Obama...and people saying...

It has been over great debate on whether or not people are racist, because they are coming out and not agreeing with Mr. Obamas policies. I do not think this is true, because there are many things he’s doing/saying that I don’t believe in…and I am far from racist. Some people say they don’t believe in his policies, some people say they don’t believe in his approach to things…either way, I don’t think this is a matter of fact on whether he’s black or white, people bashed Bush for a long long time while he was in office…so why must we sit here and be called racist all because we don’t like how our president is doing things.? I didn’t vote for obama, and I didn’t vote for McCain, I voted independent..

Answer #1

Actually… I don’t believe anyone is beneath me. I feel that one’s actions may be beneath a level of humanity that I would hope for. A part of that humanity is to allow for other’s faults by not condoning their actions… but by recognizing human imperfection.

I don’t think you will or should condone racism… but don’t forget that even the racists are fellow humans worthy of a chance of redemption.

I have met a lot of racists in my time, and not one of them was a liberal.

Bigotry comes in more stripes than racism… the bigotry that I notice from the left is more that they take an arrogant position against those of a low socioeconomic status or those disparate cultures that have a negative stigma hovering over them.

The left aren’t liberals… the modern left prefer narrow interpretations of the constitution… much more narrow than the classically liberal founding fathers.

I am sorry… but I don’t see much of a difference… I liken the left with the fascists we mislabel capitalists. At the top… when you look at the type of socialism we have been given so far… as with the banker bailout bill naming the top banking executives that were bailed out by the people to a panel of federal adjudicators… we can plainly see that those fascists who buy off favorable governance… buy up positions whenever a facet of infrastructure becomes socialist.

One last thought.

We don’t know that those displaying racist signs at the rallies were in fact racist or agent provocateurs… meant to sully the intentions of the others. This type of cointelpro has been documented. The Southern Poverty Law Center has been caught provocateuring racist riots. Montebello Canada… three police officers were caught provocateuring violence during a protest of the SPP meeting two years ago. I believe the rioting anarchists stirring up trouble for the peaceful G20 protesters are in fact agents provocateurs. I wouldn’t put it past the FOX organizers to throw in provocateurs to invalidate the protest… or to foment national division. Knowing that it is a possiblity… without having proof… isn’t it more fair to judge the protesters on an individual basis? To allow the majority who didn’t display racist signs the benefit of the doubt… and let them have their say without assigning a baseless motive?

Answer #2

The large majority of people opposed to Obama’s plans, do not feel that way because he is black. They genuinely disagree with the policies. There are however a small, but vocal, minority that are primarily motivated by Obama’s skin color. The idiots who disrupted town hall meetings,, the birthers, the deathers, the tea baggers, and the 9/12ers, were groups comprised mostly of people who would not have cared nearly as much about these issues had a white man been proposing them. Just look at some of the signs these people carried in DC on 9/12. They were disgusting and ignorant. And they are being spurred on by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and the rest of their ilk. The right is using the vitriol of these redneck morons, and getting them to turn out for their hate rallys.

Bush was one of the most hated presidents in modern history, and Obama is still getting realitively high approval ratings, yet Obama is receiving 400% more death threats (30 a day) than Bush ever got. Anyone who thinks race is not a part of the anti-obama hysteria on the right is being very naive. I have yet to see any rightwing pundits or prominent republican leaders condemn the behavior of these people. Until they start calling the racists out, and clean up their act, there will continue to be accusations of racism. Right now, they are more than willing to exploit the hatred of the bigots to further their political goals.

Answer #3

Anybody who watches the news, has seen the rallies, which some have been ridiculous, however, I can tell you that there are black people who don’t believe in what Obama is saying and completely disagree with his policies. Obama had two things going for him, a lot of people (specifically my age group) wanted to see a black president, and he spits a good game, he’s a great public speaker, and he knows how to twist and turn everything into what we want to hear, however, if you watch his ratings, they have plumeted. Obama is overspending, like Bush. We don’t need a healthcare reform, we need AFFORDABLE insurance for everybody, I personally want good care when I go see a doctor, and if I need surgery I want to beable to get it…soon, not in two years. People disliking Obama has nothing to do with being a “redneck”…it has to do with him flushing this country further down the shitter then it already is.

