Why do teens use food as a comfort zone?

I want to know why teens use food as a comfort zone.I want to know why they would rather eat food than go outside and play.

Answer #1

Teens like to eat because it makes them feel happy, like chocolate or junk food, its comfort food! they also eat when their bored(like me).. get them more interested in something so theyll be too busy to just sit down and eat all afternoon!

Answer #2

I think that a lot of them that turn to food would rather do that because they enjoy eating and it makes them happy. They may not be lazy, but they might not care too much to go running around or feel like going out. I know I eat like a cow. I love food. For me, I just have no reason to go out and do anything else. It seems more of a hassle for someone to go out and be physical than to just throw something in the microwave.

Answer #3

b/c teens think eating is relaxing I am a very active girl I would rather go to inflow(indoor bmx biking place) then eat but I faint a lot from not eating b/c I am sweating to much so a lot of people have no reason to go outside some do

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