A day without ANY laws??

Question. What would your week day be like without laws? Imagine society without laws courts and polices. Describe you typical week day without laws. At work, the mall, place of worship, sports. explain why situaions would happen. I was asked this question in class today and I have to write a 3-5 paragraph essay. PLEASE HELP ME OUT!! thankss

Answer #1

somedays I hate cops and the government just as much as the next person…without them though it would be complete chaos…which we would call Anarchy…think about this, people who should and shouldn’t have guns already do…but there’s some people who don’t have guns because it’s illegal for them…however if joe blow who has a seriously bad temper had a gun, and somebody made him REALLY mad…and he chose to shoot that person in the face that would then be murder, and then because there’s no laws, that guy who is now dead family goes after joe blow because theyre mad and want revenge…and then it becomes a complete shoot out with innocent people getting caught in the middle. How about when somebody robs you, and rapes you and then you have nobody to call? Very complex question.

Answer #2

That is a rather thought provoking question/ scenario. If it were me I’d write of how chaotic things would get and given the nature of today’s population it’d certainly be surprising if I made it through the day without meeting with my demise. I’d entitle my little assignment: “My Final Day” and take it from there hehe.


Answer #3

what would happen: people would take advantage of the situation, and put themselves and other’s in life threatening circumstances. People could get greedy and selfish: robbing a bank, stealing, no respect for anyone, no respect for the environment (even though that already happens) Anything illegal!

Answer #4

haha, thanks a whole lot!!

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