Do you like Obama and the laws he's making?

Do you like Obama and the laws he’s making? Why do you like him. Just because he’s colored or what he wants to do with our country. I dont like him. I’m NOT I repeat NOT racist. >( I just dont like what he’s doing with our country, no rude comments please.

Answer #1

I don’t like that all the bills he wants passed become “EMERGENCY Will Robinson!!!” to be passed before anybody reads passed page 3…The upcoming health bill for instance.

There is NO SUCH THING AS FREE…NOTHING in life is free…so get passed that. Everybody will pay in one way or another…either out of their wallet or their health will suffer…


Answer #2

meluvhim - get over it. He was arguing a case - which is mainly what politics are about. No ones calling anyone a liar. It’s all about opinions.

Answer #3

I’m not certain his selecting a councilmember of La Raza as Supreme Court Justice is prudent. [] The fact that she has publically made racist/ethnocentrist remarks adds to my apprehension.

Answer #4

hes not sayn your dads a liar your dad doesnt know what hes talking about whick is makeing you look kinda were already losing there jobs before obama was even pres..okay and a lot of the people say oh I dont like him why nothing has changed really since hes been in office give this man a chance omg hes not god he can perform miracles over night it takes time to fix all the crap bush messed up and he cant fix it all at one time and maybe he cant fix thing maybe this is what they say about the world coming to an end.god and its always the reallly young kids who think they know everything..not to be rude but go read a book…

Answer #5

Well I haven’t seen the changes that he has made. But I don’t like that people only voted for him because he is black

Answer #6

my dad knows what he talkin bout.

Answer #7

r you saying my dads a liar?!?

Answer #8

Ok…you really must start doing your own thinking, rather than parrotting your parents :)

But All these people losing jobs…HIM Health cares gonna kill us. I’m not even eligable for a job but when I’m 18 I officialy owe $90,000 to him for this health care. My dad is real into all this and real informed so I know.

That’s not true. False. Lies.

Lemme break it down, one by one:

  1. During Bush’s reign on terror…we spent 700 billion on war…when we could have fixed things at home.
  2. We still have zero evidence that Iraq made sense…for the stated reason by Bush, we should never have gone.
  3. Imagine, for 700 billion…how many jobs could be created? And the health care thing? Less money than governmental slaughter of foreign nationals (aka, war).

Please…I have kids of my own, and I expect them to form their own opinions based on research of the facts. If you parrot what your parents, friends or neighbors say they “heard”…you’ll likely find a pile of untruth, at best, and lies at worst.

Answer #9

Well the greener thing is kinda stupid I’ll do a Q bout that soon But All these people losing jobs…HIM Health cares gonna kill us. I’m not even eligable for a job but when I’m 18 I officialy owe $90,000 to him for this health care. My dad is real into all this and real informed so I know.

Answer #10

I don’t really like him either. I’m not racist either. I love black people!!! I do like the fact that he wants our country to become greener, though. And I heard he’s trying to get everyone free health care.

Answer #11

I personally beleive that “colored”is not a respetful way to sayy he’s a educated black man who is the president of the united states…GET OVA IT!your dad is not a liar,but to say you know what your talkn about because your dad knows is not a very “accurate”way of stating that you know what your talkn about becuase your dad is uninformed!personally,I beleive that in order to heal the country it takes time,people arent giving him any respect or time to do his job.he’s done more in the past 6 or 7 months then bush did in his whole 2 terms.for everyone who beleives he’s a bad president,good for you..but if he was a white liberal/republican none of you would have these “problems” or issuses with him.I dont think any of you are racist,but I do think you are blinded by whats on the outside &&what the media has conjured up to say!

Answer #12

what do you expect , I ‘ m pretty sure that you wern ‘ t saying that when your tax dollars wher going to payy for a useless war , or did you not realize you were helping to kill thousands of people of your own country , and those of the innocent civilizions of a different nation ! I bet you didn ‘ t . I respect him for wanting to make changes in a country that is OURS , and not someone elses ! like you said nothing is free , so whyy are you complaining about helping to pay to help better your country ! please let me know , because I don ‘ t understand that at all !

Answer #13

What you mean obamacare? What a sick joke, it has nothing to do with his race it’s the fact that he has an agenda and it sure don’t benefit the American people

Answer #14

Do you know his real name is Barry soetoro and he’s not even from this country, look it up, just saying

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