Should I have the baby?

I’ve been with this guy for 2 years but we split up because he wanted to take the relationship to the next level (babies) and I was still in school. I really like him soo much but I dont know if he feels the same or he just cant be bothered to be in a proper relationship but still want a baby. Recently he asked me again if I wanted to have a baby with him now that I’ve finished school. Im 19 and finished sixth form with 3a’s and 2 b’s in alevels. He is 28 and he got a business of his own. Thing is I really like him sooo much and my parents respect him too. I really want to be with and have a baby with him but im confused. He says he loves me and will be complete with a baby. Im confused.. 1: I dont know if im ready for a baby 2: is he just using me to get a baby 3: will things change for the better or worse if I do get pregnant? Please help me…

Answer #1

I personally would be wondering why he is in such a rush to make babies with you? Is it because he thinks you will be his forever or something? You have to wonder dont you. I would sit him down and ask why he is in such a rush and remind him that there is an age diference and that there may be things you want to try before you go there. You are still so young and should get to have some fun before you have to be a mummy. babies are forever xx

Answer #2

you could be right and if you do want to have one and don’t know if your readie then ask your mom for help or friends or even look it up on the coumputer

Answer #3

no dont have a baby if you dont want to but if you want to its your choice but if you end up pregnant by him just DO NOT GET AN ABORTION caus it kills livin things before thr even born so bcarefl !!!

Answer #4

You should do what YOU want to do. Dont do it if you are not 100% percent positive you want a baby right now. If he loves you and wants to have a baby with you, he will understand and wait! Goodluckk!

hope I helped, xoxo :)

Answer #5

they only way to know if he is using you to have a baby is to ask him. If he loves and respects you enough and he knows you are not ready to have a baby he will wait. if he doesn’t wait then that will show his true intentions and feelings.

Answer #6

1 if you dont no your ready 4 a baby then you def not 2 more than probably 3 things will def change once a baby comes into the equation babys are damb hard work

Answer #7

A relationship has never been fixed by a baby. Ever. A baby is not to fix a relationship. A baby is a whole new person you have to take care of, for a long time. Even if your relationship dies. A baby does not complete anyone… A baby is an individual who you have to take care of, they do not fix your life… it is hard to take care of a baby, and anyone who does not realize that a baby is not a solution to any problem is not mature enough to have one (yes even if he is nearly 30) Honestly anyone who pressures another person into having a baby is not mature What does he think he is doing trying to get someone nearly 10 years younger than him pregnant You have so much to look forward to before you settle down

Answer #8

no, education first!! dont do it

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