Why do my feet stink so much?

is there a way to make them stop smelling( and yes I do wash them it’s always after working)?

Answer #1

Put some powder in ur shoes, or they make spray, and thr r odar eaters, or use a combo of all those that shud work

Answer #2

or you can do the above and accept the biological fact that when you are working hard- you will begin to sweat which does lead to being stinky.

Answer #3

there are things callled odar insoles which soak up trhe sweat and doesnt make ur feet smell

Answer #4

A good answer here, too (same question): http://www.funadvice.com/q/omf_wat_the_help

Answer #5

Somtimes it may be that they are your shoes, also your feet might be sweating too much while you are busy. Try baby powder or go to your local store drug store and look for special powders that do help with feet odor.

Answer #6

It could be your diet. That transfers to your shoes and makes them smell badly. For example: eating garlic, in less than one minuet you can smell it on you feet. So what are you eating that make you feet smell?

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