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My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 years now and we’ve had our share of ups and down but through it all I still love her. Lately though, my love for her has been called into question. Not by her but by a friend of mine that I’ve had a crush on for years. The last time my girl and I had a disagreement, I started looking back at all of the girls that I had met and thought about how my life would be had I been with someone else. I started telling some of them about my feeling and to my surprise, one of them was single and admitted liking me. Since then, my feelings have been torn between my girlfriend and my friend. I want so much to try a relationship with my friend but I want to keep my girlfriend as a friend in hopes that if it does not work out I could still be with her. I know that’s wrong but I don’t know what to do. What should I do? How should I aprroach the situation?

Answer #1

then tell her that…talk with her and if youv tried either your not trying hard enough or maybe take a break. maybe she thinks that if shes to assertive shell seem bossy , and if she might know shes not being assertive enough but is scared to try, help her to help u..

Answer #2

yeah but if he loved her he wouldnt be imagining himself with another girl..

therefore he doesnt deserve her and she has every right to know whats going on in his head!

Answer #3

You choose one of the other. You don’t dump your girlfriend…go out with some other girl and then if it doesnt work, go back out with your previous girlfriend Thats just not fair 3YEARS is a really long time.. it would probably be a different answer from me if it was a shorter amount of time… but don’t play with your girlfriends feelings like that. You need to decide. Stay with a girl you’ve been with for 3 years and LOVE…or dump her and go out with someone you just have a crush on and the realatonship might not work.

Answer #4

no I think your a loser, you to have been in a relationship for 3years.. its either you love her and only \think of her.. or you like someone else and dont love her..

you dont love her anymore, you lost your feelings towards her. and you cant keep a chick on the side, thats out of the question. You only have 2 options stay with her and enjoy life with thoughts of her ONLY. or break up with her and be a Male skankk :D

Goodluck with what you choose, cause I’d kill my boyfriend if he was thinking sexually about another girl!

Answer #5

too true ladies and I appreciate the info. Here’s the whole situation.

My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 years as of 02/12/09 and during this time, I’ve been faithful to her and only her for two of those years…the latter two. I cheated the first year 3 times and told her. She forgave me and we stayed together. I stopped cheating and stayed faithful. This past year, she started going to college and I thought it would help her break out of her shell. She grew up in a sheltered home and now she’s afraid to make her own mistake. She’s good to me but not assertive enough to keep me. I wish she would be more assertive with me. I like that she’s shy but after three years, you would think that she would open open some around me but she hasn’t. So the last time we had an arguement, it started me to think why am I “raising” my girlfriend. Why should I grow her up? I don’t mind doing so but I really would like some help with it. She’s afraid to make a mistake around me. I want her to not to have the fear. I love her to death. I’ll take a bullet for her and anything else but I started thinking about taking my chances with someone else and helping her as a friend until she out of her shell. I know its stupid and not wise and on but I don’t know what to do. I’m having to grow up my girlfriend. I never had to do that before. I feel like a father to her instead of a boyfriend.

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