Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Is it bad to cry over jealousy in a relationship?
  2. What to do after a guy is finished?
  3. Should I go out with this older guy?
  4. How many guy have you ever dated?
  5. How to make sure my boyfriend doesn't get in trouble?
  6. How to get a guy to kiss you?
  7. How do I turn him on?
  8. How to deal with our differing views on abortion?
  9. What to give to my girlfriend?
  10. How do you meet good friends?
  11. Is it possible to develop feelings for someone you met online?
  12. What are some good ways to m*sturbate?
  13. What to buy a crush for Christmas?
  14. How do I know when he's serious and when he's playing with my head?
  15. Why can't I make new friends?
  16. Why have I never had a boyfriend?
  17. How to girls shave their vaginal hair?
  18. How to get this popular boy to ask me out?
  19. How to help my friend care about himself?
  20. What to get for a one year anniversary?
  21. Why would it bleed twice?
  22. Does anyone on want to talk?
  23. Why is my friend acting like this?
  24. How can I just her to be my friend?
  25. What kind of person do you prefer?
  26. Don't you have to be friends to be in love?
  27. What to do about this love triangle?
  28. How will I manage without him?
  29. How can you get over someone?
  30. What if we both like the same guy?
  31. Am I wrong for going out with him?
  32. What are some cute texts to send to my girlfriend?
  33. How can I drive my fiancee wild?
  34. What do you want in a lover?
  35. Do you think that men are stubborn?
  36. Am I the only one who likes boys she can never have?
  37. How to be sure if a guy likes me?
  38. How to break up with my boyfriend?
  39. Should I be concerned with her coming to his party?
  40. Why is my friend acting this way?
  41. Do stress and anxiety effect your libido?
  42. Should I let him take off my shirt?
  43. How do I tell him I like him?
  44. Could I get married if I'm unhappy at home?
  45. Will my niece's ex come back to her?
  46. Why does his loss hurt so much?
  47. Why do I dream these things?
  48. How would you feel with your lipstick in his collar?
  49. Why wouldn't my husband want me to lose weight?
  50. Do guys find Asian girls attractive?
  51. Should I go for it or wait until he asks me?
  52. How do I get over my girlfriend?
  53. How to get people to leave me alone about this girl?
  54. What if this guy was so mean after this note?
  55. Is it right to fight if I'll get in trouble?
  56. How to find out if my baby's Daddy is cheating?
  57. Why do people make rude comments about girls?
  58. What are tips for a date?
  59. How do I make her stay?
  60. Is there anyone who will talk to me?
  61. Why am I so alone?
  62. How do I break up with my boyfriend?
  63. What are good things to ask a crush in 20 Questions?
  64. What to say to this bartender?
  65. Is helping someone cheat the same as cheating?
  66. Did he really love me?
  67. Should I try to fix our relationship?
  68. Is it right for me to tell him how I feel?
  69. What if people think we're lesbians?
  70. Is my best friend abusing me?
  71. What if we're in a weird triangle of crushes?
  72. How do you get a girl to like you?
  73. Should I dump my girlfriend if she can't pass science?
  74. Will people like me based on race or style?
  75. Will he like me if we are different races?
  76. How can I get over him or get his attention?
  77. How do I get a girl to like me?
  78. How do I get him to ask me out if his friend likes me?
  79. How do I keep a long distance relationship hot?
  80. How can I stop thinking about another man?
  81. What if a boy asks me out but I'm not sure?
  82. Do you know anyone whose high school romance lasted?
  83. What should she do?
  84. Does this make me a bad friend?
  85. What to do if I love two amazing guys?
  86. What do I do to stay in contact with her?
  87. Why is it different now that I told him I like his friend?
  88. Why do guys find this hot?
  89. How to get a boyfriend?
  90. How to get rid of this guy?
  91. Why don't I have a ring yet?
  92. What if I like an older guy?
  93. Does anyone here see the real value of life?
  94. How could you share your life with someone without loving them?
  95. Should I meet him in person alone?
  96. Should I move on?
  97. Would you go out with me?
  98. What if my friend and I like the same guy?
  99. How can I just move on?
  100. Did I do the right thing?