What should I do about her?

Well there isn’t a topic for friends so I thought this was as close as I could get. Well I lived in the same house for most of my life from when I was born until I was 13. I had the best friend in the world (so I thought). Once I moved 45 min. away I tried still keeping in touch and hanging out with her. One day when I thought we grew apart I asked her about it and tried fixing it and she totally flipped on me. Now we arent friends anymore. It was over a year ago and there really isnt a day that goes by and I dont wish that we could still be best friends. We were like sisters I loved her family I went on vacation with them. I don’t if I should try talking to her especially after all this time or just go on with life and try to forget about it?

Answer #1

Yea try talking to her about it maybe that day she was just in a bad mood you never try and work things out and if she doesn’t want to be friends its her loss

Answer #2

Talk to her and say that you think it was a silly argument that never happened. I’m sure that if she receives an unexpected phone call from you then she will really appreciate it. She was probably incredibly upset at the fact that you had moved away and that was her wasy of taking it out.

A friend is always worth having…especially someone who you were so used to. I would strongly suggest getting into contact with her..If she does flip out again then I guess there isn’t much you can do other than move on with life and forget about it. It’s worth a try and I strongly reccomend giving her that call and going for it.

Good luck! :D

Answer #3

Thank you for the answers…I took your advice and confronted her and we did talk everything out and are friends again!! Thank you so much. I feel like a part of my heart is back together because we made up. :)

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