Politics & Law Questions

  1. Social cricist!!!
  2. Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine?!?!
  3. Does anyone know any examples of government public good?
  4. Americas economy
  5. How do you register to vote in the UK?
  6. The lisbon treaty
  7. Did you hear brack obama is going to pass a law 2 make school lnger
  8. Another question about stupid government.. your oppinion?
  9. What are the first, fifth, eleventh, and ninteeth Amendments?
  10. What un branches were involved in the russia georgia conflict?
  11. Is the media getting on your nerves
  12. why are we?
  13. Why are abortions evil?
  14. Royalty contract
  15. Weapon systems
  16. How much of the governments budget is spent by the secretary of sta
  17. What does it mean to be a democratic?
  18. What form of government does netherlands have?
  19. Who was the first president that started with an R?
  20. Who's voting Labour?
  21. Who hates the Euro?
  22. What are your views on abortion?
  23. Are Shrooms Legal?
  24. My political essay... HELP!!
  25. Why america and europe are so racist
  26. Flag burning debate
  27. why all english people hate arabs and why they are racist
  28. Obama...and people saying...
  29. Afghanistan (army wife)
  30. Bicycle helmets!
  31. Why are soliders better then criminals ?
  32. does someone not think that this world needs to be a better place
  33. Catchy Slogan??
  34. What role did slavery play in southern plantation economy?
  35. Native americams and europeans
  36. A day without ANY laws??
  37. How did the Salem Witch Trials Change the World?
  38. What would your week day be like without laws?
  39. What's the difference between republicans and democrats?
  40. How scary are the goverment really are in the united states
  41. Why are people so foucsed on lockerbie ?
  42. Who has seen september clues?
  43. What Is Your Opinion On The Economy?
  44. Colonial Power had the most vital resources for war?
  45. Opinions On Euthanasia ?
  46. Why do some people hate obama's health plan ?
  47. 9-11-01
  48. I cant find anything on this.. please help?!
  49. Prostitution why aren't you allowed to do it?
  50. example of justice taking place in the real world.?
  51. Why don't america leave the middle east alone ?
  52. Women joining the US Marine Corps...
  53. Nickname of French flag?
  54. know what the president will be talking about in his speech tomorow
  55. a guy predicted 9/11 is that really true
  56. Why Is This Illegal?
  57. Living off the government!!
  58. Ted Kennedy
  59. Question about Ted Kenndy?
  60. History denied!
  61. Who is this man?
  62. Has the media made it worse??
  63. when go 2 court for harrasment 4 the first time?
  64. Cops, what can and cant they do?
  65. Do you believe in segregation ?
  66. Think indonesia and malaysia should do to promote peace?
  67. Immigration Help...filing the G-325A form
  68. Bam Margera or Rob Dyrdek
  69. who holds the real power in texas government? please please please please please!!
  70. Compassion for a terroist?
  71. Why Is Marijuana Illegal ?
  72. U.S gov help need any kinda answers kwik!!!
  73. Sugar running out??? :P
  74. Can I call the police on this annoying bird outlaw?
  75. What does this mean-- MILF
  76. Ability of government to distribute resources?
  77. Why do people think Sarah Palin is hot?
  78. One way racism?
  79. Social Sercurity Card
  80. Presdential candidate who gave the funny speech in 00?
  81. do you think the prolifers are hypocrites?
  82. Who is behind the town hall disruptions?
  83. Being the power of attorney?
  84. Who is the Youngest president of USA and which president has died in youngest age?
  85. who was he?
  86. Are republicans trying to prove Obama was foreign born because...?
  87. Why was it Bill Clinton that brought the reporter's home?
  88. Who ows the plane bill clinton just make his trip to korea on
  89. just moved to america from russia and there is no drinking age
  90. Superpower?
  91. Why did australia federate?
  92. cops came in to my house without asking
  93. running for president need speechhelp
  94. What rights do ex felons regain?
  95. Why is marijuana illegal?
  96. Operation Anaconda
  97. War With North Korea
  98. New Orders
  99. Do you think its right for a country to control the population?
  100. Do you believe our central bank the Federal Reserve is a private owned entity?