrible to happen?
  58. How to stop her from telling secrets?
  59. How to know if it's the right thing to do?
  60. How to keep my second boyfriend away from my first?
  61. Why does my best friend talk crap about my boyfriend?
  62. What's the best way to m*sturbate?
  63. What if my boyfriend gets jealous of my guy friends?
  64. What is wrong with my boyfriend?
  65. How to get her back?
  66. What if I love someone other than my husband?
  67. What if I'm jealous of my best friend?
  68. How to get friends and have my boyfriend?
  69. Should I tell him all of my past issues?
  70. Should I tell my crush that I think he's being cheated on?
  71. Do I like him?
  72. Do women mind if their boyfriend wears pantyhose?
  73. How do I make women want me?
  74. Why are men such bullheaded creatures?
  75. How can I win his heart back?SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER!!
  76. How to sit straight up while on top?
  77. How to get revenge on an ex?
  78. Is your guy complicated?
  79. How to charm a girl?
  80. What if a guy won't admit his feelings?
  81. How can I trust him again?
  82. What is this girl thinking?
  83. Should we break up because he has a baby?
  84. Why don't I get aroused when he fingers me?
  85. How to get a creepy guy to back off?
  86. Am I being a bad friend for talking to my best friend's crush?
  87. Should I back off and leave him alone?
  88. Why are women only interested when you're taken?
  89. Why am I so depressed?
  90. Why did he break up with me?
  91. When should I have my first kiss?
  92. Will I ever stop feeling guilty?
  93. How exactly do you French kiss?
  94. Do guys prefer bad girls?
  95. What should I do about our friendship?
  96. Guys: Which kind of girl do you prefer?
  97. What if I love a married woman?
  98. Do you boys like skinny or meaty girls?
  99. What if I like him but it's one sided?
  100. How do I stop being so attached to people?