What's Wrong ?!

I don’t know what’s wrong with me . Lately I have been feeling like all my friends don’t like me and I have no one to turn to. One of my friends say she does, and I believe her, but she says (according to her questions on here) that she is more like her other bestest friend.. It makes me feel like I wanna cry sometimes.. it’s hard, HELP !

Answer #1

Thanks , everyoneee. This Helps. ! :D

Answer #2

I do this all the time hunny - You feel like all you have to trust is youself - Your your own friend? Yes, I get this way, turn on the song “How To Save A life” by THE FRAY! It makes me cry everytime - I sit and cry - I let out all the emotions I’ve held in through out the period of time I didnt cry, then you go to bed - the next moening you get up and you feel like 03958433049586434920985 pounds are lifted off your sholders.

You should try it.

  • Make sure your door is lock when you cry -
Answer #3

I go through the exact smae thing…my friend danielle, ialways questio and her friendship to me and ask her how good of friends we really are and I feel so alone…because she is my only friend and im pushing her away I fell but she says I worry to much and we’re fine…when I figure out how to get through it ill let you knkow

Answer #4

im sorry but if it means anythig to you then my other friend brings out the more depressed and serious side to me and you bring out my happy and out going personality im sorry you feel that way but you and her are my bestest friend ever since I moved to NB and I would do anything for the two of you:) you can tell me anything thats bothering you and I wont judge cause I go through the same things:) your are my best friend and I hate for you to fell this way

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