Compassion for a terroist?

Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi (the Lockerbie bomber) was recently released on grounds of compassion, so that he may return home and die in peace with his family, as he is belived to only have 3 months left to live.


Answer #1

ty and phrannie are correct… this is rooted in something other than compassion…

Answer #2

Agreed with jimahl and the rest.

I think the bigger problem will be if he breeds while out…then he passes on his genes…

Answer #3

I agree too.

This has to be a first for funadvice. Liberals, libertarians and conservatives all agreeing. Could the be a sign of armageddon?

Answer #4

LOL toadaly…sometimes you just crack me up…and I agree!

Ty is right, tho…NO GOVERNMENT ANYWHERE (including our own) does anything in the name compassion…it’s always about money, or secret politics…period, end of story.


Answer #5

oh please, the guy was let out based on either political reasons or financial ones, it had nothing to do with compassion. He’s going to die and they didnt want to have to pay his final medical expenses. Let it go already…

Answer #6

They should put him on a remotely controlled plane and get his hopes up of returning home. Then use the plane as a missile to blow up a terrorist training camp.

Answer #7

I don’t think it was OK to let him out. I was thinking it was probably to save money – who knows. Mr. Ronald Biggs was also released on compassionate grounds and was probably released for the same reason. What’s the bet both men will probably live for many more years. What’s your thinking on this?

Answer #8

I think it was good for them to let him out for his family’s sake But apparently it was for 20 years or something So in the little chance he could miraculously recover, he would be free for 20 years Where he could bomb somewhere again..

But I don’t think he will so I guess it was okay for them to let him out.

Answer #9

Mrgramophone: My thinking, well the terms for compassionate release is less than 3 months to live, so if he makes it past that, we should re-arrest him… That or send an assassin to kill him, I’m thinking code name: Grim Reaper would be good.

I’d agree TY, Although I don’t think it’s to save money on medical treatment, because the amount of money this release has cost, you’d never break even, plus we have the NHS over here, so the govoment is used to paying for peoples treatment.

But I wouldn’t be shocked if it was entirerly political, does Lybia have oil maybe :P

Answer #10

oops. my mistake. lol.

Answer #11

he has advanced stage prostate cancer…not much chance for that.

Answer #12

I do not agree with it. I have no compassion for him what-so-ever.

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