Answer #4

I am arguing against your unfair portrayal and scapegoating of a culture you are unfamiliar with.

Let me educate you on the nickname Redneck… and then if you continue to use it in a derogatory manner… at least you can’t fall back on ignorance.

A redneck is someone from the midland south or midatlantic region with blood ties to lowland Scotland or the borderlands of northern England.

Presbyterian loyalitsts at odds with King Charles… a Stuart… [one of their own in other words] made a tyrannical attempt to bring the Presbyterian church under his control… as he had with the Anglican church. The opposition formed a pact called the covenanters. The covenanters being a rebelling group wore neckerchiefs soaked in blood as a sign of unity and to show their true numbers. They became known as the rednecks and this name stuck with their descendants when they settled the colonies of America.

They supported William of Oranges bid to the throne as well… in opposition to Bonnie Prince Charlie… and became known as Billie’s Boys… which transformed into HillBillies when they settled the Appalachians.

I understand you’re using the word with its modern connotation… but when the modern connotation is flagrantly biased against an entire people… and you yourself confer the regionalist interpretation into your definition… you can no longer claim philanthropic sanctuary. Are you admitting your own ethnocentrist tendencies?

I do appreciate that you distinguish me from those you find to be the problem… and I bet that your intentions are loftier than your approach… but when you succumb to this level of disparity between those you find somehow beneath you… it comes across as more arrogance than sincere humanitarianism.

And bigots do gravtitate to the right. They always have.

I’m not so sure about this statement… it seems more the case to me that the only difference are the groups the two parties may be bigotted towards.

My words to you are not necessarily for your sole benefit. My prediction about the health reform bill was meant as a means to allow myself the ‘I told you so’ when it comes to fruition.

I’m certain that democrats will blame republicans for killing a better bill… and republicans will say that at least the feds arent budgeting our money. The outcome will be as was intentioned… the banks will win.

They keep playing the same games and for whatever reason… people can’t catch on.

Answer #5

You are only arguing semantics with this redneck stuff. I am not totally unfamiliar with rednecks. I have left travelled out of New York on occasion. A redneck to me has always meant a southern racist. If you have some other non-racist image of a redneck, that was not who I was refering to. Here is the definition of redneck from dictionary.com:

redneck –noun

  1. an uneducated white farm laborer, esp. from the South.
  2. a bigot or reactionary, esp. from the rural working class.

I beieve I used the term correctly. I do not think you fit this description at all.

I have no problem with dissident opinion and protest, and I never suggested that these groups started out with racist agendas (except the birthers). And I still don’t think their basic agenda has changed and is not racist. But, as you have alluded to yourself, these movements have been co-opted by the right wing media, and in my opinion, have been used to recruit many who care far more about Obama’s skin color than they do about the issues they are protesting. There is plenty of evidence for this in the signs that appeared at many events. And you know what, even the bigots have a right to voice their opinons. But others have every right to expose their hate for what it is. Ignorance.

Please stop portraying my comments as condemning all opposition being racist. I clearly stated that was not true when I described them as a “small, but vocal, minority”.

I get your view that both parties are the same. I disagree. That is not to say there isn’t corruption on both sides. There is. But ideology does matter to me, and I have nothing in common ideologically with the GOP. And bigots do gravtitate to the right. They always have.

I have a problem when you use inflammatory language to foment negative sentiment against those you disagree with.

Good, you should have a problem with that, if I actually did that. But I never did. I stated my observations about a ‘a small, but vocal, minority’.

You can keep denying the existence of racial tension and prejudice against Obama’s presidency, but the spike in death threats alone is strong evidence there is plenty animosity towards him because he is black.

I will stop talking about the racists, when I hear the leaders on the right denounce their prejudiced views and tactics, and let them know they are not welcome in any true policy debate. So far the right seems to be welcoming them with open arms.

