Is Government-run television good for America ?

On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care - good thing or bad thing and why ?

Answer #1

Get it right and get out of the GUTTER !!

…I didn’t notice sexual undertones in any of his comments…

Look in the mirror and judge yourself for once in your Life

Practice what you preach, LIAR…

all the world, even you, will soon see WWJD !!

In this case it should read, ‘’WJWD !!’’ …since its not in the form of a question. And was that a prediction? Are you guessing the world will end in YOUR lifetime… just like EVERY generation before you? Or are you just making passive aggressive threats?

continue to constantly put down everyone of a different opinion than you and my God

Generalization… WRONG. I’m currently in a debate with him about the origin of the universe, and he’s yet to put me down…

Bush is dumb, Obama is the Savior who will lift us all up.

I’ve yet to hear jimahl call ANYONE ‘’Savior’’ …unless it was sarcasm… I think you’ve got some wires crossed.

Answer #2

This site never changes. Amblessed against jimhal. Republican vs democrat. Bush is dumb, Obama is the Savior who will lift us all up. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Answer #3

*“Jimahl, you wouldn’t last 10 minutes in a debate with Bush, He has far more education than you, I don’t believe you have 2 masters one from Harvard and one from Yale.”

lol, Bush doesn’t have two masters either!

He has a BS from Yale and an MBA from Harvard. He did not excel in academics at either school. I think anyone with a brain can attest to the fact that a college education does not always mean a person is intelligent. Bush was a “c” student who played sports and was popular.

He is also the only president to enter office with a criminal record.

“The first arrest of George W. Bush was for theft at a hotel. The second arrest was for disorderly conduct at a football game. The third arrest, we’ve now learned, is for a very serious crime – drunk driving.”

Granted the first two are stupid acts done by a young person. But the third was for DRUNK DRIVING. That is very serious and if you say it is not, then you are just making excuses for him. I have never been arrested, have you? Yet our president was arrested for drunk driving.

I do not know if jimahl attended Harvard or Yale but I would bet that he has never been arrested for drunk driving… And I KNOW that he could debate against Mr. Bush, King of the quotes…

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on –shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.” –Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

“Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across this country.” –Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” –Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

“You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that.” –to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005

Answer #4

Jimahl, you wouldn’t last 10 minutes in a debate with Bush, He has far more education than you, I don’t believe you have 2 masters one from Harvard and one from Yale. You are very arogant in the way you put down people. Obama wound’t even go on Hannity for a debate because he was to chicken S#%T to do it, why because he dosen’t have a clue if someone isn’t writting his speaches and putting them on a teleprompter he is clueless. We saw seveal demonstration during the campaign when the teleprompter went down. All Obama could say was da da da da da d a wo wo dao. Get a clue your rhetoric is rediculous and idiotic (idiotic, a term you use often). When will you libs get a clue and realize you have been deceived by the liberal press and the liberal organizations in this great land. I look foward to the day when Obama’s and your chickens come home to roost.

Answer #5

“I for one don’t enjoy seeing it dismantled with socialist policies”

And you constantly saying that it is does not make it true.

“continue to constantly put down everyone of a different opinion than you and my God”

I do not put down everyone who has a different opinion. I just call out hypocrisy and lies when I see them.

“it reveals the person you truly are for all to see…and it doesn’t escape HIS notice either.”

And what person is that? Will you be happy to see me go to hell? WWJD?

Answer #6

Shows my utter LOVE for my COUNTRY !!! - I for one don’t enjoy seeing it dismantled with socialist policies, I say again, POLICIES - Get it right and get out of the GUTTER !! - Look in the mirror and judge yourself for once in your Life - all the world, even you, will soon see WWJD !! - continue to constantly put down everyone of a different opinion than you and my God - it reveals the person you truly are for all to see…and it doesn’t escape HIS notice either.

Answer #7

amblessed, this is not about putting down dissent. Suggesting that ABC MUST air these rebuttals is silly. What if, when Bush was interviewed on FOX Noise, Move-On wanted to air a rebuttal. Should FOX have been forced into airing it? ABC, just like any other news organization has full editorial control over its programming.

You better watch it. This hyperbolic rant of yours is showing you utter hatred of Obama. WWJD?

Answer #8

NO DISSENT OR ALTERNATIVE VIEW ALLOWED…Where do you think this is… America ??

ABC is refusing to air paid ads during its White House health care presentation, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, including a paid-for alternative viewpoint!…and the doting press and Sheeple continue “ I see nothing !!”…spend more, tax more, and continue to send that mean ole always wrong America in a downward spiral - bring her to her knees !!

Answer #9

cancersurvivor, yes bush does have more degrees than me, but as Utopia said, he was a “C” student. I never got one “C” in college. Obama graduated magna cum laude, was president of the harvard law review, and has taught constitutional law. He has no problem talking off the cuff. Bush has trouble putting 2 coherent sentences together.

