Politics & Law Questions

  1. Stimulus Package
  2. Federal Income Tax
  3. Is Obama the Anti-Christ?
  4. spanish pronounce
  5. why is iraq considered a bad conutry.
  6. What's the Point?
  7. What Change?
  8. Does it seem like the US is leaning more towards socialism?
  9. Why you people in western world wheather it was europe,spacificly e
  10. Stupid/Funny Laws
  11. About scooter libby
  12. Cop searching car.
  13. should the USFG devote 50$ billion to leukemia research?
  14. Hey Who here things ploliticts in some ways are ***ed?
  15. Can I get a hardship license so that I can drive myself and my brother to school?
  16. strict states
  17. moving out
  18. questions about emancipation and stuff.
  19. Who thinks the economy is getting any better?
  20. Who's to blame in the arrest of Henry?
  21. District for Los Angeles CA
  22. Does Six Months Make a Presidency?
  23. law on foreign drivers license
  24. Can america afford free healthcare?
  25. Do you like Obama and the laws he's making?
  26. Permits and Liscenses
  27. Who likes or dislikes
  28. Do you think obama should president
  29. Afghanistan War.
  30. Illuminati and the New World Order
  31. Felons And The Military
  32. Reasoning Behind Felons Not Becoming Police
  33. Why are Republicas so hated
  34. Welfare
  35. I was just wondering...
  36. How can anyone ignore the benefits?
  37. What wud be da 1st thing you wud do if you were prime minister/pres
  38. The U.N. and Politics
  39. Is Obama the Antichrist or just a Commie ?
  40. stimulus packages
  41. do you think obama is good for the office?
  42. History
  43. Simple Posession of Marijuana charge??
  44. What exactly is going on in Albany with the senate?
  45. Are the green berets still active?
  46. Legalize Marijuana in Califonria
  47. What is holocaust?
  48. Why do we forget about soldiers dying?
  49. Americans how do you feel about obama
  50. Why is it that racism still exists?
  51. Everyones opinions on hunting?
  52. Illegal Immmigrant
  53. Yes or no
  54. Theres a video of a girl name neda getting shot for protesting...
  55. California Governor
  56. what do you think cannabis do you think it should be legalised?
  57. Why can't we fire politicians?
  58. Gay and lesbians what do you think???
  59. Happy National Sovereignty Day!
  60. What is wrong with adult stem cells?
  61. Occupation
  62. weed issues
  63. What historical figure gave women freedom, rights & equality?
  64. America Interfering In Other Countries Politics
  65. "pleed the fifth" what does that mean?
  66. how do I start a petition? I really want to fight this
  67. The New Law for Teen Drivers in Pennsylvania?
  68. Skating the White House
  69. How would youdescribe the status of the U.S. economy
  70. HelDoes anyone know the prime rate for the US economy ?
  71. Permit (:
  72. iran or iraq or some country like that
  73. Who is hightest leader of iran?
  74. what rights I have if I marry an us citizen
  75. Why do people call me a communist?
  76. What could be the reasons why our country is still a third world co
  77. Which president of the United States said make the most of hemp?
  78. Wouldn't it just make good common sense to postpone super-spending
  79. Should weed be legal
  80. Would political differences prevent you from having a relationship?
  81. Is Government-run television good for America ?
  82. usa where the population is mainly north american indians?
  83. 2010 slogan
  84. Here are a few questions to the liberals.
  85. Cap and trade
  86. Anyone here believes in World Peace??
  87. Soldier/Police
  88. British Slave trade
  89. Is Obama going to legalize weed?
  90. Do you think that there will ever be a GIRL president?
  91. Economy Affects
  92. Your view on prop 8?
  93. Health care question.
  94. left right up down
  95. Right-wing extremists
  96. Bend over and brace yourself.
  97. How are the number of 'Saved' jobs calculated by the government ?
  98. What month and year do you predict the unemployment rate numbers will decrease ?
  99. Do you think Woodrow Wilson was a bad president?
  100. Politics