I don’t care what you think we will get from the democrats regarding healthcare. I know what I want. I want a single-payer system. And since that is not going to happen, next I want a strong public option. If we don’t get that, I will not be happy about what we do get. I have no illusions that special interests are only lobbying the GOP in congress, or that there hasn’t been plenty of money from the health insurance industry doled out to many dems. That is why the dems are having trouble getting a public option in the bill, even though they have the majority. I have no fear of a government run helath insurance program. Medicare works just fine. Far better than private insurance. I think Obama is being altrusitic. I think he truly wants to make things better for all Americans.

Answer #6

miscegenymiser, slow your roll dude…

I am not saying anything here that should surprise anyone who knows me. I started this with ‘The large majority of people opposed to Obama’s plans, do not feel that way because he is black. They genuinely disagree with the policies.’ and qualified those I was speaking of as ‘a small, but vocal, minority’. Sorry if my tea bagger and redneck comments offended your senisbilities. I thought I was being pretty mild.

I understand you dilike and distrust both parties equally. I get it. But all is not equal in this world. In this country, racists are drawn mostly in one direction politically. Do you doubt that? And the wingnut punditry has no problems using these peoples hate to further their political goals. That behavior is abhorrent, and I see no equavalent on the left.

This is not really about left-right politics. It is about common decency. Do you think those who kept their children home from school so they wouldn’t be ‘indoctrinated’ by Obama when he addressed them, would have done so had it been a white president? And the media instead of reporting about these people as being part of the fringe, they report about them as if these people gripes were some how legitimate.

Race and racism is an issue, and it is one that should not be ignored or brushed aside as being only a few bad apples. Especially when the bad apples are rising to the top with the help of the media.

Answer #7

Of course those disagreeing with Obama are racists… or misandrists… maybe they are children haters… and can keep grudges for four decades.

Perhaps they are misogynists and resent the fact that he was born of woman.

Who says he is hated for being half black?.. maybe he is just half hated… or black people hate him because he is only half black…or only half hate him… or both races wholly hate him for being the product of miscegenists.

I can reason that the borderers here from south of Hadrians wall dont like him much because his mother has Scottish blood… Scotophobes to coin an awesome double entendre.

Incredulous??? absolutely… to most humans.

Most can determine that this is a pathetic attempt to demonize dissidence.

It is a shame that those who voted for President Obama despite his race… are now forced to agree with every policy or be labeled bigots.

A show of petty maneuvering that is going to have severe repercussions for the race baiters.

Answer #8

The idiots who disrupted town hall meetings,, the birthers, the deathers, the tea baggers, and the 9/12ers, were groups comprised mostly of people who would not have cared nearly as much about these issues had a white man been proposing them. Just look at some of the signs these people carried in DC on 9/12. They were disgusting and ignorant. And they are being spurred on by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and the rest of their ilk. The right is using the vitriol of these redneck morons, and getting them to turn out for their hate rallys.

So much divisiveness and hypocrisy in one snippet of left wing spin. What has happened to you JImahl? Have you always harbored animosity towards disparate groups outside your social climes… or are you just following the marching orders of the race baiting democratic shills?

Tea baggers? I understand the play on words may raise the cockles of those numerous left leaning cohorts inclined to partake in the practice… but this is verging on the most childish tactic displayed in an ever increasing infantile leftist playbook. Tea Baggers? Really? Freudian Slip? Would I be remiss in assigning your sexual orientation based on your affinity for this misapplication? Absolutely… but it is as valid as your assigning motives to those you disagree with. It’s Tea Party… slow your roll.

Redneck morons?

You drunken Irish bastard refugee of the potato famine. Where do you get off? Ohh… that’s right… inside your mother like all irishmen.

Okay… so the above is completely unfounded… uncalled for… divisive and patently demeaning. These are not my opinions of Irish people… unfortunately… Jimahl and those who incessantly defame rednecks… do hold the superiority complex espoused in his words.

What is particularly puzzling however… is how you can justify regurgitating defamations upon one social group with one hand… all the while scolding them for an alleged act you are explicitly engaging in yourself with the other.

The right politicos and pundits have usurped the legitimate nonpartisan beefs with Obama. It is as egregious as their left counterparts childish rhetoric. In my opinion… this is an effort to dismantle the unification of public opinion tired of playing politics.

We… the people who have grown tired of the party antics… are fed up.

Answer #9

Things are not so black and white… Jimahl.

