Why don't all the staes in the US have the same laws?

and what would be some pros and cons for them haveing the same laws?

Answer #1

Living conditions is one of the biggest factors in my opinion. If you live in the country, there will be less crime than if you live in the city. They adjust the laws to whatever is going on & what is causes deaths etc. Like texting while driving is illegal was just added on. Laws are to protect citizens, & if all the states were to have the same laws, a lot of people would get away with less common crimes.

Answer #2

But in other countries everyone must go by the same laws, it just doesn’t make since for thr to b so many laws when they shud b the same for everyone, isn’t that wat equality is all about? Being treated the same

Answer #3

I just think they don’t because each state hs it’s own problem, they each have to deal with their own stuff, so if we made a law for all states just because one state had an issue than things would be wrong and more political problems would go on and all that.

Answer #4

Then where did they come up with the name United States, cuz it sure doesn’t seem as though we r

Answer #5

I just think that it got it’s name because they are states that are different but united? Don’t really know how it got it’s name. I mean we do have some laws that are the same, the major ones are the same it’s just that there are individual problems too.

Answer #6

Well because the idea is for the states to act as individual units and have a certain amount of autonomy while also having the benefits of belonging to a larger nation (like protection, freedom of trade, etc). You realize that the majority of the laws are basically the same. Then comes differences in things like gun control, homosexual marriage, etc. Which could really be seen as a difference in ideologies, which then influences the laws. A large proportion of people are quite happy with having their state be independent in some respects. People in the more liberal states would be extremely unhappy with some of the laws in places like Alabama and KY, and vice versa. Can you imagine the rest of the U.S. agreeing to the laws CA likes to pass?

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