text love

there is this boy I like and we talk every day. he is a jerk at school but he is so sweet and nice when we text. it is like he is two different people. He is always flirting with me when we text. my best friend keeps telling me not to get hurt but I dont know why. I trust this boy and I tell him all my secrets. I dont know what to do. I dont want to choose between them. Help me!!!

Answer #1

we dont see each other a lot at school only when we are at lunch. he is in the popular crowd that people hate and I am in the other popular crowd that people like. he sometimes says hi to me when I see him. my friend is trying to hurt me to get her revenge on him

Answer #2

I think what she means is that he could just be leading you on to gossip about you but if you no hes not that typ of person theres nothing wrong with being friends and you never have to choose sides

Answer #3

maybe hes shy or he just wants to make you and himself feel good about himself I don’t know im confuzzled sry

Answer #4

dont tell someone all of your secrets over texts. VERY bad idea. For all you know, his “buddies” are sitting right with him while he texts, reading your stuff and telling him what to say because it would be oh-so-funny if he played you.

But, hey he could be a good guy too, just trust your judgement, and I wish you the best of luck cause that is a tough situation.

Answer #5

if he’s a douche at school, then he’s probably a douche…period. just because he’s nice when he text’s you, doesn’t mean he’s gonna be nice. and telling him all your secrets is gonna get you burned later. I say bail on him. cut your losses before you get too attached, and find someone who doesn’t suck. good luck with that…live the dream.

Answer #6

we met last year and he was nice to me. my best friend is convinced that he still likes her. she keeps telling him to ask me out or if he likes me I dont know what to do.

Answer #7

it depends was he a jerk the first time you saw him because first impression really counts it is a judgment of who they really are

Answer #8

it is fine

Answer #9

aww chikka I’m sorry. guys truly suck. don’t you agree?

anywho thanks for the advice on my problem. I want to try that. I’m scared though. you know??

anyways as for the picking between best friend and a jerk-ey-ish guy. tell your best friend how you truly feel about this guy. and you cant just END it. and you know that she doesnt want to see you hurt. but either way…not being with him…your gonna be upset right? and being with him…you will be happier. whether things work out of not.

for him being a jerk at school. thats like my ex in my little thing…jerks at school but sooo sweet! and I know what thats like exactly. how you are just..so in love with him.

so what I’m trying to say is to just tell your best friend that you love her to death and you know that she doesnt wanna see you hurt. and you know that you dont want to be hurt. but seeing this guy…and him being so sweet to you and making you happy. is keeping you happy…then she should support you. if she is a true friend she will realize..that this is your choice.

I hope I helped. fun mail me if you need any extra help :D


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