Go for him, or not..?

I met a guy somewhere in november 2008 in a club through a friend and we got really along in talkin he asked for my number and texted me right that day. But okay during that period I was really into my own world and not in the mood for any relationship, so we were just texting I asked him if he was single he said yes. We had so much in common and he would always express how amased he is with me. Then at one point we stopped texting and okay I was in my world doing my things, forgot bout him. Then he texted me around december and it was still all the same, friendly, I said that we should go for breakfast, he sounded really enthused but last minute when we had to meet up he disappeared. Wouldn’t answer his phone and just disappeared. I just let go and forgot bout him..so then in a month (january this year) he texted me saying how much he apologizes for that time because his phone was broken and yada yada. I didnt believe it, but ok I just kept talking to him, though I wasn’t really interested in him anymore.Then once we decided to meet up again, and again he cancelled last minute. He kept on texting me, and we agreed to meet up another 2 times, and everytime he would cancel last minute. About 3-4 days ago , we were talkin with him on the phone from 3 a.m until 6 a.m we had so much in common and we were just really enjoying ourselves..didnt sleep all night practically just by talkin to each other, and agreed to meet up that very afternoon. I called him , he answered and he was sleeping, then he said he has to go to work but will ask his boss if he can come later. He didnt call me sinse. Then sent me a message the same day , at midnight saying that he just finished work he is so tired and so on. I didnt reply. Now, I find out that he was in a serious relationship with a girl for about a year or two, and he was still with her when we just met in november and they broke up about a month or two ago. Seriously should I go for this guy? Why is he always cancelling our meeting? What do you generally think of this whole story?!

Answer #1

I don’t think you should. I used to have a buddy that did that all the time, excuse after excuse and it just gets to be so much. He sounds really lame to me, especially just not showing. He gets you all excited then lets you down so much. Even if he did eventually show up, I can just imagine how much he would let you down if you got into a relationship. It seems like he thinks the world revolves around him. He doesn’t seem worth getting hung up over.

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