Should I change?

Im the kinda person that when I get really close 2 a person & I really like them as a person & we get along & are open w. Each other I like 2 let then know ill give em my all & I do show them as many time as possible If my friends need me ill bether 4 watever reason & also my boyfriend doesnt matter what they need ill be there But lately I feel like my friend are giving me the cold shoulder its being going on since last year…I get really close 2 one & outta nowhere they start talking 2 me less & less… Im a though person so @ 1st I can give a sh!t but then outta no where everything gets 2 me & I become really sensitive, I’ve tried 2 talk 2 sum of them but on doesnt want 2 so we stop being friends & the others just dont feel like getting 2gether & talking so I don’t know what 2 do and e more cus im tired of this & I dont want them outta my life ever but I don’t know what 2 do!!!

Answer #1

Well if they’re acting like that I don’t think they’re worth it but if you really want to stay friends with them just try talking to he, again and if they still ignore you and don’t want anything to do with you just find some new friends because people like that are so not worth it. Well hope this helped =]

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