Politics & Law Questions

  1. Is it true that if you have a "no trespassing" sign in your yard, you can drink under age, and the police can't do anything about it?
  2. What is happening in Egypt right now?
  3. What is everybody's opinion on the President of Egypt forced out of his own country by radical muslims?
  4. Which is better American weapons or Russian weapons?
  5. Can a person apply for a voter's card if they have a green card?
  6. Do you think Obama's "sputnik moment" for our generation is low in standards?
  7. Who thinks that it should be mandatory for politicians to live at middle class standards during their term?
  8. What is your opinion on the government now giving out free cellphones and service to people on welfare and foodstamps?
  9. Was there ever a law stating that corporations have to serve the "public interest" in order to get charters?
  10. What do you have to say about the people who believe the Holocaust is a myth?
  11. Did anyone watch Obama's State Of The Union address?
  12. What do you think of this law regarding cell/iPod use while walking that some people are trying to pass?
  13. How do we know that Rep. Giffords was the intended target of the Tucson tragedy?
  14. What are some recent Czech Republic current events?
  15. Is it mandatory to wear seat belts in the whole United States?
  16. Would you have a problem supporting the legalization of Marijuana in your state or country?
  17. Why doesn't the government limit the ability for cars to go over 100km/h since it's the maximum speed here in Canada?
  18. What recourse does the minority of voters have if the majority is wrong?
  19. Why do the various federal politicians refer to the opposing side as "nazi's"?
  20. How did Gerald Ford become president without being elected president or vice president?
  21. Is it illegal if you convince someone to harm themselves?
  22. What forms did propaganda take?
  23. Who here thinks there should be tougher gun control laws in the US?
  24. Can someone give me a short description of the first continental congress?
  25. Does Miami Dade county have the highest crime rate in the USA at present?
  26. How does discrimination and prejudice impact our world today?
  27. What are the rights of children?
  28. Is a liberal a republican?
  29. What is better for a nation: intergration or assimilation?
  30. Why are there so many Americans who love and worship Sarah Palin and think she has the "Presidential" material to become a leader?
  31. What's an Informal Amendment?
  32. Why are there so many illegal immigrants in USA?
  33. Why do people become offended when people bring up that English should be America's national official) language?
  34. Does the Political Party change it's platform based on the Presidents views if the President is well liked by the public?
  35. What was the reason (the trigger) for the USA-VIETNAM war in the 1960's?
  36. Why are the republicans represented by an elephant, and the democrats by a donkey?
  37. What does the word "Democratic" mean?
  38. Why is it almost impossible to qualify for welfare?
  39. What makes U.S. welfare different from European welfare?
  40. Does anyone believe that there are some really intelligent people controlling the world?
  41. Where can gays get married legally?
  42. Is it true that they might pass a law that people won't get their driver's license until they're 18?
  43. Does emancipation mean no more social security benefits?
  44. How old do you have to be to get your license if you quit school in the state of North Carolina?
  45. Can anyone explain the consolidation of the Nazis?
  46. What were the effects of colonization in Zimbabwe?
  47. What are some benfits of suicide drills?
  48. Do you believe the United States is a nation state?
  49. Why was Alcatraz prison closed?
  50. Is it still considered su!cide if the person doesn't die for a few days?
  51. Who is the president of Hollywood?
  52. What is it called when someone writes a written statement for you for court?
  53. Is stem cell research prohibited in some countries?
  54. What do you think of the department of homeland security telling everyone to spy on thy neighbor?
  55. How is it we can send troops to other countries to defend their borders from illegals but can't do it for ours?
  56. How does someone display citizenship?
  57. When people argue in terms of racism, are they arguing in regards to culture?
  58. When a person who was wrongly accused of a crime gets exonerated after spending years in ja!l do they get any type of compensation from the government?
  59. Can an 18 year old go to juvenile prison?
  60. Does anyone know anthing about Kennedy's attitude to civil rights?
  61. What will happen if my boyfriend is the key witness in a robbery?
  62. How is a senator elected (in USA)?
  63. Is there a movie star, pop star, or anybody famous who would be fit for leading his country right now?
  64. Do you think Germany is going to withdraw away from the Euro?
  65. If someone becomes mentally ill while serving a d*ath penalty sentence should they still have to do the punishment?
  66. Why don't all the staes in the US have the same laws?
  67. What do you think of the FCC want to step in and monitor all media traffic including the internet?
  68. Does anyone know the requirements for filing for a refugee visa?
  69. do you think that the world will always be messed up?
  70. Which President created the Peace Corps?
  71. What is the worst policy President Barack Obama has ever made?
  72. What do you think of Free Speach and would you fight for it???
  73. What is Neoliberalism and what do you think of it?
  74. What do you think of the Government raise the retirement age, if the average world life span is 67?
  75. What exactly is, "The Tea Party Movement"?
  76. What do you think should happen to people who starve their children to the point its fatal?
  77. Could we sue for this?
  78. Who was the cruelest ruler of anytime, and what made them the cruelest?
  79. Why do poor people in poor countries have children when they can't even afford anything for themselves, and are sick with AIDS?
  80. Do you think the country would have been better off if Hilary Clinton would have won the election instead of Obama?
  81. Do you think 9/11 was a cover up to remove the trade towers, or was it a real terror attack?
  82. Is the tax break for Social Security a good idea?
  83. What do you think about the legal substances that are being sold in gas stations now?
  84. Is Wikileaks doing good to the world or what?
  85. Why does bi-partisanship scare political slickers so much?
  86. Whats a Unitary Parliamentary Democracy ?
  87. Who do you dislike more, Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler?
  88. What do you think of making laws about NO texting while driving?
  89. Do you think Obama would try to start a war to help boost his approval?
  90. Would you favor less government with more responsibility or the reciprocal of that?
  91. Do you think their should be a time limit authorities have to find a criminal and be able to charge them?
  92. What do you think of the lack of boarder control in the Southern part of the US and the boarder wars, where lost of life has been so great?
  93. Why we have to do jury service?
  94. Why does senate DEMOCRAT wants FCC to close down Fox & MSNBC?
  95. What would you define as "corruption in Government"?
  96. Is America is Turning Into One Gigantic Hellhole?
  97. What do you think of a chess park in NY that will only let adults in the park with children, if you are not in the park with your kid, you will get fined?
  98. Do you feel that the leader should follow with the consent of the majority or should lead on what he/she feels best?
  99. What do you think of John Tyner getting sued by TSA for refusing to be searched at the airport?
  100. Which leader did the most to lead Athens to democracy and why?
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