Health Questions

  1. When is a woman most and least fertile?
  2. What is the difference between diabetes and hypoglycemia?
  3. Who knows the facts on Cannabis?
  4. How 2 treat a wound?
  5. What is going on hearing two heartbeats?
  6. Why do I get so many headaches, and migranes? This is important.?
  7. Can a girl be fingered if she's never had her period?
  8. What should I do, I'm starting birth control within the next month?
  9. How can I force somebody to get tested?
  10. When I press down on my breast, dark green liquid comes out?
  11. How my girl can delay periods for two days?
  12. What should I do after hysterscopic d&c didn't help fibroid ?
  13. When will a girl/woman stop growing?
  14. What are the side affects of getting 5 needle shots in one day?
  15. Who's baby is it, it can't be mine right?
  16. What is that thing blocking my vagina with a little dangaly thing?
  17. What's going on with hands, it's really weird ?
  18. Why do I have tiny flat red dots on my legs?
  19. Why is my d**k so little?
  20. What do sores inside the vagina area mean?
  21. What if you burn in your virgina?
  22. How to manage going back to school after almost being raped?
  23. How do you mastubate when you still have a hymen?
  24. What kind of blood work can you get done to see if you ar fertile?
  25. Where can I get condoms from?
  26. What do I do to pass a piss test I got one in to days?
  27. How can I tell if im cleaning my belly right?
  28. What are negative effects of abortions?
  29. Why does my hip hurt really badly when I lay on it?
  30. What is wrong with my period?
  31. Why do teens use food as a comfort zone?
  32. What could be the reason for me to be spotting?
  33. Why does it hurt when sperm enters vagina?
  34. Why has my period been absent for 3 months ?
  35. Why does it hurt when sperm comes out?
  36. How is HIV transmitted?
  37. What are the later effects of terminating a 3wk pregnancy?
  38. what can I do? I had a miscarrage 4months ago?
  39. why do I feel so wierded out when home alone or walking home?
  40. What is the best way to provent bloody noses in your sleep?
  41. How can I make sure I don't have my period on prom?
  42. What sickness could I have??
  43. How do colored contacts effect your vision?
  44. What's wrong with my period?
  45. Why can't I stop wetting the bed at night time?
  46. What will happen if I put yogurt on my vagina?
  47. What does this mean about a period?
  48. Why can I feel tension in the middle of my chest when I get angry?
  49. how can I get a condom?
  50. What is this stuff coming out from my spot?
  51. How do I make my gums better?
  52. What do I do if my muscles hurt a lot?
  53. Can a blood test show that I smoked?
  54. how come when I insert my tampon it doesnt go up straight?
  55. Who here takes Sprintec birth control?
  56. What;Is it possible I gave myself a concussion?
  57. How.. Is one of your main arteries in your main finger?
  58. When I was younger I was raped?
  59. How to get rid of nausea???
  60. why do I have a funny sore in my mouth?
  61. What else can I use to clean my nose piercing?
  62. What are all the possible ways to abort one month pregnancy?
  63. What helps with morning sickness?
  64. How can I get pregnant without taking birth control W/ PCOS?
  65. What to clean my belly button piercing with?
  66. Why do I get a pain in my stomach when I bend over?
  67. What if I get no pain during a period, or cramps is it normal?
  68. What should I be expecting on my first trip to the gyno?
  69. Why am I having addiction to stong smells?
  70. What the heck do I have?
  71. What can I do to numb the pain of a gash in my mouth?
  72. Why cramping when giving a bj?
  73. Why is it bad to pop your knuckles?
  74. What is this red dot on my lip?
  75. Why am I having headaches everyday!im only
  76. Why is this ovulation hurting so much?
  77. How does raspberry leaf work to induce labour?
  78. What`s wrong with my eyes?
  79. How should I know if my doctors is going to have to break my water?
  80. How to naturally rid your body of THC metabolites (2)?
  81. Why do I have to pee often?
  82. How much water is too much?
  83. How to stop being called anorexic?
  84. What: does jumpers knee(patellar tendinitis) affect growth?
  85. What is going on with my head !?
  86. What is wrong with my body,please I need advice?
  87. Why Do I get Random Boners In Class?
  88. Who thinks I could be bipolar?
  89. How to avoid bloating?
  90. How can you find a way to get the traces of thc out of your hair?
  91. Can you die from swallowing BTB?
  92. What should you do if it burns when you go to the bathroom?
  93. Is she pregnant and does it matter when a pregnancy test is taken?
  94. Where is tylenol 4 avalible over the counter?
  95. What does "to diolate mean"?
  96. What do I do if I have herpes? Who do I speak to?
  97. How do I stop being late for school in the morning?
  98. What should I do because my tonuges splitting with a bar in?
  99. When people who have lazy eyes see double?
  100. What could b happening when I didnt have my period?