Let’s start with the petty items.

Firstly… You are not familiar with Rednecks. Your knowledge of your whipping boy culture is based on what you have been told about us. The ignorant declarations you have made are honestly the product of your distance from rednecks and as long as people are aware of your lack of familiarity with those you denigrate… then I am satiated.

Keeping with the theme… You consider yourself some sort of humanitarian hammer… but you are stingy with the humanity you show. You are becoming a tool of division. How much have you furthered the racism you decry by falsely accusing true dissidents of being cowled racists? Again… I can only imagine this stems from biased information and your failure to understand the roots of some of the groups you have called out as veiled bigots.

The 9/12 movement… as far as I know was the brainchild of the media hack… Glenn Beck. You and I both know Mr. Becks libertarian ethos begins and ends with his FOX salary. He is a decoy meant to lure libertarian minded folks back into the Republican fold. This should not discount their legitimate anti-federalists gripes and their effort to be heard.

Those who began the tea parties were nonpartisan… I was aware of the intentions of the attendees… because I was aware of the tea parties from the planning stages until the point they were taken over… unfortunately by fake Right wing pundits.

I have seen nonpartisan participation in the town hall meetings.

Jerome Corsi… the unofficial leader of the birther movement… is a Republican… but only in the sense that he is stuck in the false dichotomy that you are stuck in.

The deathers… if you are describing those who have argued against the healthcare reform bill because they are under the impression that the bill contains death counseling for some deemed too unhealthy for healthcare… I haven’t read the 1000 page bill to know if they have a legitimate fear or not… but I can imagine that concern would carry across party lines.

Regardless of their agendas being right or wrong… in your perception or in mine… regardless of whether you find their obstreporous display appropriate demeanor… racism is not the underlying motivation for any of these groups you have named. It is not fair of you to suggest that it is… it is an unfounded accusation… and whether you are saying some or all are racists… to dismiss their concerns by ostracizing them as bigots is to deny them the respect they deserve as your fellow countrymen. I said the same thing when die hard republicans were calling dissidents unpatriotic… terrorist sympathizers… or anti-American.

Call out the racism you see displayed. Stop declaring your conjecture of racism as anything more. Play fair.

To the bigger picture.

You want the same things that those you find yourself differing want… the issue is the best way of achieving those things. You both want a chance at a good life for average ordinary folk. Your desires are not at odds… it isn’t a competition for a decent life between two opposing groups… it is a common goal.

Unfortunately for all of us you both choose to listen to those who want a stratified society… an elitist… small… Brahmin society at the top… peasantry for the rest of us.

No… there is no difference in the parties. Both are bought off by the plutocratic minority. The media has only the one agenda… to deceive us into receivership. To divide us so that their goal is easier gained. This is why CNN parrots the racist claim… and why FOX calls attention to it. Good cop/Bad cop. It just so happens that on this issue… you’re playing the role of bad cop.

Mark my words… the democratic politicians are not interested in your welfare. They are interested in lining their pockets… and you aren’t good for that… Banks… Insurance companies… the healthcare industry are. We will wind up with a healthcare reform bill of mandatory health insurance at the federal level under penalty of law and punishable by fine. This has been the intention of the federal government since the beginning. Money talks and bullsh!t walks… and we aren’t smelling too rosey. Did they not just promise trillions of your tax dollars to Wall Street?

I don’t have a problem with your political beliefs.

I have a problem when you use inflammatory language to foment negative sentiment against those you disagree with.

Answer #10

Accusing everyone who disagrees with the President of racism

I have not seen anyone do this. I certainly didn’t.

The left may as well just concede that their programs are worthless and unsupportable if the only argument they can come up with to defend them is that everyone who opposes them is racist.

Again, there have been many intelligent thoughtful debates from both sides about the issues. But there has also been an ugly side to these debates that has given racists an outlet to vent their rage. I would just like to see the right distance themselves from these misanthropes, instead of turning a blind eye to them.

Answer #11

Accusing everyone who disagrees with the President of racism, has got to be the lowest point in American politics I’ve seen in my 40+ years circling the sun.

The left may as well just concede that their programs are worthless and unsupportable if the only argument they can come up with to defend them is that everyone who opposes them is racist.

