is he the one for me?

kk so I’ve been on and off with this guy since my freshman year..hes cheated on me once but weve always come back to eachother in the end no matter what…its almost like im in love with him and I feel like he’s the ONE for me..but im not sure because I’m just so scared of getting hurt again by him.

we went out our freshman year for half a year and then we broke up and then a month later went out again ..then he cheated on me w. my best friend..and then I broke up with him and he stayed with her..then I met a new guy from my church and I fell really hard for him and we went out for 61/2 months but I broke up with him because I still wasnt seems like im never happy unless im with this guy..and im not sure what to do because we are talking about getting together again and he has changed a lot..he is actually willing to take things slow and not rush..but I dont know if I trust him and I dont know if he really means it when he says he’s changed but all I do know is that I think I’m in love with him and that he’s the only guy that I’m truely happy with..

so I’m wondering if he’s worth it? and I’m also wondering if he could b the one for me?? everyone says we are ment for eachother and I think so to but im sorta having some doubts:(..I really need advice!!!

Answer #1

How can you be happy with someone whos cheated on you, and someone you really dont trust? Thats not true happiness. You broke up after being together for a year and a half, got back together, then he cheated on you with your friend, then had a relationship with her, and you want him back? If you dont want to get hurt again, then you need to move on once & for all. Guys like that dont suddenly change, and if you do take him back, you are essentially telling him that EVERYTHING he has done to you, was totally acceptable, and he WILL eventually disrespect you again!

Answer #2

wow…it seems like you just want to give him another chance because you feel sorry for him? I don’t know hes betrayed you so much…I wouldnt give him another chance, EVER AGAIN.

Answer #3

look girl I’ve been in the same exected sitoution girl he is not the one thats how it was with me and this guy we keep breaking up and getting back together he cheated on me so many times he hurt me at the time he said he changed and he never really did he said the same things this guy is telling you girl he aint worth it email me

Answer #4

If he cheated on you then no hes not worth it. & with your bestfriend? Seriously can you trust a guy like that? You think your inlove because you havent let him go. You have to rearrange your brain to not think of him & do other stuff & meet new people. If you continue like this you will only get hurt. The doubts arent going to let you go on with your life everytime hes not around you your gunna panic trust me. You never fully get over someone you just learn to live without them, which is what you have to do.

-Best of luck hun :)

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