Answer #10

I don’t think that’s exacty true, Toadly…it’s always been, “when the President speaks, everybody listens”…and you can hop from one major network to another, and there he is…speaking. In Roosevelt’s day, it was the radio for his fireside chats…but, this informercial stuff is new… where time is purchased (or donated) from one network, in which the President pitches his plans.


Answer #11


I do not normally join in on political discussions, however, your comment on Cuba triggered something that I would like to share.

A friend of a friend, was a young girl, in Cuba, when Castro came to power, she was against the Communist party, and was actually a freedom fighter. She escaped to the United States a few years after the changeover began. At that time, she feared for her life, because of her stand against the new government.

She says that the adulation that is now common with Pres. Obama, is identical to that in the beginning days of Castros reign.

The people all loved him, and constantly proclaimed him as the power that was going to bring the change that they desired.

However, 50 years later, the bubble has definately burst. There are areas that are quiet lovely, but, those areas are for the tourist, if you leave them, you find yourself in squalor. The people live in deplorable conditions, houses are mere shacks, there is no such thing as the beauty we have as a nation, nor the freedom.

The cars that are driven are all relics from the 50’s, the houses are unpainted, the once former pride of the people, destroyed, by years of governmental control, the prisons are full of people who opposed the iron rule that was imposed upon them.

This woman, was able to escape, after several years of this mans reign, along with her children, who have been priviledged to grow up in this country. She said they would have put her to death, for her stance, had they been able to catch her.

Her opinion, from someone who has been thru the exact same thing, as we seem to be experiencing, is that the similarities are very frightening indeed. She continually warns anyone who will listen, that we are indeed, heading pellmell down the same road. It may take a few years for the process to bring to light the hidden agendas that are just below the surface.

Answer #12

This is ABC News choosing to do this interview. It is not an infomercial. Similar interviews were done with Bush. Maybe not a full hour, but Bush probably wasn’t intelligent enough to talk for a full hour.

Answer #13

You are right Jim, this does have to do with the networks choice. But how is this news if you only hear just one side. If the argument was so great for health care then why are they so afraid to defend it? Obama is a coward, he will talk to terrorist nations but not once got in the ring with someone from fox news. There was only one democrat who had the balls to go on conservative radio/TV and that was Dennis Kucinich.

Answer #14

Only hear one side? You do watch FOX, don’t you? You should be used to that.

And you are quite wrong about democrats not going on conservative talk shows. Obama and Hillary both went on O’Reilly. The real fact is that most conservative shows don’t invite many democrats on.

Answer #15

Thank you for a voice a sanity toadaly…

Amblessed, you are shameful. How does a network choosing to do a special news show with the president equate to government-run television?

I have no problem with a president coming on tv to explain his plans, especially with something as important as healthcare.

Answer #16

Interesting, the GOP asked to participate to present the other side to the American people on this Huge health care spending proposal and was denied by ABC - Hmmm…maybe ABC and Obama should get a room !

Answer #17

What a bunch of extremist rhetoric. It’s commonplace for the media to occasionally give the President free reign for periods of time.

Every President since Roosevelt has been given this courtesy.

Answer #18

“If ABC wanted to show themselves as unbias they would do as Fox news has done by allowing an alternate view point”

see this would be funny if it wasnt so sad. do you actually believe that? seriously? I mean at least I can watch msnbc and know it has a ridiculous amount of liberal bias. Like reality does not escape me… Does reality just completely not make it through?

Answer #19

There is a difference between reporting the news and reporting indoctrination. If ABC wanted to show themselves as unbias they would do as Fox news has done by allowing an alternate view point. If you would watch Fox news they would show the liberal argument, but when the liberal argument is weak don’t blame the station, blame the argument. Maybe I should submit my Obama prayer to them and see if they play it. On second thought maybe not, they probably wouldn’t see it as a joke and actually do it.

Answer #20

I don’t recall FOX giving Bush a one hour segement, all his very own to push legislation…I don’t recall ANY President being handed a one hour timeslot/commercial, EVER…this is new.

Seems to me, there were plenty of reporters from every network in Iraq, with footage taken by their own cameramen…shown on their own affiliates.

It’s not government run TV…it’s a big infomercial, that’s all.


Answer #21

So, we do all know that during the Bush administration, the state department would produce the war footage themselves, then hand over the story for Fox to run, and other networks, right?

This is different…well, how? I don’t see a difference, personally. If people would have been protesting the war informercials made by the state department, I’d be upset about this, too…but, they weren’t. And, afaik, Obama isn’t selling war.

Answer #22

They have the banks and the car companies. Is this what is next? Control of our TV stations? What is this, Cuba?

Answer #23

lol, I bet you had no problem when Bush was pushing the war on Fox?

either way, whatever, I change the channel if I’m not interested… I watch it if I am… since there’s no mind control devices (although one never knows with obama) I dont see what the issue is?

Answer #24

Bad thing…I don’t feel like explaining, sorry

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