why does he hate me?

one of my closest guy friends randomly deleted my number ( I know this because I texted him and he replied saying whos this), blocked me on msn and deleted me from his friends on myspace I know I havent done or said anything to upset him, I think it could be because he girlfriend might hate me, but I dont know why what should I do? I dont really want an akward conversation with him about it, he is in my form so I have to see him every day we barely say hi anymore

Answer #1

some people just grow apart, but if he up and deleted your number for no reason, than something is upp.

if his girlfriend hates you, then thats probably it.

girls get REALLY touchy feely when it comes to their boyfriends friends that happen to be girls.

honestly, if he cared enough about you, he would tell his girlfriend, that he wants to stay friends with you.

if he can let you go that easily, then its a safe bet to say, he’s not worth your time or your hurt feelings.

good luck (:

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