Health Questions

  1. When you are angry, do you usually hold it back?
  2. What`s the best thing too do for a broken/fractured knee?
  3. How does putting ice on a swollen body part make the swelling go down?
  4. What vitamins is best for bones and stregth?
  5. How can I treat a busted lip?
  6. Why do you get headaches if you go a few hours without eating anything?
  7. Do vaginas smell bad after alcohol?
  8. How accurate do you think a pregnant womans "gut feelings" are about the baby she is carrying?
  9. Does what you eat effect your monthly flow?
  10. Is birth control necessary at ages 11-13?
  11. How will the baby be affected if you're pregnant without knowing it and you're still using birth control medication?
  12. Why Do Dead Peoples Pupils Disappear After 30 Minutes?
  13. What type of doctor do you see after you find out you're pregnant?
  14. In your opinion, how thin is too thin?
  15. What is going on with my legs bouncing on its own?
  16. When do women usually start their period again after they're pregnant?
  17. what would happen to your skin cells if your circulatory system stopped working?
  18. How long does it take to quit smoking, by just stopping altogether?
  19. Why do you feel sick if you spin around too much?
  20. What should I do to tend my smiley burn?
  21. Is it normal not to morn the death of a parent after having a bad relationship with that family member?
  22. what would happen if you pulled out your feeding tube?
  23. What causes EXTREME weight loss?
  24. Why is it that i wake up every two hours during the night ?
  25. How do I stop this sticky fluffy crap around my patch?
  26. What does it mean when your stool looks like coffee grounds and I am very tired?
  27. What is the difference between dollar tree pregnancy tests and other brands?
  28. Why the mood swings?
  29. what causes weakwrists?
  30. does doing push ups, pull ups and crunches lead to stunted growth and less increase in height?
  31. What causes you to Callapse?
  32. What could my ear hurting all the way down to my jaw mean?
  33. How many times a week do you drink alcohol?
  34. Why do I cry when I go to the toilet?
  35. What Are Some Reasons Of WHy i've Had a headache for almost two weeks straight, non stop?
  36. does nopalina make you wanna poop?
  37. What causes Albinism?
  38. Who here has had an Endometrial Ablation?
  39. What did you find helpful when your 12 year molars were coming it besides ibuprophen?
  40. how do you check yourself for breast cancer?
  41. What are some symtoms to leukemia?
  42. Is violent behavior an inherited gene or is it a learned behavior?
  43. How can i thin my cervix?
  44. Do anyone have endometriosis and know if they have gotten it passed down the line of family?
  45. Why do I get colder easier and more than other people?
  46. Can ppls eyes change colors?
  47. What are a few good tips for finding a good therapist that fits you?
  48. how can i get over my clown phobia?
  49. What is ADHD and ADD?
  50. How do you know if someone is bipolar?
  51. Is it true that alcohol is considered a
  52. why do i have short sharp pains in the left corner of my head?
  53. How can I deal with the pain in my sinuses?
  54. Why is it that when I have a backache then my head hurts too?
  55. What can you do to decrease the bad side affects to addictive personality?
  56. Why is it their are beer and alcohol commercials, and they stopped the cigarette commercials?
  57. How do I get rid of the nasty crap in my nose quickly and effectively?
  58. How do you keep from getting sick all the time?
  59. Is it a myth that if you crack your knuckles/fingers, when your older you'll get arthritis ?
  60. Who knows if it is possible for a face wash to cause break outs?
  61. Whats the best thing to do when you feel panic rising and you want to stop it?
  62. Does COLD-FX really work?
  63. Do you think that teas and natural herbs can be just as effective (or even more effective) for treating certain illnesses than modern medicine?
  64. What to do if you bang the back of your head on your headboard and it hurts?
  65. What happens if you wear contacts past their expiratuon dates?
  66. How can I help a scab disappear faster?
  67. What colour is most damaging to your eyes?
  68. why does my epideral hurt ?
  69. Can I skip active birth control pills?
  70. What is another way to help with sharp wisdom teeth?
  71. Why do I only seem to get cavaties when I'm taking good care of my teeth?
  72. what does it mean when you have ringing in your ears and a headache?
  73. How long does it take for you to sober up from 5 shots of vodka?
  74. How can I ease the pain when running when I have period cramps?
  75. Can Liquid Eyeliner or Pencil seep inside the eye and cause neurological problems?
  76. Does bleeding and soreness around a cavitiy a sign of infection?
  77. how can i get rid of shortness of breath?
  78. Would they send me to rehab?
  79. Do autistic adults have ADHD?
  80. Can you buy a pregnancy test if you're under the age of 18?
  81. Would i be able to check myself into rehab while I'm in school?
  82. how long does it take a toenail to grow back?
  83. what does it mean if I am supposedly 6 weeks pregnant and I'm not experiencing the boob soreness I had with my first child?
  84. Could having diabetes cause a person to hallucinate?
  85. what should you do if you think you've misscarried on your pregnancy?
  86. what is the sole purpose of GALL Bladders?
  87. Is melatonin addictive?
  88. Why do my feet stink so much?
  89. what reasons are there for bleeding whilst taking the pill other than ordinary breakthough bleeding?
  90. What is the best way to improve my breathing if I'm joining track and i have pretty bad asthma?
  91. What is the name of the condition like anorexia, but the opposite?
  92. would i be considered anorexic if i ate only pickles and drank water?
  93. Can second-hand smoking mess up ur lungs?
  94. is there such thing as semi anorexia?
  95. does anyone on here have G.I.D (gender identity disorder)?
  96. what kind of pills can gay men can take to increase female hormones?
  97. Is there any possible way to get my eyesight back to normal seeing as I'm a far-sighted?
  98. How many periods skipped is too many to not be able to have children?
  99. can you get high off coughdroups?!
  100. Why is it when something hits your head, you see white below your eyes?