Love & Relationships Questions

  1. infertile or not?
  2. A friend needs help
  3. Hanging out again
  4. Did he pop my cherry, or was it my period?
  5. get him to break up wit his girlfriend
  6. boys love with their penis and girls with their heart??
  7. help with the girl I loves soo much
  8. Issues w/ guys
  9. Just wanna make friends...
  10. Problemsss .
  11. why does he hate me?
  12. how do you get your x to shut up!!!
  13. Why did he do this to me?
  14. How old should you be before you finger your girlfriend ?
  15. What type of guys are you usually attracted to
  16. So if I ask a girl to hang out its a date right?
  17. 3months and my girlfriend seems to hate me
  18. What's Wrong ?!
  19. Starved for affection
  20. What if I went off on her?
  21. Go for him, or not..?
  22. Tines day
  23. Heartbroiken and confused
  24. Man it erks mi nevers
  25. GUYS and Friends?
  26. Confusion, please help me!
  27. help me get this guy away from me
  28. verbal communication or hand written better for a relationship
  29. how can I find ? ( a guy )
  30. why do guys like thin girls??
  31. bff nicknames
  32. what do to about it please help me
  33. how do I get more confidence
  34. How do I take good Naked Pictures of myself (I'm a girl)?
  35. is it ok to like him?
  36. steriods
  37. am I annoying my bfs' parents?
  38. Help...old crush-making out...I'm confused
  39. My BFF's 14th bday idea (her 14th bday is imoortant to her)
  40. were should you go on a first date that isn't pervy
  41. text love
  42. My friend was raped
  43. If I were a boy ..
  44. should I makeout???
  45. how to tell if a person is interested in me?
  46. Break up make up
  47. help! Am I in love! my feelings are all over the place :(
  48. Is she interested Girls???
  49. Family issues
  50. Do I have a fetish??
  51. Im horny
  52. Fingeriing
  53. Thinking of you
  54. Is cheating good or bad?
  55. Doesn't Know What To Think...
  56. Why am I like this? :/
  57. Am I in love ?
  58. so so confusing
  59. I'm not trusted.
  60. the way you look
  61. should I talk to him
  62. Would you? (GUYS)
  63. any secrets to making a girl like you?
  64. I've been tooo emotional
  65. starting to really really like him, help?
  66. what should I do?
  67. What would you do about your ex?
  68. thx guys
  69. horriable.
  70. is he the one for me?
  71. What to do
  72. what turns a girl on
  73. Married and in love with another man!
  74. cruel punishments?
  75. Why does he call me this...?
  76. What do you think?
  77. Shes so mean sometimes!
  78. How to flirt with my ex?
  79. What the heck is fingering?
  80. What to do when you're starved for affection?
  81. What should I do to help my friend?
  82. How can I tell if a girl is horny?
  83. Will he like me more if..
  84. What am I...
  85. Maxium pleasure
  86. How do I finger my girlfriend to give her maximum pleasure
  87. ex boyfriend?
  88. "Two" Much
  89. Affair
  90. Do I have the right to be mad at my boyfriend?
  91. conversation starters
  92. to young to be fingered?
  93. What's wrong with this picture?
  94. when you like someone
  95. Fingering with ice?
  96. how do I know I popped my cherry?
  97. dating a freshman
  98. why? she left me
  99. horny what should I do?
  100. fingering positions?