Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Should I Get My Ex Back?
  2. How to not feel so alone?
  3. How can I talk to my best friend about this?
  4. What's your take on my online relationship?
  5. What can I do to stop thinking of him every day?
  6. Is being a lesbian a problem?
  7. How do I get a boyfriend?
  8. Should I change?
  9. Why won't my crush talk to me?
  10. What if it's the last year in school together?
  11. Why does he care so much about age?
  12. Do you think its wrong to have an online boyfriend?
  13. Why me?
  14. Why is love so painful?
  15. Should I settle before its too late?
  16. What if she's pregnant and her boyfriend moved?
  17. How to keep him from having a erection so soon?
  18. How to just look the other way?
  19. Love him or Love him not?
  20. What do guys like best in bed?
  21. How do I grind with a girl?
  22. Should I go out with him even if he's younger?
  23. Should I try and hook up with her if we're friends?
  24. Should I avoid my Dad's friend and his girlfriend?
  25. What if I have feelings for my best friend who is a girl?
  26. What if she doesn't want me back?
  27. How to get over the guy I really like?
  28. My boyfriend is really comfortable with being naked
  29. Should I have the baby?
  30. Is anyone in Arizona willing to do a private adoption?
  31. Rough Breakup
  32. How to get a boyfriend?
  33. How do I get a boyfriend?
  34. What should a girl do while he's doing this?
  35. How to get a pregnancy test when I'm so shy?
  36. What to do about this boy that I like?
  37. Help me with best friend trouble?
  38. How do I get a boyfriend?
  39. I want to be more than friends
  40. I dont know if he is cheating
  41. How do I break up with my girl?
  42. How to stand up to a guy?
  43. How come it only takes one person to wreck your life?
  44. What if my crush won't talk to me?
  45. Why do I love guys so much?
  46. Did he actually like me?
  47. How to get back with my ex?
  48. How can I get my boyfriend back?
  49. How to control my insecure feelings?
  50. How can I tell if my teacher loves me?
  51. What does the fourth wedding anniversary mean?
  52. How to get him to treat me like a woman?
  53. How to deal with a new girl in my life?
  54. How to tone up after having a baby?
  55. How to get rid of my fears of what other peole think?
  56. What's the difference between in love and puppy love?
  57. What's an original date?
  58. Did you ever fell in love with someone on the internet?
  59. Why am I feeling this way?
  60. What to write to my hospitalized friend?
  61. What should I get my boyfriend for his 18th birthday?
  62. How to get people to stop teasing me on the bus?
  63. Should I keep calling him?
  64. How to trust after a betrayal?
  65. Should I have surgery to make myself larger?
  66. How do I make the next move?
  67. Should I dump my boyfriend for this new guy?
  68. Is it illegal to havee a baby with an older guy in georgia?
  69. Should I go out with someone new if I'm not over her?
  70. How do I make my boyfriend horny?
  71. Which part of a girl is best to tickle?
  72. Should we stay friends if she ignores me?
  73. How do I get a guy?
  74. How to get over an ex?
  75. How to start my life over?
  76. How to handle being torn in this dispute?
  77. How to figure out if he likes me?
  78. Should I move on and forget about him?
  79. Should I believe that he doesn't like them?
  80. Does he like me or not?
  81. What's wrong with me?
  82. How to get people you really want?
  83. Is my boyfriend lying to me?
  84. Which Boy Should I Choose?
  85. What websites can be used to make friends?
  86. How to let him know that I like him?
  87. Does Age Count?
  88. Is he using me or does he really care? (continued)
  89. How can I compete with a senior?
  90. he talks with her 12 times a day
  91. What if my crush has a girlfriend?
  92. Should I leave him for not working?
  93. What should I do about her?
  94. How to feel better about myself?
  95. How to get a happy medium in my moods?
  96. What if I like her but she's moved on?
  97. What if my boyfriend is getting blamed for something he didn't do?
  98. Why doesn't he say "I'm interested"?
  99. What to do in this situation?
  100. Do I just have bad luck with guys?