Even the most ardent of racists would gladly support Obama if he was pushing a ‘cash for racists’ program.

Answer #12

People disagreed with Bush because he was a liar, set bad policy, entered us into a war based on lies and helped to erode our rights… not because he was white.

Answer #13

I don’t think that every person who disagrees with President Obama is a racist. Nearly all hard core racists are against him though.

When you look compare the anti-Obama sentiment with the anti-Clinton sentiment from 8 years earlier there is a big difference. Critics were not carrying pictures of Clinton with a Hitler mustache. Critics were not calling Clinton a socialist and brandishing guns at rallies.

Is racism an element in all of this? I think it is certainly an element.

Answer #14

I am not a racist…I do however hate Obama and his policies. I think he is a big joke. he is all for a small military. im in the military. his health care plan is a fu*kin bullsh!t lie. One Big A$$ Mistake America…there ya go…

Watch…the only money we are going to have when he leaves office is…”CHANGE”… wait…isnt that his little slogan?…

an example…Cash for Clunkers…how many millions if not billions of dollers did that cost? to b honest when I serve my 20 years in the army…im movin to MEXICO! haha

Answer #15

I don’t think that race is at all the main factor in disagreeing with Obama…it’s simply the fact that the goverment is famous for mismanagement of money…regardless of which side aisle they sit on…

America was obviously ready for an African American to be President…he won didn’t he? By a LOT. However he ran as a more moderate liberal than he is…foolishly many people believed what was said in a campaign…They never learn. Politicians don’t get where they are by telling the truth…


Answer #16

lol. uhm to answer your question, not everyone who disagrees with Obama’s policies is racist. But there are people who disagree with him because he is black. There are people, on national poles, who admitted they were not ready for a black president. And those are the ones who would admit it. Saying everyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist is a little short sighted, but saying there arent people who dislike him simply because he is black is a little naive.

Answer #17

Many Republicans are racist yes, but that’s not the issue. The issue is that they are stupid. The essence of the Republican opposition seems to be along the lines of ‘if these health care reforms are implemented we will turn into Tsarist Russia’ which is so ridiculously stupid that there’s no hope of even reasoning with these people. So I basically give up. The world and America is doomed. And it’s not down to Obama, but human irrationality and stupidity.

Answer #18

Thanks for the history lesson (I mean that, I did not know all of that), but you know that the term today has a far different meaning. I can understand you not liking it, but it is irrelevant to my usage.

I did not show bias to an entire region, I clearly was refering to a ‘small, but vocal, minority’. The reason the reference is regional has to do more with the fact that slavery and the struggle for civil rights was centered in the south because that was where most of the abuse was.

Yes, I think of racists as beneath me. Don’t you? Or do you think their views should be given any creedance at all?

I’m not so sure about this statement… it seems more the case to me that the only difference are the groups the two parties may be bigotted towards.

I have met a lot of racists in my time, and not one of them was a liberal.

I’m certain that democrats will blame republicans for killing a better bill… and republicans will say that at least the feds arent budgeting our money. The outcome will be as was intentioned… the banks will win.

I am not afraid of government run healthcare. Medicare work perfectly fine. Much better than private insurance. If the democrats don’t get a bill passed with a strong public option, I will only blame the democrats because they should have the votes to pass what ever they want.

Answer #19

slavaim How do you know that most Republicans are racist?? Where are your facts? No really I want to know. My family used to be Repub’s but now we are Independant because both parties are corupt. people called me racist because I didn’t vote 4 Obama. Or maybe it was because he is and Idiot who doesn’t know what the Hell he is doing. My parents voted Independant also. We are all FAR FAR FAR frfom racist. Obama supporters are using The race isssue so we will shut the F* up and not challenge them because the whole health care thing is about POWER. You need to open your eye’s America. So many people are mad at them selves 4 voting for Obama Bin Lyin…Those people are the real idiots…Think about that… And missmagic, I agree with you and I’m 13. One guy on youtube called me a con artist because I told him I was proud to be a young con(conservative) I told him exactly what I wrote, and I’m still waiting 4 his reply and that was like a week ago!!– danigirl20

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